Figure 15.15 Print Window
3. If the Use Forms check box is visible, clear it in order to use Universal Printing.
4. From the Printer group box, select the name of the printer definition.
5. Enter the number of copies that you want.
6. If you want to save your print job to a file, follow these steps:
a. Select Print to File.
b. Select OK. The File Selection window appears.
c. Select an existing file or enter a new filename.
Note: If you print to an existing file, the contents of the file are either overwritten or
appended, depending on whether you choose replace or append from the open
print window. Most viewers for EMF, GIF, PNG, SVG, and TIFF files do not
view appended files. When append is selected with a PDF printer, a merged PDF
file is not produced.
7. Set additional printing options.
The fields in the Page Options area provide choices according to the content in the
SAS window that you are trying to print. By default, SAS prints the entire contents
of the selected window.
Table 15.7 Page Options
Item to Print Do This
Selected lines of text in a window
Note: not available on z/OS
Select the text that you want to print, and
then open the Print window. In the Page
Options box, check the Print Selected Text
Configuring Universal Printing Using the Windowing Environment 267
Item to Print Do This
The page that is currently displayed in the
Select Current page.
A range of pages or other individual pages Select Range and enter the page numbers in
the Pages field. Separate individual page
numbers and page ranges with either a
comma (,) or a blank. You can enter page
ranges in any of these formats:
n–m prints all pages from n to m,
–n prints all pages from page 1 to page n.
n– prints all pages from page n to the last
In color Check the Print Color box.
Line numbers Check the Print Line Numbers box.
Page numbers Check the Print Page Numbers box.
A graph Use the DMPRINT command, or select File
ð Print. Verify that the Use SAS/GRAPH
Drivers check box is deselected in order to
use Universal Printing.
8. Click OK to print.
Working with Previewers
Define a New Previewer
Previewers enable you to preview a print job. SAS does not set a default previewer
application. To use the Print Preview feature in SAS, you or your system administrator
must first define a previewer for your system.
z/OS Specifics
Print Previewers are not supported on z/OS.
Previewers can be defined using the New Previewer wizard. To use the New Previewer
wizard to define a new print previewer, follow these steps:
1. Issue the DMPRTCREATE PREVIEWER command.
The following window appears:
268 Chapter 15 Printing with SAS
Figure 15.16 Previewer Definition Window to Enter Name and Description
2. Enter the name and a description for the new previewer (127-character maximum, no
backslashes, not case sensitive).
The previewer name is required. The description is optional.
3. Click Next to proceed to Step 2 of the wizard.
Figure 15.17 Previewer Definition Window to Enter Previewer Language
4. Select the printer model that you want to associate with your previewer definition.
The PostScript, PCL, or PDF language generated for the model must be a language
that your external viewer package supports. For best results, select the generic
models such as PostScript Level 1 (Color) or PCL 5.
5. Click Next to proceed to Step 3 of the wizard.
Configuring Universal Printing Using the Windowing Environment 269
Figure 15.18 Previewer Definition Window to Enter Command to Open Previewer
6. Enter the command or commands used to open the previewer application, followed
by %s where you would normally put the input filename.
For example, if the command for starting your previewer is “ghostview,” then you
would enter ghostview %s in the text field.
You can pre-populate or seed a list of commands used to invoke a print preview
application. For more information, see “Seeding the Print Previewer Command Box”
on page 271.
Note: The %s directive can be used as many times as needed in the commands for
starting the viewer. However, the start command needs to be the fully qualified
command if it is not in the machine's command path.
7. Click Next to proceed to Step 4 of the wizard.
Figure 15.19 Previewer Definition Window to Complete Process
270 Chapter 15 Printing with SAS
8. Click Previous to correct any information. Click Finish when you have finished
defining your default previewer.
The newly defined previewer displays a previewer icon in the Print Setup window.
Figure 15.20 Print Setup Window Displaying New Previewer
This previewer application can be tested with the Print Test Page button on the Print
Setup window.
Seeding the Print Previewer Command Box
Print Preview is supported by print previewer applications such as Ghostview, gv, and
Adobe Reader. The Preview command box that appears in the Previewer Definition
wizard (Figure 15.18 on page 270) and on the Advanced tab of the Printer Properties
window (Figure 15.14 on page 265) can be pre-populated or seeded with a list of
commands. These commands are used to invoke print previewer applications that are
available at your site. Users and administrators can manually update the registry, or
define and import a registry file that contains a list of previewer commands. This is an
example of a registry file.
"1"="/usr/local/gv %s"
"2"="/usr/local/ghostview %s"
Previewing Print Jobs
You can use the print preview feature if a print viewer is installed for the designated
printer. Print Preview is always available from the File menu in SAS. You can also issue
the DMPRTPREVIEW command.
Set Page Properties
You can customize how your printed output appears in the Page Setup window.
Depending on which printer you have currently set, some of the Page Setup options that
are described in the following steps might be unavailable.
To customize your printed output, follow these steps:
1. Select File ð Page Setup.
The Page Setup window appears.
Configuring Universal Printing Using the Windowing Environment 271
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