Table of Contents

Cover image

Title page




Chapter 1: Introduction and Overview


Part I: Solar Energy Storage Options

Chapter 2: Solar Electrical Energy Storage


2.1 Background

2.2 Technical Requirements of a Solar Electrical Energy Storage Facility

2.3 Options for Solar Electrical Energy Storage Technologies

2.4 Utility-Scale Storage Technologies

2.5 Distributed Scale Storage Technologies—Rechargeable Batteries

2.6 Economics of Solar Electrical Energy Storage Technologies

2.7 Final Remarks

Chapter 3: Innovative Systems for Storage of Thermal Solar Energy in Buildings


3.1 Introduction

3.2 Major Technologies for Heat Storage in Buildings

3.3 Focus on a Solar Heat Absorption Storage System

3.4 Conclusion

Chapter 4: Assessment of Electricity Storage Systems



4.1 Introduction

4.2 Why ESS

4.3 The Potential for ESSs

4.4 Requirements of ESS for Saudi Arabia

4.5 Description of Major ESS

4.6 Assessment of ESS Technologies

4.7 Economic Evaluation of Selected ESS

4.8 Conclusions and Recommendations

Chapter 5: Storage of Solar Thermal Energy in Dependency of Geographical and Climatic Boundary Conditions


5.1 Introduction

5.2 Influencing Boundary Conditions

5.3 Classification of Solar Thermal Systems with TES

5.4 Case Study to Evaluate the Influence of the Diversity of Boundary Conditions

5.5 Conclusions

Chapter 6: Sorption Heat Storage


6.1 Characteristics of Different Types of Heat Storage

6.2 Principles of Sorption Heat Storage

6.3 Sorption Heat Storage Materials

6.4 Sorption Heat Storage System Designs

6.5 Overall System Aspects

6.6 Conclusions

Chapter 7: Energetic Complementarity with Hydropower and the Possibility of Storage in Batteries and Water Reservoirs



7.1 Introduction

7.2 Energetic Complementarity

7.3 Evaluation of Complementarity in Time

7.4 Complementarity Between Solar Energy and Hydropower

7.5 Hydro-PV Hybrid Systems Based on Complementary Energy Resources

7.6 A Method of Analysis

7.7 Effects of Complementarity in Time

7.8 Some Real Hybrid Systems with Partial Complementarity

7.9 Effects of Energy Storage

Chapter 8: Revitalization of Hydro Energy: A New Approach for Storing Solar Energy


8.1 Introduction

8.2 An Innovative Solution: Integration of a Solar-Hydro System

8.3 Geosynthetics as a Prerequisite for Hydro Energy Storage

8.4 Concept Integration of the SE-PSH System

8.5 Optimization Model of SE-PSH System

8.6 Impact Geosynthetics and Dynamic Charging and Discharging of PSH System

8.7 Conclusion

Part II: Economic Assessment of Solar Storage

Chapter 9: Photovoltaics and Storage Plants: Efficient Capacities in a System View


9.1 Energy Outlook

9.2 Storage Plants in a System View

9.3 Reference Case

9.4 Sensitivities

9.5 Conclusion

Chapter 10: Economics of Solar PV Systems with Storage, in Main Grid and Mini-Grid Settings



10.1 Introduction

10.2 Electricity Industry Economics

10.3 PV and Storage Applications

10.4 Possible Future Developments

Part III: Environmental and Social Impacts

Chapter 11: Environmental Issues Associated with Solar Electric and Thermal Systems with Storage


11.1 Introduction

11.2 Solar Cells

11.3 Solar Electricity Systems

11.4 Solar Electric Storage

11.5 Solar Heat Systems

11.6 Solar Heat Storage

11.7 Combined Systems

11.8 Conclusion

Chapter 12: Consumer Perceptions and Acceptance of PV Systems with Energy Storage


12.1 Background

12.2 Japanese Energy Policy, Including FiT

12.3 ESS in Japan

12.4 Consumer Perception Survey: Renewables and ESS in Japan

12.5 Conclusion

Part IV: Case Studies

Chapter 13: Photovoltaic-Energy Storage Systems for Remote Small Islands


13.1 Introduction

13.2 The Need for Energy Storage in Remote Islands

13.3 Operation Modes of a Typical ESS

13.4 Available Energy Storage Techniques

13.5 ESS Sizing

13.6 Energy Storage Costs

13.7 Representative Case Study

13.8 Conclusions

Chapter 14: Solar Thermal Energy Storage for Solar Cookers


14.1 Introduction

14.2 Solar Cooking Systems

14.3 Solar Cookers Using Sensible Heat Thermal Energy Storage (SHTES)

14.4 Solar Cookers Using LHTES

14.5 Characterization of Solar Cookers with TES

14.6 Conclusion

Chapter 15: Isolated and Mini-Grid Solar PV Systems: An Alternative Solution for Providing Electricity Access in Remote Areas (Case Study from Nepal)


15.1 Introduction

15.2 Site Description

15.3 Existing Energy Consumption Patterns and Potential Electricity Demand

15.4 Methods and Data Source

15.5 Technology Selection and Component Sizing

15.6 Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCOE)

15.7 Business Model for Mini-Grid Solar PV System

15.8 Operational and Management Model for the Solar Mini-Grid System

15.9 Conclusion


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