Cross-Environment Data Access (CEDA)
Under cross-environment data access (CEDA), extended attributes can be read but
cannot be updated.
SMTP Email Authentication Protocol
The SMTP email server authentication protocol is enhanced to look for a user ID that is
specified by the EMAILHOST= system option.
LOCKDOWN State Restrictions
The LOCKDOWN statement and LOCKDOWN system option are new in the first
maintenance release of SAS 9.4. With LOCKDOWN, if you are running in a
client/server environment, the SAS server administrator can limit access to directories
and files. In addition to there being restrictions on directories and files, several language
elements are not available when SAS is in a locked-down state.
See “SAS Processing Restrictions for Servers in a Locked-Down State” on page 17.
LOCKDOWN Statement Enhancements
In the second maintenance release of SAS 9.4, the LOCKDOWN statement is enhanced
so that certain access methods and their related procedures are disabled by default when
a SAS session is locked down.
The LOCKDOWN ENABLE_AMS= option is also new for the second maintenance
release of SAS 9.4. This statement allows administrators to re-enable access methods
and procedures that are disabled by default when LOCKDOWN is in effect. See “SAS
Processing Restrictions for Servers in a Locked-Down State” on page 17.
Data File Protection
SAS 9.4 supports Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption. AES encryption
produces a stronger encryption by using a key value. See “AES Encryption” on page
SAS 9.4 supports the use of metadata-bound libraries for enhanced data security. A
metadata-bound library is a physical library that is tied to a corresponding metadata
secured table object. See “Metadata-Bound Libraries” on page 737.
Beginning with the first maintenance release of SAS 9.4, a metadata-bound library
administrator can require that all data files in the bound library be encrypted with one of
the two algorithms. For more information, see “Requiring Encryption for Metadata-
Bound Data Sets” in Base SAS Procedures Guide.
xiv Base SAS Language Reference: Concepts
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