Chapter 28. Adding Interactivity and Multimedia

In this chapter

Understanding Dreamweaver Behaviors

As the development of your web pages continues, it’s likely that you’ll want to add feature functionality beyond just the simple hyperlinks. The good news is that JavaScript offers you a whole range of new options that supplement those offered by standard HTML. So what if you’re not a scripting guru who can create functions and arrays in your sleep? Dreamweaver is going to do most of the work for you and even write the necessary code to add options such as opening external browser windows, validating forms, and even checking to see whether the visitor has a specific browser plug-in installed.

Just sit back and you’ll see how easy it is to make Dreamweaver behaviors spice up your web applications!

JavaScript and Dreamweaver

Oh sure, I said that you wouldn’t have to understand any JavaScript and the first subsection I jump into is called “JavaScript and Dreamweaver.” Great trick, eh? Actually, before we start exploring the snippets and behaviors that come with Dreamweaver, I thought it would be a good idea to give a brief background on JavaScript because it is the language that Dreamweaver uses to generate behaviors. If the thought of learning anything about a scripting language is completely revolting, go ahead and skip on to the next section. If, however, you want to learn a little more about JavaScript and how it relates to Dreamweaver, read on.

JavaScript is one of the more popular client-side scripting languages in use today. Don’t confuse JavaScript with its big brother Java—which is a full-blown object-oriented language. Although they share similar syntax, JavaScript is essentially a stripped-down version of Java that is much easier to write and implement because it doesn’t have to be compiled prior to execution. In addition, because it is a client-side language, the machine rendering the code in the browser is the one that does all the work.

Unless you really want to get into developing your own scripts, it’s likely that you’ll take advantage of the predefined functions that are built into JavaScript. For instance, if you wanted to open a new browser window, you could use the JavaScript function


If you want to close that same browser, you could use the function


These are just a couple of examples of the many built-in functions that JavaScript offers and, as I mentioned before, Dreamweaver makes it very easy for you to access some of the more common functions through the JavaScript snippets and behaviors.

Using JavaScript Snippets

Although Chapter 24, “Working Efficiently in Dreamweaver,” already covered snippets, it’s worth spending a minute to take a closer look at the JavaScript snippets that are included in the Snippets panel. To view the JavaScript snippets, open the Snippets panel by choosing Window, Snippets and then expand the JavaScript folder (see Figure 28.1)

The Snippets panel with the JavaScript folder expanded.

Figure 28.1. The Snippets panel with the JavaScript folder expanded.

As you can see, Macromedia has provided quite a few JavaScript code snippets that can be used for everything from mathematical calculations to reading cookies.

I highly recommend that you take some time to go through these folders and see what types of scripts are available for use in your pages. Doing so could save you the time and hassle of building your own script, only to discover that Macromedia had already provided you with everything you needed.


One of the snippets I use most frequently is the Starter Function snippet located in the starter script folder. This snippet places the bare necessities of a JavaScript function in the page and saves me the hassle of typing it every time I need to create a function. It also saves me from typos, to which I am prone.

Just as was discussed in Chapter 24, after you find a snippet that you want to use, it’s extremely easy to apply it to your page. Just place your cursor on the code line where you would like the snippet inserted, and then double-click on the appropriate snippet and the code is added to your page. If areas of the code need to be customized, they are indicated as such. Figure 28.2 shows the Starter Function applied to the head section of the page code.

The Starter Function snippet has been added to the code.

Figure 28.2. The Starter Function snippet has been added to the code.

Applying Behaviors

If you’re still unsure about your ability to add JavaScript functionality to your pages, let’s make it even easier. What if I told you that you could add JavaScript to your pages and never have to write a line of code? Sound good? Well, Dreamweaver’s behaviors do exactly that.

Dreamweaver behaviors are accessed via the Behaviors panel and represent some of the most commonly used scripts applied to web pages. The Behaviors panel (see Figure 28.3) enables you to track and organize those behaviors that are already applied to your pages and apply new behaviors to the page.

The Behaviors panel helps you track the behaviors that have been applied to your page.

Figure 28.3. The Behaviors panel helps you track the behaviors that have been applied to your page.

To apply a behavior to your page, click the plus sign on the panel and choose the appropriate behavior from the menu. Some behaviors require that a specific object be selected before the behavior can be applied, such as the Control Shockwave or Flash behavior. Logically, Dreamweaver applies this behavior only to Shockwave (Director) or Flash movies.

