Part 3. Web development

With the back-end data persistence out of the way, we’ll switch gears in part 3 to focus on the user interface layer of your application.

Chapter 5, “Rapid web applications with Roo,” covers Roo support for the Spring MVC framework and how you can develop controllers and view components of the application. You’ll also learn how to web scaffold the entities to create web pages as well as RESTful controllers that take care of the CRUD requirements of entities.

In chapter 6, “Advanced web applications,” you’ll build on the web application created in the previous chapter and customize it by modifying view layouts. You’ll also get a high-level overview of the theming concept, and we’ll wrap up the chapter with a discussion on localization.

There are several other web technologies, such as the Dojo Toolkit, GWT, JSF, and AJax. Chapter 7, “RIA and other web frameworks,” shows you how to integrate with these web APIs and frameworks in a Roo application.

Application security is a critical part of any software application. This is the focus of chapter 8, “Configuring security,” where you’ll learn how to implement security aspects such as authentication, access control, and restricting the URLs in an application. We’ll also look at how to enable security event logging so you can log all security events that occur when your application is running.

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