objspawn -configFile filename
The configFile option can be abbreviated as -cf.
filename specifies a fully qualified path to the UUIDGEND setup configuration file.
Enclose pathnames that contain embedded blanks in single or double quotation
marks. On Windows, enclose pathnames that contain embedded blanks in double
quotation marks. On z/OS, specify the configuration file as follows:
//dsn:myid.objspawn.log for MVS files
//hfs:filename.ext for OpenEdition files
On Windows, the objspawn.exe file is installed in the SAS-installation-
SASFoundationSAS-version directory. For example, in a typical
Windows installation, the objspawn.exe file might be installed in the following
C:Program FilesSASHomeSASFoundation9.4
On UNIX, the objspawn file is installed in the utilities/bin directory in your
installed SAS directory.
In the VMS operating environment, the OBJSPAWN_STARTUP.COM file executes the
OBJSPAWN.COM file as a detached process. The OBJSPAWN.COM file runs the
object spawner. The OBJSPAWN.COM file also includes other commands that your site
might need in order to run the appropriate version of the spawner, to set the display
node, to define a process level logical name that points to a template DCL file
(OBJSPAWN_TEMPLATE.COM), and to perform any other necessary actions before
the object spawner is started.
The OBJSPAWN_TEMPLATE.COM file performs setup that is needed in order for the
client process to execute. The object spawner first checks to see whether the logical
name SAS$OBJSPAWN_TEMPLATE is defined. If it is, the commands in the template
file are executed as part of the command sequence used when starting the client session.
You do not have to define the logical name.
Using SAS Language Elements to Assign UUIDs
Overview of Using SAS Language Elements to Assign UUIDs
If your SAS application executes on a platform other than Windows and you have
installed UUIDGEND, you can use the following to assign UUIDs:
UUIDGEN function
UUIDCOUNT= system option
UUIDGENDHOST systems option
UUIDGEN Function
The UUIDGEN function returns a UUID for each cell. For more information, see
“UUIDGEN Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference.
Using SAS Language Elements to Assign UUIDs 771
UUIDCOUNT= System Option
The UUIDCOUNT= system option specifies the number of UUIDs to acquire each time
the UUID Generator Daemon is used. For more information, see “UUIDCOUNT=
System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference.
The UUIDGENDHOST system option identifies the operating environment and the port
of the UUID Generator Daemon. For more information, see “UUIDGENDHOST=
System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference.
772 Chapter 39 Universal Unique Identifiers
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