Other behaviors are grouped into categories such as the Set Text behaviors, shown in Figure 28.4, which enable you to choose between setting the text of a frame, layer, text field, or the status bar.

Some behaviors are logically grouped by their function.

Figure 28.4. Some behaviors are logically grouped by their function.

Table 28.1 gives a brief overview of the Dreamweaver behaviors.

Table 28.1. Dreamweaver Behaviors


What It Does

Call JavaScript

Enables you to call a custom JavaScript function such as Window.Open() or Window.Close(). When using the behavior, you need to know the appropriate placement of the code.

Change Property

Enables you to change the various attributes of layers, forms, text areas, images, and several other objects. When it is applied, you need to select the property to be altered and choose a new value for it.

Check Browser

Enables you to determine what browser and version visitors are using and redirect them appropriately. This is very handy if you build sites that are based on layers and want to redirect visitors with older browsers to a table-based version of your site instead.

Check Plugin

Checks to see whether a specific plug-in is installed on the visitor’s machine. Enables you to designate where the visitor should be sent if the plug-in is found and an alternative location if the plug-in is not located. The behavior enables you to check for Flash, Shockwave, LiveAudio, QuickTime, and the Windows Media Player plug-ins.

Control Shockwave or Flash Drag Layer

Enables the visitor to stop or play Shockwave or Flash movies. Enables you to add interactivity to your pages by allowing visitors to drag layers around the page. This behavior is restricted to use on layers.

Go to URL

Opens a new URL in the existing browser window or in a new window. Commonly used with the onLoad behavior to do an auto-redirect for pages that have been moved to a new location.

Hide Pop-Up Menu

Hides a pop-up menu, usually used with the onMouseOut event handler.

Jump Menu

Creates a form-based menu on which visitors can click and access files, documents, and other websites.

Jump Menu Go

Activates the selection within the Jump menu.

Open Browser Window

Opens a new browser window, taking parameters such as the URL that should be displayed in the window, the size of the window, and the name of the new window.

Play Sound

Plays a sound file when the designated event handler occurs.

Pop-up Message

Opens a pop-up dialog box, also referred to as an alert box, and enables you to specify what information is presented in the box.

Preload Images

Enables you to specify that certain images should be preloaded before the visitor can view the page. This behavior slows the load time of the page slightly, but ensures that graphics are correctly loaded and cached before the user interacts with them. This is extremely important in the case of rollover buttons.

Set Nav Bar Image

Enables you to create a navigation image using the up, over, down, and while down states.

Set Text of Frame

Indicates what text should be displayed in a specified frame.

Set Text of Layer

Indicates what text should be displayed in a specified layer.

Set Text of Status Bar

Indicates what text should be displayed in the status bar.

Set Text of Text Field

Indicates what text should be displayed in a specified text field.

Show Pop-Up Menu

Creates a pop-up menu that is primarily used for navigation.

Show-Hide Layers

Makes an existing layer visible or invisible.

Swap Image

Changes the specific image to have a new source value. This behavior is most commonly coupled with the Swap Image Restore behavior to create rollover effects.

Swap Image Restore

Restores the image to its original source.

Go to Timeline Frame

Works in conjunction with JavaScript timelines and moves to a specific frame in the timeline.

Play Timeline

Starts a JavaScript timeline.

Stop Timeline

Stops a JavaScript timeline.

Validate Form

Enables you to verify that certain form fields have been completed and, in some cases, are of a particular type.

After they are applied to the page, these behaviors are assigned an event handler that indicates when they should be triggered. If the default handler is not the one that you want, you can adjust it via the drop-down menu in the leftmost column of the Behaviors panel. The states that are available are

  • OnBlur—Triggers the event when a form field loses focus, meaning that the cursor is no longer in the field.

  • OnClick—Triggers the event when the user clicks on the object.

  • OnDblClick—Triggers the event when the user double-clicks on the object.

  • OnFocus—Triggers the event when a form field gains focus by being clicked on or tabbed to.

  • OnKeyDown—Triggers the event one time when a key on the keyboard is depressed.

  • OnKeyPress—Triggers the event continuously when a key on the keyboard is depressed.

  • OnKeyUp—Triggers the event when a key on the keyboard is released.

