entry type
a characteristic of a SAS catalog entry that identifies the catalog entry's structure and
attributes to SAS. When you create a SAS catalog entry, SAS automatically assigns
the entry type as part of the name.
exclusion list
a list that tells ODS which output objects to exclude from a specified ODS
executable statement
in the DATA step, a SAS statement that causes some action to occur while the DATA
step executes rather than when SAS compiles the DATA step.
execution mode
a method of executing or interacting with SAS software, which can include batch
mode, interactive mode (using the SAS windowing environment or other graphical
user interfaces), interactive line mode, and noninteractive mode.
execution-time error
an error that occurs when SAS executes a step, as opposed to when it compiles a
in a mathematical expression, the number or expression that indicates the power to
which you raise a base number or expression. For example, the exponent is 4 in the
following expression: .1234 * 10 raised to the fourth power.
extended attribute
a custom attribute that is not part of the standard metadata for an object. Extended
attributes can be used to automate tasks that require a custom attribute to be
associated with one or more objects. Extended attributes can be added either
programmatically or manually (through an application window).
Extensible Markup Language
a markup language that structures information by tagging it for content, meaning, or
use. Structured information contains both content (for example, words or numbers)
and an indication of what role the content plays. For example, content in a section
heading has a different meaning from content in a database table.
external file
a file that is created and maintained by a host operating system or by another
vendor's software application. An external file can read both data and stored SAS
file access method
a set of instructions that an engine uses to read from or write to a file.
file reference
See fileref
file shortcut
a Microsoft Windows term for a fileref.
File Transfer Protocol
a telecommunications protocol that is used for transferring files from one computer
to another over a network.
Glossary 789
a name that is temporarily assigned to an external file or to an aggregate storage
location such as a directory or a folder. The fileref identifies the file or the storage
location to SAS.
FIRST variable
a temporary variable that SAS creates to identify the first observation of each BY
group. The variable is not added to the SAS data set.
floating-point representation
a compact form of storing real numbers on a computer, similar to scientific notation.
Different operating systems use different techniques for floating-point
foreign key integrity constraint
a referential integrity constraint that links the data values of one or more variables in
the foreign key data file to corresponding variables and values in the primary key
data file.
form layout
the number and arrangement of form units such as mailing labels on a page of
continuous-feed paper (a form page).
format modifier
a special symbol that is used in the INPUT and PUT statements and which enables
you to control how SAS reads input data and writes output data.
formatted input
a style of input that uses special instructions called informats in the INPUT statement
to determine how values that are entered in data fields should be interpreted.
formatted output
a style of output that uses SAS formats in the PUT statement to specify how to write
the values of variables.
formatting character
a character such as +, |, or - that can be used to render vertical or horizontal lines for
tabular output, as defined in procedures such as CALENDAR, FREQ, and
See File Transfer Protocol
function key
a keyboard key that can be defined to have a specific action in a specific software
See gigabyte
general integrity constraint
an integrity constraint that enables you to restrict the values of variables within a
single file. There are four types of general integrity constraints: check, not null,
unique, and primary key.
790 Glossary
generation data set
an archived version of a SAS data set that is created when the data set is updated.
Multiple copies of a SAS data set are stored in a generation group, each data set
having the same root member name but with a different version number.
generation group
a group of data sets that represent a series of replacements to the original data set.
The generation group consists of the base version and a set of historical versions.
generation number
a consistently increasing number that identifies one of the historical versions in a
generation group. For example, the data set named AIR#272 has a generation
number of 272.
a unit of measurement for digital information that is equivalent to one billion bytes.
global macro variable
a macro variable that can be referenced in either global or local scope in a SAS
program, except where there is a local macro variable that has the same name. A
global macro variable exists until the end of the session or program.
global scope
in SAS macro programming, indicates broad context boundaries for referencing
global macro variables; that is, anywhere within the current SAS session or SAS
batch program.
part of an Internet protocol message, such as a MIME message or an HTTP message,
that provides information about the message. Headers can include a subject line, a
reply-to address, an SMTP mail-from address, and a from address.
header routine
a group of DATA step statements that produces page headers in print files. A header
routine begins with a statement label and ends with a RETURN statement. You
identify with the HEADER= option in the FILE statement.
historical version
an older copy of the base version of a data set. Names of historical versions include a
four-character suffix for the generation number, such as #003.
