About Library Engines
Definition of a Library Engine
A library engine is an engine that accesses groups of files and puts them into a logical
form for processing by SAS utility procedures and windows. A library engine also
determines the fundamental processing characteristics of the library and presents lists of
files for the library directory. Library engines can be classified as native or interface.
Native Library Engines
Definition of Native Library Engine
A native library engine is an engine that accesses forms of SAS files that are created and
processed only by SAS.
Operating Environment Information
Engine availability is host dependent. See the SAS documentation for your operating
environment. Also, specific products provide additional engines.
Default Base SAS Engine
The default Base SAS engine writes SAS libraries in disk format. The engine processes
SAS 7, SAS 8, and SAS 9 files. If you do not specify an engine name when you are
creating a new SAS library, the Base SAS engine, which for SAS 9 is named V9, is
automatically selected.
When accessing existing SAS data sets on disk, SAS assigns an engine based on the
contents of the library. The Base SAS engine has the following characteristics:
It is the only engine that supports the full functionality of the SAS data set and the
SAS library.
It supports view engines.
It meets all the processing characteristics required by SAS statements and
It creates, maintains, and uses indexes.
It reads and writes compressed (variable-length) observations. SAS data sets created
by other engines have fixed-length observations.
It assigns a permanent page size to data sets and temporarily assigns the number of
buffers to be used when processing them.
It repairs damaged SAS data sets, indexes, and catalogs.
It enforces integrity constraints, creates backup files, and creates audit trails.
Note: SAS files created in SAS 7, 8, and 9 have the same file format.
Remote Engine
The REMOTE engine is a SAS library engine for SAS/SHARE software. Using it
enables a SAS session to access shared data by communicating with a SAS server. For
more information, see the SAS/SHARE Users Guide.
744 Chapter 35 SAS Engines
The SASESOCK engine processes input to and output from TCP/IP ports instead of
physical disk devices. The SASESOCK engine is required for SAS/CONNECT
applications that implement MP CONNECT processing with the piping mechanisms. For
more information, see the SAS/CONNECT Users Guide.
SAS Scalable Performance Data (SPD) Engine
The SAS Scalable Performance Data Engine (SPD Engine) provides parallel I/O, using
multiple CPUs to read SAS data and deliver it rapidly to applications. The SPD Engine
can process very large data sets because the data can span volumes but can be referenced
as a single data set. The data in these data sets is also partitioned, enabling the data to be
read in multiple threads per CPU. The SPD Engine is not intended to replace the default
Base SAS engine for processing data sets that do not span volumes.
See SAS Scalable Performance Data Engine: Reference for details about this engine's
Sequential Engines
A sequential engine processes SAS files on storage media that do not provide random
access methods (for example, tape or sequential format on disk). A sequential engine
requires less overhead than the default Base SAS engine because sequential access is
simpler than random access. However, a sequential engine does not support some Base
SAS features such as audit trails, generation data sets, integrity constraints, and
The sequential engine supports some file types for backup and restore purposes only,
such as CATALOG, VIEW, and MDDB. ITEMSTOR is the only file type that the
sequential engine does not support. DATA is the only file type that is useful for purposes
other than backup and restore.
The following sequential engines are available:
processes SAS 7, SAS 8, and SAS 9 files.
processes SAS 6 files without requiring you to convert the file to the SAS 9 format.
For more information, see “Sequential Data Libraries” on page 586.
Transport Engine
The XPORT engine processes transport files. The engine transforms a SAS file from its
operating environment-specific internal representation to a transport file. A transport file
is a machine-independent format that can be used for all hosts. In order to create a
transport file, explicitly specify the XPORT engine in the LIBNAME statement, and
then use the DATA step or COPY procedure.
For information about using the XPORT engine, see Moving and Accessing SAS Files.
V6 Compatibility Engine
The SAS 6 compatibility engine can automatically support some processing of SAS 6
files in SAS 9 without requiring you to convert the file to the SAS 9 format.
For more information, see Chapter 33, “SAS 9.4 Compatibility with SAS Files from
Earlier Releases,” on page 719, or see the Migration Focus Area at
About Library Engines 745
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