  • OnMouseDown—Triggers the event when any mouse button is depressed.

  • OnMouseMove—Triggers the event when the mouse is moved in any direction.

  • OnMouseOut—Triggers the event when the mouse cursor is moved off of the target object.

  • OnMousOver—Triggers the event when the mouse cursor is moved over the target object.

  • OnMouseUp—Triggers the event when any mouse button is released.

After you have applied behaviors to your page, you may determine in the future that a behavior is no longer necessary. To remove a behavior from your page, click the minus sign in the Behaviors panel to remove it from the page.


Using the minus sign is truly the only safe way to fully remove a behavior. Deleting objects that have behaviors assigned to them without first deleting the behavior can result in orphaned code being left in your pages, so be sure to use the minus sign.

Rollover Images and Navigation Bars

Probably the most commonly used Dreamweaver behaviors are the Swap Image and Restore Image behaviors because rollover buttons and interactive navigation bars are extremely popular. Creating rollovers is very easy in Dreamweaver, both for the use of buttons and for altering other images on the page. Let’s take a look at some of the different methods that can be used to change the various images on your pages.

Creating a Rollover Image

The concept of a rollover image is relatively straightforward. When you place your mouse cursor over an image, an image on the page is changed. The changed image most commonly is the image that was rolled over, but other images can be altered as well.

The easiest way to create a rollover image in Dreamweaver is to place your cursor at the place in the page where you want the rollover inserted and choose Insert, Image Objects, Rollover Image from the menu bar. The Insert Rollover Image dialog box, shown in Figure 28.5, enables you to name the image, specify the locations of the original image and rollover image, and choose what alternative text and URL should be assigned to the rollover. If you don’t want the rollover to be a button, simply leave the URL field blank.

The Insert Rollover Image dialog box helps you create a rollover image.

Figure 28.5. The Insert Rollover Image dialog box helps you create a rollover image.

When you create a rollover (or any object, for that matter), it is a very good practice to provide a name for the object that is meaningful to you. Dreamweaver, by default, names objects with generic names such as “Image1” and “Form1.” Although it might be easier just to leave these names, it makes it more difficult when you need to interact with the items, as you’ll see in a bit. So be sure that you type a meaningful name like “homeButton” for a navigation button that returns your visitors to the home page.

Another important aspect of this dialog box to note is the Preload Rollover Image check box. It is a good idea for you to always leave this box checked for rollovers. If you don’t preload the image, the first time a visitor rolls over the image, it will load from the server, and if the server is busy or slow, the visitor might be presented with a broken image. For that reason, preloading rollovers can ensure consistency in the way your site displays. After you have entered the appropriate values, click OK and Dreamweaver places the image in your page (see Figure 28.6).

The rollover image has been placed in the page.

Figure 28.6. The rollover image has been placed in the page.


Dreamweaver displays the original image only in the Design view. To see the rollover in action, you need to preview it in your browser.

Designing Remote Rollovers

If you already have an image placed in your page and want to swap out a different image on the page when the first is rolled over, you can do that by using the Swap Image behavior. This is where uniquely naming your objects comes in handy. For instance, suppose that the Retro’s Cycles site has a series of buttons on the page that say “Honda,” “Yamaha,” “Suzuki,” and several other motorcycle manufacturers. The client has asked that when you roll over any of those links, an image below changes to display one of the manufacturer’s motorcycles. Basically, the buttons change to a secondary image when rolled over.

To accomplish this, select a button and click the plus sign on the Behaviors panel. Choose Swap Image from the menu and Dreamweaver displays the Swap Image dialog box, shown in Figure 28.7.

The Swap Image dialog box enables you to change an image’s source.

Figure 28.7. The Swap Image dialog box enables you to change an image’s source.

In the Swap Image dialog box, choose the image that you want to change. This is where naming your images something logical comes in handy. Because I named the image “targetMotorycleimg,” I can more easily identify it than I could if it were named “Image4.” With the target image selected, type or browse to the image to which you want to swap. Leave the check boxes so that the image is preloaded and restored to its original state when the mouse is rolled off the button. Click OK and Dreamweaver adds the Swap Image and Swap Image Restore behaviors to the page. Note also that the Swap Image behavior uses the onMouseOver event handler and the Swap Image Restore behavior uses the onMouseOut event handler (see Figure 28.8).

