C H A P T E R 10
Implementation Via Matlab
is chapter presents the steps one needs to take in order to run a signal processing algorithm
written in MATLAB on the ARM processor of smartphones which were initially reported in [1]
by using Simulink. e steps needed are best conveyed by going through an example. is exam-
ple involves the linear convolution filtering algorithm. Considering that MATLAB program-
ming is widely used in signal processing, the approach presented in this chapter allows running
on smartphones many signal processing algorithms which are already written in MATLAB and
publicly available.
is section provides the guidelines for implementing the linear convolution filtering algorithm
via a MATLAB script. e first step is to open MATLAB and create a new function file in
which to implement the algorithm. e following example code provides an implementation of
a frame-based finite impulse response filter (coefficients omitted). Of particular importance in
this function is the usage of the persistent variable buffer . is variable stores previous samples
of the input signal between calls to the FIR function so that the proper filter output is produced.
e actual filtering result is computed using the built-in MATLAB filter function.
function output = FIR(input)
coefficients = []; %FIR filter coefficients
persistent buffer;
if isempty(buffer)
buffer = zeros(1, size(input, (2) + size(coefficients, 2));
buffer = [buffer(:, end-size(coefficients,2)+1 : end) input];
filtered = filter(coefficients, 1, buffer);
output = filtered( : , size(coefficients, (2) + 1 : end);]
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