Modifying Observations Located by an Index


You have learned that you can use a BY statement to access values that you want to update in a master data set by matching. When you have an indexed master data set, you can use the index to directly access the observations that you want to update. To do this, you use the following statements:
  • a MODIFY statement with the KEY= option to name an index to locate the observations for updating
  • a SET statement or INPUT statement to read a transaction data set with a like-named variable or variables whose values are supplied to the index
General form, MODIFY statement with the KEY= option:
MODIFY SAS-data-set KEY=index-name;
Here is an explanation of the syntax:
is the master data set, or the data set that you want to update.
is the name of the simple or composite index that you are using to locate observations.
Updating with an index is different from updating using a BY statement. When you use the MODIFY statement with the KEY= option to name an index, the following must occur:
  • You must explicitly specify the update that you want to occur.
  • Each observation in the transaction data set must have a matching observation in the master data set. If you have multiple observations in the transaction data set for one master observation, only the first observation in the transaction data set is applied. The other observations generate run-time errors and terminate the DATA step (unless you use the UNIQUE option, which is discussed later in this chapter).


Suppose that airline cargo weights for 1999 are stored in the master data set Cargo99, which has a composite index named FlghtDte on the variables FlightID and Date. Some of the data is incorrect and the data set needs to be updated. The correct cargo data is stored in the transaction data set Newcgnum.
In the program below, the KEY= option specifies the FlghtDte index. When a matching observation is found in Cargo99, three variables (CapCargo, CargoWgt, and CargoRev) are updated.
Note: If you choose to run this example, you must copy the data set Cargo99 from the Sasuser library to the Work library.
proc print data=cargo99(obs=5);

data cargo99;
   set sasuser.newcgnum (rename = 
       (capcargo = newCapCargo 
       cargowgt = newCargoWgt
       cargorev = newCargoRev));
   modify cargo99 key=flghtdte;
   capcargo = newcapcargo;
   cargowgt = newcargowgt;
   cargorev = newcargorev;

proc print data=cargo99(obs=5);
The output below shows the first five observations of the SAS data set Cargo99 before it was modified by Newcgnum.
The output below shows the first five observations of the SAS data set Cargo99 after it was modified by Newcgnum. Notice that the three variables in the first observation were updated by the values in Newcgnum.

Handling Duplicate Values

When you use an index to locate observations to update, duplicate values of the indexed variable in the transaction data set might cause problems. We consider what happens with various scenarios when you use the following code to update the master data set M with values from the transaction data set T. The index on the M data set is built on the variable A:
data m;
   set t (rename=(b=newb));
   modify m key=a;
If there are duplications in the master data set, only the first occurrence is updated.
duplications in the master data set
If you want all duplicates in the master data set to be updated with the transaction value, use a DO loop to execute a SET statement with the KEY= option multiple times.
If there are nonconsecutive duplications in the transaction data set, SAS updates the first match in the master data set. The last duplicate transaction value is the result in the master data set after the update.
nonconsecutive duplications in the transaction data set
If there are consecutive duplications in the transaction data set (that is, some that do not have a match in the master data set), then SAS performs a one-to-one update until it finds a non-match. At that time, the DATA step terminates with an error.
consecutive duplications in the transaction data set
Adding the UNIQUE option to the MODIFY statement enables you to avoid the error in the DATA step. The UNIQUE option causes the DATA step to return to the top of the index each time it looks for a match. The UNIQUE option can be used only with the KEY= option.
General form, MODIFY statement with the UNIQUE option:
MODIFY SAS-data-set KEY=index-name /UNIQUE;
Here is an explanation of the syntax:
is the name of the SAS data set that you want to modify (the master data set).
is the name of the simple or composite index that you are using to locate observations.
You can specify the UNIQUE option in order to do one of the following:
  • apply multiple transactions to one master observation
  • identify that each observation in the master data set contains a unique value of the index variable.
When you use the UNIQUE option and there are consecutive duplications in the transaction data set, SAS updates the first observation in the master data set. This is similar to what happens when you have nonconsecutive duplications in the transaction data set. If the values in the transaction data set should be added to the value in the master data set, you can write a statement to accumulate the values from all the duplicates.
using the UNIQUE option
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