The behaviors have been added to the page and are manageable via the Behaviors panel.

Figure 28.8. The behaviors have been added to the page and are manageable via the Behaviors panel.

To see the remote rollover in action, preview the page in a browser and roll your mouse over the button to which the behavior was assigned. Figure 28.9 shows the image in its native state, and Figure 28.10 shows what happens when you roll over the button.

The image in its native state.

Figure 28.9. The image in its native state.

The image is changed when the button is rolled over.

Figure 28.10. The image is changed when the button is rolled over.

Creating Navigation Bars

Now that you know how to create single instances of rollover buttons, imagine being able to easily create a collection of them that would result in an entire navigation bar for your site. Well, hold on tight, because Dreamweaver can do just that!

To create a navigation bar, place your cursor in the page where you want the navigation bar to be inserted and then choose Insert, Image Objects, Navigation Bar from the menu bar. The Insert Navigation Bar dialog box, shown in Figure 28.11, looks complex, but it’s relatively straightforward when you break it down.

The Insert Navigation Bar dialog box helps you create interactive navbars.

Figure 28.11. The Insert Navigation Bar dialog box helps you create interactive navbars.

Table 28.2 provides a look at the various fields in the Insert Navigation Bar dialog box and the function they perform.

Table 28.2. Insert Navigation Bar Dialog Box Fields


What It Does

Navbar elements

Displays the various images that you have added to the navbar. Each element in the navbar must have at least a unique name and an up image value. The plus sign and minus sign button add and remove elements, respectively.

Element name

Provides a unique identifier for each navbar object. The unique name ensures that the swap image and restore image behaviors are performed on the correct object when interaction occurs.

Up image

Provides the source of the image in its natural state.

Over image

Provides the source of the image when the object is moused over.

Down image

Provides the source of the image when the object is clicked.

Over while down image

Provides the source of the image when the object is clicked and the mouse button is held down.

Alternate text image

Provides alternate text for accessibility.

When clicked, go to URL

Provides the target URL that is opened when the object is clicked.


Determines whether the link is opened in the existing window or in a different window (especially useful in framed sites).

Preload images

Determines whether or not images are preloaded before the page is displayed. This check box should generally be left checked.

Show “Down Image” initially

Determines whether the down image is initially displayed before the button is ever rolled over.


Specifies whether the navbar should be built horizontally or vertically.

Use tables

Specifies whether Dreamweaver should use tables or CSS to build the navbar.

For each button in the navbar, you need to create an element and specify its settings. You can also reorder the objects by using the up and down arrows to place the objects in the correct order. When the final navbar is built, a horizontal bar has the item at the top of the list at the far left and the item on the bottom of the list at the far right. Vertical bars list the objects in the same order that they appear in the elements list. After you have completed the list, click OK and Dreamweaver inserts the navigation bar into your page (see Figure 28.12).

Dreamweaver adds a navigation bar to the page based on your criteria.

Figure 28.12. Dreamweaver adds a navigation bar to the page based on your criteria.

Just as with the rollover buttons, Dreamweaver displays only the initial state of the buttons in the design view; to see the buttons in action, you need to preview them in your browser.

Plug-ins, Applets, and Controls

As more and more different types of audio, video, and application formats are released on the market, third-party plug-ins, Java Applets, and ActiveX controls have provided additional support beyond the native browser’s capability to display certain types of content. Let’s take a look at how Dreamweaver can help you manage these custom browser extensions and the content they serve.


Browser plug-ins are helper applications that enable you to display a specific type of application. One of the more popular plug-ins on the market today is the Adobe Reader application, which enables you to view PDF documents in your browser. When you link to a PDF document on your site and an end user clicks on that link, one of two things happens. Either the PDF document is sent to the Adobe Reader application installed on the user’s machine, which renders the document for display, or if the Acrobat Reader isn’t installed, the user is asked whether or not the file can be downloaded.

Because the second option isn’t exactly what you had intended for your visitor, Dreamweaver enables you to determine whether or not a plug-in is installed on the user’s machine and can redirect the user if the plug-in isn’t found. To do so, use the Check Plugin behavior found in the Behaviors panel (see Figure 28.13).

The Check Plugin dialog box enables you to specify which plug-in should be located and what to do if it is or isn’t found.

