Part 5. Roo in the cloud

In this final part of the book, we show you how to deploy Roo applications in the cloud where your application will run on a third-party hosting provider. Cloud computing solutions offer flexibility in deploying applications without requiring any internal server infrastructure.

Chapter 13, “Cloud computing,” explores the cloud computing paradigm and focuses on one of the cloud computing service models called platform as a service (PaaS). We look at one particular cloud service offering from VMware called Cloud Foundry. You’ll learn about the Roo add-on for Cloud Foundry and how to install the add-on. Then you’ll use the add-on commands to deploy your Roo application to a Cloud Foundry instance. We also look at the ways to view application logs and memory settings to monitor an application running in the cloud.

Spring Integration is a framework for implementing event-based messaging applications. In chapter 14, “Workflow applications using Spring Integration,” we look at adding Spring Integration support in a Roo application. You’ll see how the new Spring Integration add-on helps with creating and managing various enterprise integration components you can use to simplify the design of the course registration use case. You’ll do some design refactoring of the use case discussed in chapter 10—email and messaging—to take advantage of Spring Integration framework components.

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