IPv6 Address Format
IPv6 and IPv4 use different address formats. The following table compares the features
of the protocols.
Table 40.1 Comparison of Features of the IPv6 and IPv4 Address Formats
Feature IPv6 IPv4
Address Space 128-bit 32-bit
Representation string integer
Length (including Field
39 15
Field Separator colon (:) period (.)
Notation hexadecimal decimal
Example of IP Address db8:0:0:1
Examples of IPv6 Addresses
Example of Full and Collapsed IPv6 Address
Here is an example of a full IPv6 address:
It shows a 128-bit address in eight 16-bit blocks in the format global:subnet:interface.
Here is an example of a collapsed IPv6 address:
The :: (consecutive colons) notation can be used to represent four successive 16-bit
blocks that contain zeros. When SAS software encounters a collapsed IP address, it
reconstitutes the address to the required 128-bit address in eight 16-bit blocks.
Example of an IPv6 Address That Includes a Port Number
Here is an example of an IP address that contains a port number:
The brackets are necessary only if also specifying a port number. Brackets are used to
separate the address from the port number. If no port number is used, the brackets can be
774 Chapter 40 Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6)
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