Creating PCL (Printer Command Language) Files
Using Universal Printing
PCL Files in SAS
PCL was developed by Hewlett-Packard (HP) as a language that applications use to
control a wide range of printer features across a number of printing devices. PCL files
that are created by Universal Printing can be sent to HP LaserJet printers and HP Color
LaserJet printers. Universal Printing PCL printers include the PCL4, PCL5, PCL5c, and
PCL5e printers:
PCL4 produces monochrome output that is to be printed on legacy Hewlett-Packard
printers that support the PCL 4 language.
PCL5 produces monochrome output that is to be printed on Hewlett-Packard printers
that support the PCL 5 language.
PCL5c produces color output that is to be printed on Hewlett-Packard printers that
support the PCL 5c language.
PCL5e produces monochrome output at 600 dpi by default and is to be printed on
Hewlett-Packard printers that support the PCL 5e language.
For a description of the PCL printers, you can either view the printers in the SAS
registry or submit the following QDEVICE procedure and view the output in the SAS
proc qdevice;
Creating PCL (Printer Command Language) Files Using Universal Printing 305
printer pcl-printer-name;
See Also
“Color Support for Universal Printers” on page 247
Creating a PCL File
You can create a PCL file using the ODS PCL or ODS PRINTER statements. ODS PCL
uses the PCL5 Universal Printer by default. You can specify a different PCL printer by
setting a value for PRINTER= in the ODS PCL statement. You specify the pcl-printer
Universal Printer either as the value of the PRINTERPATH= system option or as the
value of the PRINTER= option in the ODS PRINTER statement. If you set the
PRINTERPATH=pcl-printer system option, you do not need to specify pcl-printer in the
ODS PRINTER statement.
Here is some sample code to create a PCL file. The first sample specified does not
specify a Universal Printer in the ODS PCL statement and SAS uses the default PCL5
printer. The second sample specified the PCL5 Universal Printer as the value of the
PRINTER= option in the ODS PCL statement.
ods html close;
ods pcl;
...more SAS code...
ods pcl close;
ods html;
ods html close;
ods pcl printer=pcl5;
...more SAS code...
ods pcl close;
ods html;
Using the same sample code, you can create a PCL file by substituting ODS PCL with
ods html close;
ods printer printer=pcl5c;
...more SAS code...
ods printer close;
ods html;
options printerpath=pcl5c;
ods html close;
ods printer;
...more SAS code...
ods printerl close;
ods html;
306 Chapter 15 Printing with SAS
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