See host operating environment
host operating environment
the operating environment (computer, operating system, and other software and
hardware) that is identified by an IP address or by a domain name and that provides
centralized control for software applications.
See HyperText Markup Language
HyperText Markup Language
a coding system in which the codes indicate the layout and style of the text in a text
file. Other HTML codes enable you to embed electronic objects such as images,
Glossary 791
sounds, video streams, and applets (small software applications) into HTML
documents. All web browsers can process HTML documents.
I/O time
See input/output time
I/O-bound application
an application whose performance is constrained by the speed at which data can be
delivered for processing. Multiple CPUs, partitioned I/O, threading technology,
RAID (redundant array of independent disks) technology, or a combination of these
can alleviate this problem.
a component of a SAS data set that enables SAS to access observations in the SAS
data set quickly and efficiently. The purpose of SAS indexes is to optimize WHERE-
clause processing and to facilitate BY-group processing.
infix operator
a symbol that specifies an operation that is applied to two operands, one on each side
(for example, the greater-than symbol in 8 > 6 or the plus sign in A + B). There are
four general kinds of infix operators: arithmetic, comparison, logical (Boolean), and
others (minimum, maximum, and concatenation).
input/output operation
any operation of physically reading data from a storage medium, such as a disk or
tape, or writing data to a storage medium.
input/output time
the time expended in the process of moving data from storage into memory for work
and moving the result out of memory to storage, a display, or a printer.
integrity constraint
a data validation rule that restricts the data values that can be stored for a variable in
a SAS data file. Integrity constraints help preserve the validity and consistency of the
interactive line mode
a method of running SAS programs in which you enter one line of a SAS program at
a time at the SAS session prompt. SAS processes each line immediately after you
press the ENTER or RETURN key. Procedure output and informative messages are
returned directly to your display device.
interface library engine
a SAS library engine that accesses files that have been formatted by another vendor's
software. For example, interface library engines are used to access SPSS, OSIRIS,
and BMDP data. An interface view engine is a particular type of interface library
engine that is used by SAS/ACCESS software.
interface view
a SAS data view that is created with SAS/ACCESS software. An interface view
enables read or write access to data that is stored in a database management system
(DBMS) or a PC data file. Interface views are used as input to DATA steps and
792 Glossary
interface view engine
a type of SAS engine that SAS/ACCESS software uses to retrieve data from files
that have been formatted by another vendor's software. Each SAS/ACCESS interface
has its own interface view engine, which reads the interface product data and returns
the data in a form that SAS can understand (that is, in a SAS data set).
International Organization for Standardization
an organization that promotes the development of standards, and sponsors related
activities that foster the sharing of products, services, and information among
See International Organization for Standardization
item store
a SAS library member that consists of pieces of information that can be accessed
independently. The contents of an item store are organized in a directory tree
structure, which is similar to the directory structures that are used by UNIX System
Services or by Windows. For example, a particular value might be stored and located
using a directory path (root_dir/sub_dir/value). The SAS Registry is an example of
an item store.
job stream
a series of related programs that are run in a prescribed order.
key variable
a variable that resides in both the primary file and the lookup file, and that can be
used to index SAS data sets.
KEYS entry
a type of SAS catalog entry that contains function key settings for interactive
windowing procedures.
See SAS keyword
keyword parameter
a type of macro parameter that is identified by its name, followed by an equal sign.
Multiple keyword parameters can be provided in any order, and must follow any
positional parameters.
2 to the 10th power, or 1024 bytes.
See localization
LAST variable
a temporary variable that SAS creates to identify the last observation of each BY
group. This variable is not added to the SAS data set.
library engine
an engine that accesses groups of files and puts them in the correct form for
processing by SAS utility windows and procedures. A library engine also determines
the fundamental processing characteristics of the library and presents lists of files for
the library directory.
Glossary 793
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