Figure 28.13. The Check Plugin dialog box enables you to specify which plug-in should be located and what to do if it is or isn’t found.

If the plug-in you want to check for isn’t included in the Select list, you can also type the exact name of the application in the Enter field and the behavior checks for that plug-in.

If you really want to ensure that your visitors have access to the correct plug-in to view your content, you can also embed the plug-in in your page. To do this, select the Common category of the Insert bar and then click the Media button. You can either select the plug-in from the drop-down or click Plugin to select a custom plug-in (see Figure 28.14).

Using the Media button, you can embed a plug-in into the page.

Figure 28.14. Using the Media button, you can embed a plug-in into the page.

Table 28.3 provides information about some of the common plug-ins and their uses.

Table 28.3. Common Plug-ins


What It Does

Adobe Reader

Renders documents created in the Adobe PDF format.

Flash Player

Displays movies created with Macromedia Flash.

Java Runtime Environment

Renders miniprograms called applets created in the Java language.

Apple Quicktime

Displays movies create in a variety of formats and is used primarily to display .mov and .avi files.


Displays audio and video files created on the Real Network platform, as well as other formats.

Shockwave Player

Renders movies created with Macromedia Director.

Windows Media Player

Displays audio and video files of nearly all types. Primarily used to render .wmv and .wma files.

After you embed a plug-in in your page, you can configure the plug-in parameters by using the Property inspector (see Figure 28.15). Although most of the parameters are common, the Plg URL field deserves an additional note because it enables you to specify the location of the appropriate plug-in to be downloaded if the user doesn’t have the plug-in installed on his or her machine.

The Property inspector enables you to configure the embedded parameter.

Figure 28.15. The Property inspector enables you to configure the embedded parameter.

Java Applets

Java Applets are programs written in the Java language and compiled so they can be run on virtually any platform. Typically, Java applets are stored in archive files known as JAR files (derived from Java Archive). To process the applet, however, the end user’s machine must have some version of Java or the Java virtual machine installed. Most of the later browsers come standard with the virtual machine installed, but earlier versions required the application to be installed separately.

Like plug-ins, Java applets can be embedded in your pages if you use the Media drop-down button from the Insert toolbar. To embed an applet, select the Applet icon with the coffee cup symbol and indicate the location of the applet file in the Select File dialog box.

ActiveX Controls

ActiveX controls act very similarly to plug-ins and applets in that they provide a way for your web page to display a specific file format by using a helper application. Java applets, however, require the Java virtual machine, whereas ActiveX controls can be developed to run any application stored in the Windows environment. This means that application developers can create an ActiveX control that serves as a conduit to their application, and after the application is installed on the end user’s machine, they can view the application from within a web page. A perfect example of this is the Microsoft Excel ActiveX control that enables you to view and interact with Excel worksheets from within Internet Explorer.


The fact that ActiveX controls are calling an application in the Windows environment means that these controls are limited to the Windows environment.

Like plug-ins and applets, you can also embed ActiveX controls in your pages by using the Media drop-down button from the Insert toolbar. To embed an ActiveX control, place your cursor in the page where you want to embed the control and select the ActiveX icon. Be aware that for the ActiveX control to function effectively, you need to use the Property inspector to set appropriate attributes and parameters.

Audio and Video for the Web

As more and more computers are connected to the web via broadband, the demand has risen for high-bandwidth content such as video, audio, and rich media files such as Flash movies. In response, new streaming and compression technologies have improved the delivery methods for these technologies, making them much easier to deliver from within web pages.

Keep in mind, however, that although audio and video may be fun to add to your pages, it needs to be done properly to ensure that the sounds aren’t annoying and the videos stream properly, rather than require the end user to download the entire movie before being able to watch it.

No matter how you distribute your audio or video, keep in mind that for the most part, the Web has been muted since its inception. People aren’t necessarily prepared for blaring music or plug-ins that talk to them from a web page, so give them the choice as to whether or not the sound should play before you deluge them with the latest sounds of your motorcycle revving or your favorite MIDI file.

Adding Sound Files

Dreamweaver offers a couple of different options when it comes to adding sound to your web pages. The first option is to create a hyperlink to the audio file on your server. This option enables users to choose whether to open the file or save the file to the local machine. If they choose to open it, the workstation decides which application plays the audio, depending on which application is assigned the audio file’s particular format. To link to an audio file, add an image or text to your page and select it. Using the Link field in the Property inspector, locate the audio file or type the path to it.

