Input Goal Use
more than one input file or to
control the program flow at
EOF= or END= option in an
INFILE statement.
multiple INFILE and INPUT
FILEVAR=option in an
INFILE statement.
FILENAME statement with
concatenation, wildcard, or
only part of each record LINESIZE=option in an
INFILE statement.
some but not all records in the
options in an INFILE
statement; FIRSTOBS= and
OBS= system options; #n line
pointer control.
instream data lines control the reading with
special options
INFILE statement with
DATALINES and appropriate
starting at a particular column @ column pointer controls.
leading blanks maintain them $CHARw. informat in an
INPUT statement.
a delimiter other than blanks
(with list input or
modified list input with the
colon modifier)
DLM= or DLMSTR= option,
DSD option, or both in an
INFILE statement.
the standard tab character DLM= or DLMSTR= option
in an INFILE statement; or
the EXPANDTABS option in
an INFILE statement.
missing values (with list input
modified list input with the
colon modifier)
create observations without
compromising data integrity
protect data integrity by
overriding the default
TRUNCOVER option in an
INFILE statement; DLM= or
DLMSTR= options, DSD
option, or both might also be
For further information about data-reading features, see the INPUT and INFILE
statements in SAS Statements: Reference.
440 Chapter 19 Reading Raw Data
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