OBS Common Animal OBS Common Plant
1 a Ant 1 a Apple
2 b Bird 2 b Banana
3 c Cat 3 c Coconut
4 d Dog 4 d Dewberry
5 e Eagle 5 e Eggplant
6 f Frog 6 g Fig
The following program uses two SET statements to combine observations from Animal
and Plant, and prints the results:
data twosets;
set animal;
set plant;
proc print data=twosets;
title 'Data Set TWOSETS - Equal Number of Observations';
Output 21.6 Data Set Created from Two Data Sets That Have Equal Observations
Each observation in the new data set contains all the variables from all the data sets.
Note, however, that the Common variable value in observation 6 contains a “g.” The
value of Common in observation 6 of the Animal data set was overwritten by the value
in Plant, which was the data set that SAS read last.
Comments and Comparisons
The results that are obtained by reading observations using two or more SET
statements are similar to those that are obtained by using the MERGE statement with
no BY statement. However, with one-to-one reading, SAS stops processing before all
observations are read from all data sets if the number of observations in the data sets
is not equal.
Using multiple SET statements with other DATA step statements makes the
following applications possible:
merging one observation with many
488 Chapter 21 Reading, Combining, and Modifying SAS Data Sets
conditionally merging observations
reading from the same data set twice
One-to-One Merging
One-to-one merging combines observations from two or more SAS data sets into a
single observation in a new data set. To perform a one-to-one merge, use the MERGE
statement without a BY statement. SAS combines the first observation from all data sets
in the MERGE statement into the first observation in the new data set, the second
observation from all data sets into the second observation in the new data set, and so on.
In a one-to-one merge, the number of observations in the new data set equals the number
of observations in the largest data set that was named in the MERGE statement.
If you use the MERGENOBY= SAS system option, you can control whether SAS issues
a message when MERGE processing occurs without an associated BY statement.
Use this form of the MERGE statement to merge SAS data sets:
MERGE data-set(s);
names at least two existing SAS data sets.
Avoid using duplicate values or different values of common variables. One-to-
one merging with data sets that contain duplicate values of common variables can
produce undesirable results. If a variable exists in more than one data set, the value
from the last data set that is read is the one that is written to the new data set. The
variables are combined exactly as they are read from each data set. Using a one-to-
one merge to combine data sets with different values of common variables can also
produce undesirable results. If a variable exists in more than one data set, the value
from the last data set read is the one that is written to the new data set even if the
value is missing. Once SAS has processed all observations in a data set, all
subsequent observations in the new data set have missing values for the variables
that are unique to that data set.
For a complete description of the MERGE statement, see the MERGE statement in SAS
Statements: Reference.
DATA Step Processing during One-to-One Merging
Compilation phase
SAS reads the descriptor information of each data set that is named in the MERGE
statement. Then, SAS creates a program data vector that contains all the variables
from all data sets as well as variables created by the DATA step.
Execution — Step 1
SAS reads the first observation from each data set into the program data vector,
reading the data sets in the order in which they appear in the MERGE statement. If
two data sets contain the same variables, the values from the second data set replace
the values from the first data set. After reading the first observation from the last data
set and executing any other statements in the DATA step, SAS writes the contents of
Combining SAS Data Sets: Methods 489
the program data vector to the new data set. Only those variables that are created or
assigned values during the DATA step are set to missing.
Execution — Step 2
SAS continues until it has read all observations from all data sets.
Example 1: One-to-One Merging with an Equal Number of
The SAS data sets Animal and Plant both contain the variable Common, and the
observations are arranged by the values of Common. The following shows the Animal
and the Plant input data sets:
Animal Plant
OBS Common Animal OBS Common Plant
1 a Ant 1 a Apple
2 b Bird 2 b Banana
3 c Cat 3 c Coconut
4 d Dog 4 d Dewberry
5 e Eagle 5 e Eggplant
6 f Frog 6 g Fig
The following program merges these data sets and prints the results:
data combined;
merge animal plant;
proc print data=combined;
title 'Data Set Combined';
Output 21.7 Merged Data Sets That Have an Equal Number of Observations
Each observation in the new data set contains all variables from all data sets. If two data
sets contain the same variables, the values from the second data set replace the values
from the first data set, as shown in observation 6.
490 Chapter 21 Reading, Combining, and Modifying SAS Data Sets
Example 2: One-to-One Merging with an Unequal Number of
The SAS data sets Animal1 and Plant1 both contain the variable Common, and the
observations are arranged by the values of Common. The Plant1 data set has fewer
observations than the Animal1 data set. The following shows the Animal1 and the Plant1
input data sets:
Animal1 Plant1
OBS Common Animal OBS Common Plant
1 a Ant 1 a Apple
2 b Bird 2 b Banana
3 c Cat 3 c Coconut
4 d Dog
5 e Eagle
6 f Frog
The following program merges these unequal data sets and prints the results:
data combined1;
merge animal1 plant1;
proc print data=combined1;
title 'Data Set Combined1';
Output 21.8 Merged Data Sets That Have an Unequal Number of Observations
Note that observations 4 through 6 contain missing values for the variable Plant.
Example 3: One-to-One Merging with Duplicate Values of Common
The following example shows the undesirable results that you can obtain by using one-
to-one merging with data sets that contain duplicate values of common variables. The
value from the last data set that is read is the one that is written to the new data set. The
variables are combined exactly as they are read from each data set. In the following
example, the data sets Animal1 and Plant1 contain the variable Common, and each data
Combining SAS Data Sets: Methods 491
set contains observations with duplicate values of Common. The following shows the
Animal1 and the Plant1 input data sets:
Animal1 Plant1
OBS Common Animal OBS Common Plant
1 a Ant 1 a Apple
2 a Ape 2 b Banana
3 b Bird 3 c Coconut
4 c Cat 4 c Celery
5 d Dog 5 d Dewberry
6 e Eagle 6 e Eggplant
The following program produces the data set MERGE1 data set and prints the results:
/* This program illustrates undesirable results. */
data merge1;
merge animal1 plant1;
proc print data=merge1;
title 'Data Set MERGE1';
Output 21.9 Undesirable Results with Duplicate Values of Common Variables
The number of observations in the new data set is six. Note that observations 2 and 3
contain undesirable values. SAS reads the second observation from data set Animal1. It
then reads the second observation from data set Plant1 and replaces the values for the
variables Common and Plant1. The third observation is created in the same way.
Example 4: One-to-One Merging with Different Values of Common
The following example shows the undesirable results obtained from using the one-to-one
merge to combine data sets with different values of common variables. If a variable
exists in more than one data set, the value from the last data set that is read is the one
that is written to the new data set even if the value is missing. Once SAS processes all
observations in a data set, all subsequent observations in the new data set have missing
492 Chapter 21 Reading, Combining, and Modifying SAS Data Sets
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