The second option is to simply embed the sound in your page, which requires users to have either an audio plug-in or ActiveX control to play the audio. As with all plug-ins or ActiveX controls, you can determine which application should process the audio, and if the user doesn’t already have it installed, you can link to the plug-in or control that can be downloaded. To embed audio into your page, use the Media button on the Insert toolbar to embed the appropriate ActiveX control or plug-in.

The third option is to create a Flash movie, using only the audio track, and embed the Flash movie in your page. This option is becoming more and more popular because most modern browsers have the Flash Player installed and, therefore, no additional software is required to play the audio. In addition, the Flash Player offers controls that can be embedded into your page layout that enable the end user to pause, play, and stop the audio. To add a Flash movie to your page, use the Media button on the Insert toolbar and choose Flash. Select the location of the Flash movie and be sure to upload that movie to your server when you upload your pages.

Inserting Video

Programmatically, the process of adding video to your pages is virtually identical to that of adding audio. The difference lies in the fact that you’ll be selecting a video formatted file, as opposed to an audio file, as the source or target of your link. Although new video formats are always emerging, Dreamweaver can embed a variety of existing formats, including video formatted for the Apple Quicktime player, the Windows Media Player, and the RealMedia Player.

One relatively new format, called Flash Video, does deserve some extra detail because support for it is now standard in Dreamweaver 8. Flash Video is a new format created by Macromedia that enables you to capture new video or transfer existing video to the FLV format. Flash Video files are then stored on your server and either linked to or embedded in your web pages. One of the great features about this new format is that it is rendered with the Flash Player, so nearly every browser out there is capable of displaying it. In addition, Flash Video uses a technology called “progressive download,” which means that users start downloading the video to their hard drives, but during the course of the download, the video plays. This means that they don’t have to wait for the entire video to be downloaded before they can start watching it.

To insert a Flash Video into your page, choose Insert, Media, Flash Video from the menu bar. Using the Insert Flash Video dialog box, shown in Figure 28.16, you can determine whether you want to use the Progressive Download Video for video stored on any web server, or stream the video if you have access to a Flash Communication Server connection. Streaming the video means that you are not caching the video in the browser, but rather are relaying it from a special server directly to the user’s browser in real time.

The Insert Flash Video dialog box enables you to add video easily to your pages.

Figure 28.16. The Insert Flash Video dialog box enables you to add video easily to your pages.


For more information on the Flash Communication Server, take a look at Chapter 15, “Enhancing Projects with Sound and Video.”

In addition, you can specify the look and feel (the “skin”) of the player, the size of the video in the page, and the text of the message displayed to users who don’t have the latest version of the Flash Player. After you specify the settings for your video, click OK and Dreamweaver embeds the movie into your page. To view it, you need to preview the HTML page in your browser.

Adding Rich Media Content

In addition to Flash Video, Dreamweaver 8 also includes support for other rich media formats such as traditional Flash movies, images via the Image Viewer, Flash Text, Flash buttons, and FlashPaper documents.

Flash Movies

Embedding a Flash movie is pretty straightforward in Dreamweaver 8. Choose Insert, Media, Flash from the menu bar, choose the location of the Flash movie by using the Select File dialog box, and click OK.

Next, add the accessibility information via the Object Tag Accessibility Attributes dialog box and click OK. Dreamweaver embeds the Flash movie placeholder in your page and the Property inspector, shown in Figure 28.17, enables you to modify the attributes of the movie.

When a Flash movie is selected, the Property inspector provides you with access to the movie’s attributes.

Figure 28.17. When a Flash movie is selected, the Property inspector provides you with access to the movie’s attributes.

Image Viewer

The Flash Image Viewer was added to Dreamweaver in the MX 2004 version and offers an easy way to add an images slideshow to your pages. To insert the Image Viewer into your page, choose Insert, Media, Image Viewer from the menu bar. Because the resulting slideshow is a Flash file, type a name and choose a location for the file in the Save Flash Element dialog box, shown in Figure 28.18.

Select a name and location for the Flash slideshow.

Figure 28.18. Select a name and location for the Flash slideshow.

