For more information, see the “SYSPRINTFONT= System Option” in SAS System
Options: Reference.
Slanting and Emboldening Fonts
Some font families do not have italic or bold fonts. If you specify italic or bold on these
fonts, SAS will automatically generate the font as slanted or emboldened on universal
printers that support this feature. The following universal printers support font slanting
and emboldening:
Table 15.17 Universal Printers That Support Font Slanting and Emboldening
*Font slanting and emboldening is not supported on Internet Explorer and Firefox.
However, it is supported on Chrome, Opera, and Safari browsers.
The following universal printers do not support font slanting and emboldening:
Changing the Slant Factor
You can adjust the degree of slanting on fonts that support glyph slanting. These are
typefaces that do not already have italic style fonts. True italic fonts are not subject to
font slanting. To change the slant factor for all universal printers, follow these steps:
open the Registry Editor by entering regedit in the command bar or by selecting
Tools ð Options ð Registry Editor from the Application Toolbar.
in the SAS Registry panel of the Registry Editor window, expand the CORE/
right-click and choose New Double Value from the context menu
enter SlantFactor in the Value Name field of the Edit Double Value window
enter the desired slant factor value in the Value Data field. The default is value .
To change the slant factor for a specific font, perform the following tasks using the SAS
Registry Editor:
in the left SAS Registry panel of the SAS Registry Editor, expand the CORE/
PRINTING/FREETYPE/FONTS/<ttf>font-name/Attributes folder
right-click and choose New Double Value from the context menu
enter SlantFactor in the Value Name field of the Edit Double Value window
enter the desired slant factor value in the Value Data field. The default is value .25.
Using Fonts with Universal Printers and SAS/GRAPH Devices 293
Examples of Specifying Fonts and Printing International Characters
Specifying a Font with SAS/GRAPH
The following example creates an output file, sasprt.pdf, with a title in the Albany
AMT font that uses bold face and is italicized.
options printerpath=pdf device=sasprtc;
ods printer;
title1 color=black f="Albany AMT/Italic/Bold" "Sample Title in Bold Italic Albany AMT";
proc gplot data=sashelp.class;
plot height*weight;
ods printer close;
Note: The DEVICE= option defaults to either SASPRTM, SASPRTG, or SASPRTC,
depending on the type of printer. If PRINTERPATH=PCL5, which is a monochrome
printer, ODS PRINTER defaults to SASPRTM.
294 Chapter 15 Printing with SAS
Figure 15.25 GPLOT Output
Specifying a Font with PROC PRINT
The following example produces an output file ,print1.pdf, with the titles in the
Albany AMT, Thorndale AMT, and Cumberland AMT fonts.
filename new 'print1.pdf';
options printerpath=(PDF new) device=sasprtc obs=5;
ods printer;
proc print data=sashelp.class;
title1 f='Albany AMT' h=2 'TrueType Albany AMT';
title2 f='Thorndale AMT' h=3 'Thorndale AMT';
title3 f='Cumberland AMT' 'Cumberland AMT ';
ods printer close;
Using Fonts with Universal Printers and SAS/GRAPH Devices 295
Figure 15.26 PDF Output Using PROC PRINT
Specifying a Font with PROC PRINT and a User-Defined ODS
The following example creates a template of font styles and then produces a PDF file.
filename out 'print2.pdf';
options printerpath=(pdf out) device=sasprtc;
proc template;
define style New_style / store = SASUSER.TEMPLAT;
parent = styles.printer;
style fonts /
'docFont' = ("Cumberland AMT", 12pt)
'headingFont' = ("Albany AMT", 10pt, bold)
'headingEmphasisFont' = ("Albany AMT", 10pt, bold italic)
'TitleFont' = ("Albany AMT", 12pt, italic bold)
'TitleFont2' = ("Albany AMT", 11pt, italic bold)
'FixedFont' = ("Cumberland AMT", 11pt)
'BatchFixedFont' = ("Cumberland AMT", 6pt)
'FixedHeadingFont' = ("Cumberland AMT", 9pt, bold)
'FixedStrongFont' = ("Cumberland AMT", 9pt, bold)
'FixedEmphasisFont' = ("Cumberland AMT", 9pt, italic)
'EmphasisFont' = ("Albany AMT", 10pt, italic)
'StrongFont' = ("Albany AMT", 10pt, bold);
ods printer style=New_style;
proc print data=sashelp.class;
title1 'Proc Print';
title2 'Templated ODS output';
ods printer close;
296 Chapter 15 Printing with SAS
Figure 15.27 PDF Output Using PROC PRINT and a User-Defined ODS Template
Printing International Characters
Example 1
The following example produces an output file, titles.png. It is printed ten Unicode
filename new 'titles.png';
options printerpath=(png new)device=sasprtc;
ods printer;
proc gslide;
title1 "Printing Unicode code points";
title2 "double exclamation mark" f="Arial Unicode MS/Unicode" h=2 '203C'x;
title3 "French Franc symbol " f="Arial Unicode MS/Unicode" h=3 '20A3'x;
title4 "Lira symbol " f="Arial Unicode MS/Unicode" h=3 '20A4'x;
title4 "Rupee symbol " f="Arial Unicode MS/Unicode" h=3 '20A8'x;
title5 "Euro symbol " f="Arial Unicode MS/Unicode" h=3 '20Ac'x;
title6 "Fraction, one third " f="Arial Unicode MS/Unicode" h=3 '2153'x;
title7 "Fraction, one fifth " f="Arial Unicode MS/Unicode" h=3 '2155'x;
title8 "Fraction one eighth " f="Arial Unicode MS/Unicode" h=3 '215B'x;
title9 "Black Florette " f="Arial Unicode MS/Unicode" h=3 '273F'x;
title10 "Black Star " f="Arial Unicode MS/Unicode" h=3 '2605'x;
ods printer close;
Using Fonts with Universal Printers and SAS/GRAPH Devices 297
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