Figure 15.29 Output of International Characters
Creating EMF (Enhanced Metafile Format)
Graphics Using Universal Printing
EMF Graphics in SAS
Enhanced Metafile Format (EMF) graphics are scalable vector graphics that produce true
color graphics. Applications that support EMF graphics run on Windows. The default
output size of 800x600 pixels and the default resolution of 96 dpi produce output that
closely resembles the screen resolution. EMF graphics are device-independent and are
rendered by an EMF viewer.
Universal Printing supports three EMF metafile formats, EMF, EMFPlus, and EMFDual.
The following table shows the EMF Universal Printers and their corresponding EMF
metafile formats:
300 Chapter 15 Printing with SAS
Type of EMF
Metafile Format Description
EMF EMFPlus The EMF Universal Printer creates a graphic that
uses commands, objects, and properties in EMFPlus
records. EMFPlus records have a different structure
and use different commands, objects, and properties
than those in EMF records. The output .emf file
contains no EMF records, only EMFPlus records
that are embedded within comment records.
The EMFPlus Universal Printer supports only
TrueType fonts. If you specify another type of font,
the font is mapped to the TrueType font.
EMFDual EMFDual The EMFDual Universal Printer creates both EMF
and EMFPlus graphics in the same output file. The
file that is presented is determined by the support of
the EMF viewer.
Output from the EMFDual printer is large because it
contains both EMF and EMFPlus formats.
SASEMF EMF The SASEMF Universal Printer creates EMF
records that contain drawing commands, object
definitions, and properties. Alpha channel color
support is available only for images, not vector
graphics. The SASEMF Universal Printer is
equivalent to the EMF Universal Printer in previous
releases of SAS.
EMFDual and SASEMF Universal Printers support TrueType and Type1 fonts. The
EMF Universal Printer supports only TrueType fonts. Use the FONTREG procedure to
register Fonts. If you specify another type of font when the Universal Printer is EMF, the
font is mapped to the TrueType font.
Compression and font embedding are not supported.
For a description of the EMF printers, submit the following QDEVICE procedure and
view the output in the SAS log:
proc qdevice;
printer emf-universal-printer;
EMF printers do not support multiple page documents. If a procedure creates multiple
pages or if more than one procedure is used in the code for ODS PRINTER output, only
the first page is viewable.
See Also
“Color Support for Universal Printers” on page 247
Creating an EMF Graphic
You can create a stand-alone EMF graphic using the ODS PRINTER statement. Specify
the EMF Universal Printer either as the value of the PRINTERPATH= system option or
as the value of the PRINTER= option in the ODS PRINTER statement. The following
Creating EMF (Enhanced Metafile Format) Graphics Using Universal Printing 301
sample code specifies the EMF Universal Printer as the value of the PRINTER= option
in the ODS PRINTER statement:
ods html close;
ods printer printer=emf;
...more SAS code...
ods printer close;
ods html;
SAS creates the file sasprt.emf in the current directory.
Example of Creating an EMF Graphic Using the ODS PRINTER
Using the example data set Sashelp.Class and the SGPLOT procedure, the following
ODS PRINTER statement prints the EMF file sasprt.emf in the current directory:
options printerpath=emf papersize=("4in" "4in") nodate;
ods html close;
ods printer;
proc sgplot data=sashelp.class;
reg x=height y=weight / CLM CLI;
ods printer close;
ods html;
The following output is the EMF metafile displayed in the Windows Picture and Fax
302 Chapter 15 Printing with SAS
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