Click OK and Dreamweaver embeds a Flash movie placeholder into your document. As with any other Flash movie, the attributes of the movie are editable via the Property inspector. The next step in creating your slideshow is to indicate the locations of the images that are to be included in the show. To do this, select the Flash placeholder and notice that Dreamweaver opens a special panel called the Flash Element panel (see Figure 28.19). This panel enables you to adjust any of the attributes of the Flash objects in your page.

The Flash Element panel displays the attributes for the selected Flash object.

Figure 28.19. The Flash Element panel displays the attributes for the selected Flash object.

The locations for the images to be displayed in the slideshow are stored in the imgURLs attribute and can be adjusted by selecting the imgURLs attribute and clicking the Edit button that appears. In the Edit ‘imgURLs’ Array dialog box, shown in Figure 28.20, add or remove as many values as you would like to the list and click OK.

Add the URLs to the images that should be included in the slideshow.

Figure 28.20. Add the URLs to the images that should be included in the slideshow.

Save the page and preview it in your browser and the slideshow displays the images you included in the array.

Flash Text

One of the biggest issues with placing text in a web page is the fact that if the font of the text is not one that is supported by every browser, you run the risk of your page not displaying as you intended. Flash Text resolves that issue by enabling you to render your text into a Flash movie, using any font present on your current system, style, or color, and then convert the text into a Flash movie that retains all this information for all users to be embedded in your page. To create Flash Text, chose Insert, Media, Flash Text from the menu bar. In the Insert Flash Text dialog box, shown in Figure 28.21, add your text and style it however you would like.

Use the Insert Flash Text dialog box to create a text-based Flash movie.

Figure 28.21. Use the Insert Flash Text dialog box to create a text-based Flash movie.

You can also turn the Flash Text movie into a hyperlink by typing the URL to which it should point in the Link field. Be sure to type a name and location for the resulting filename and click OK. Dreamweaver saves the movie and embeds it in your document.

Flash Buttons

Similar to Flash Text, Flash buttons enable you to style your text into a clickable button format that contains different states for when the button is moused over or clicked on. To insert a Flash button, choose Insert, Media, Flash Button from the menu bar. In the Insert Flash Button dialog box (see Figure 28.22), choose a button style, enter the text for the button, style it to your taste, and type the URL to which the browser should go when clicked.

Use the Insert Flash button dialog box to create your Flash button.

Figure 28.22. Use the Insert Flash button dialog box to create your Flash button.

Finally, indicate where the resulting Flash movie should be saved and click OK. Dreamweaver embeds the button in your page and you can view it by previewing the page in your browser.


The last rich media type that I want to cover in this chapter is new to Dreamweaver 8 and is called FlashPaper. FlashPaper is a new format created by Macromedia that enables you to convert documents such as those created in Microsoft Word or Excel into Flash movies. These movies, referred to as FlashPaper, can then be displayed in your pages just like any other Flash movie.


The creation process of FlashPaper documents is covered a little later in the book in the “Adding FlashPaper Documents” in Chapter 34, “Putting It All Together: Using Contribute to Manage Site Content.”

To insert a FlashPaper movie, choose Insert, Media, FlashPaper from the menu bar. In the Insert FlashPaper dialog box (see Figure 28.23), select the source FlashPaper movie and the size to be displayed.

Use the Insert FlashPaper dialog box to add FlashPaper documents to your page.

Figure 28.23. Use the Insert FlashPaper dialog box to add FlashPaper documents to your page.

Click OK and Dreamweaver embeds the button in your page. You can then view it by previewing the page in your browser.

Using Timelines to Create Moving and Interactive Layers

Have you ever wondered how some web pages move content or images across the screen as though they were being dragged? The likely answer is that movement either took place as part of a Flash movie or through the use of moveable layers. We have already talked in depth about using Flash movies to create motion, so let’s take a look at a feature that has returned to Dreamweaver in version 8—Timelines.

Timelines enable you to animate the layers in your page by moving them or resizing them. The process of creating and managing these animations is controlled by the Timelines panel, shown in Figure 28.24. You can access this panel by choosing Window, Timelines.

The Timelines panel enables you to animate your layers.

Figure 28.24. The Timelines panel enables you to animate your layers.

As you can see, the Timelines panel looks a lot like the Flash development environment in that it can accommodate multiple objects and it uses frames and keyframes. To create a timeline, add a layer to your page and insert an image into the layer. Select the layer in the Design view, right-click in the first row of the Timelines panel, and choose Add Object from the menu. This indicates to Dreamweaver that the timeline will be changing the layer in some fashion. Dreamweaver adds the object to the Timelines panel and creates a default 15-frame timeline for the object (see Figure 28.25).

The layer has been added to the timeline as an object.

Figure 28.25. The layer has been added to the timeline as an object.


By default, the timeline is set to 15 frames per second in the FPS field. This means that the default 15 frames that Dreamweaver establishes play for only one second.

Suppose that you wanted to move your layer across the screen over a 3-second period. The easiest way to do this is to extend the object to 45 frames (3 seconds at 15 frames per second) by clicking on the ending keyframe, indicated by a white circle, and dragging it out to 45 (see Figure 28.26).

Extend the number of frames out to 45 by dragging the ending keyframe.

Figure 28.26. Extend the number of frames out to 45 by dragging the ending keyframe.

Now you need to indicate where the layer should end up after the timeline is completed. To do this, drag your layer to wherever you want it to end up in the Design view. Notice that Dreamweaver creates a line in the Design view that shows the path the layer will take as it is animated (see Figure 28.27).

The path of the layer is indicated by a line in the Design view.

Figure 28.27. The path of the layer is indicated by a line in the Design view.

But what if you don’t want the layer to proceed to its destination in a straight line? You can accommodate custom paths by using the Record Path command. To see how this works, create a second layer with an image inside it and add it to the Timelines panel. Now select the layer in the Design view and click on the Menu button for the Timelines panel. From the menu, choose Record Path of Layer.

After you click this link, Dreamweaver remembers where you drag the layer and creates a custom path for it. In the design view, drag the layer in a looping manner to a random destination. Notice that Dreamweaver draws the line following the path you indicated. When the layer is at its destination, release the mouse button and Dreamweaver alerts you that only certain aspects of the layer can be controlled (see Figure 28.28).

Dreamweaver alerts you that some modifications to layers aren’t visible in earlier versions of Netscape.

Figure 28.28. Dreamweaver alerts you that some modifications to layers aren’t visible in earlier versions of Netscape.

Click OK to close the alert. In the Timeline panel, click the first frame for this object and then use the right arrow to proceed through the frames. The layer moves according to the path you recorded. To see your animations in action, save the page and preview it in your browser.


Although layer animations and timelines are fun, be aware that they can get annoying after a while. Be cautious in how you apply them and make sure that they serve a true purpose that enhances your website, and that they aren’t just used for the wow factor.


I need to delete an object from my page that has behaviors associated with it. What is the best way to remove it?

The best way to ensure that all unnecessary code is removed from your page is to select the object, open the Behaviors panel, remove all the behaviors associated with the object, and then delete the object from the page.

I like the Flash buttons and want to use them in my site, but I would like to modify them. Can I change their colors, gradient, and so on?

No. The Flash button templates are pretty much set in stone. You can, however, use Flash to create your own buttons that use the same states as the Flash buttons. When embedding any custom-created Flash buttons, use the Insert, Media, Flash menu item as opposed to the Insert, Media, Flash Button menu item.

I want to record the path of my layer for a timeline, but when I click the menu button on the Timelines panel, the Record Path of Layer menu item is grayed out. What is the problem?

To see the Record Path of Layer menu item, you need to be sure that the layer is selected in the Design view first.

Best Practices—Being Aware of Bandwidth Limitations When Serving Video

The use of video as a training tool and for entertainment is becoming more and more popular as the availability of broadband and high-speed Internet connections grows. Be aware, however, that just because more data can be transferred easily across the Web doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t use good judgment in determining the best way to provide video to your end users.

For instance, I work in a centralized office that also has several outlying offices in different locations of the country. These offices are significantly smaller than the main office and, therefore, have limited resources. In addition, they use Voice Over IP for their telephone systems, which relies on having available bandwidth.

If I were to start streaming large video files to my technicians in these offices, it’s possible that these large videos could adversely affect the office’s telephone system. In addition, the more bandwidth I consume in pushing the videos, the more my company has to pay for their consumption.

For these reasons, be cautious when providing video to your end users. Be sure you optimize the video for your audience, but take care to keep bandwidth usage and cost considerations in mind as well.

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