List of Figures

Chapter 1. What is Spring Roo?

Figure 1.1. The number of choices when working in an Enterprise Java application is mind-numbing!

Figure 1.2. The Pizza Shop home page

Figure 1.3. Required field checks appear visually

Figure 1.4. Warnings for missed fields displayed in yellow

Figure 1.5. The save/edit confirmation page

Figure 1.6. The listing page, complete with pagination

Figure 1.7. Creating a new pizza

Figure 1.8. Pizza Shop as a layered architecture

Figure 1.9. Roo’s Active Record architecture

Figure 1.10. Roo’s “turbocharged” entity

Chapter 2. Getting started with Roo

Figure 2.1. The task manager application—five lines of Roo; awesome!

Figure 2.2. The Roo entity and all related ITDs. See the tiny class,

Figure 2.3. The right-click menu is enabled when a Roo project is imported into the STS workspace.

Figure 2.4. Roo shell view

Figure 2.5. The drop-down triangle menu, shown in the Project Explorer view

Figure 2.6. The STS filter dialog

Figure 2.7. The project pane with ITDs

Figure 2.8. The Aspect Declarations menu in action; note the weaved data access ITD methods for this service

Figure 2.9. IntelliJ code completion and command-line console

Figure 2.10. The refactoring push-in menu

Figure 2.11. Refactoring in STS using the push-in dialog

Figure 2.12. Previewing the push-in

Figure 2.13. Pulling out Java code to an ITD

Chapter 3. Database persistence with entities

Figure 3.1. Course ITDs

Figure 3.2. Tests from the Roo entity test framework

Chapter 4. Relationships, JPA, and advanced persistence

Figure 4.1. The Course Manager data model

Figure 4.2. How Java sees your relationship—using a reference and a set

Figure 4.3. Database relationship, established via the training_program_id foreign key

Figure 4.4. How databases resolve a many-to-many relationship

Figure 4.5. The Person hierarchy

Chapter 5. Rapid web applications with Roo

Figure 5.1. Spring MVC key components

Figure 5.2. The default view page—terribly exciting!

Figure 5.3. index.jspx rendering the time

Figure 5.4. The course list view

Figure 5.5. Creating a resource with form processing

Figure 5.6. Updating a resource with form processing

Chapter 6. Advanced web applications

Figure 6.1. Nested tags in a typical generated list view

Figure 6.2. Nesting of form and field tags

Figure 6.3. JSPX files involved in the Tiles layout process. These files are located in /web-app/WEB-INF/views.

Chapter 7. RIA and other web frameworks

Figure 7.1. The Data Browser

Figure 7.2. The JSF layout—course listing view

Figure 7.3. The Course list view

Chapter 8. Configuring security

Figure 8.1. The Course Manager application security model

Chapter 9. Testing your application

Figure 9.1. Testing levels in Roo, Spring, and most other frameworks. Note how complexity increases as the runtime environment is loaded or user interactions are posed, and how much faster tests run when isolated as unit tests.

Figure 9.2. The integration test framework

Figure 9.3. The completeRegistration() method

Figure 9.4. The integration test and DataOnDemand frameworks

Figure 9.5. Successful Selenium report showing test run of the test-tag.xhtml test

Figure 9.6. The Selenium IDE editor—note the context-sensitive help in the Reference tab

Figure 9.7. Selecting the code format

Chapter 10. Enterprise services—email and messaging

Figure 10.1. Asynchronous messaging architecture

Figure 10.2. Publish-subscribe messaging architecture

Figure 10.3. Course catalog distribution process flow

Figure 10.4. Course registration confirmation notification use case

Figure 10.5. Messaging activity details using the JConsole JMX client

Figure 10.6. Spring Insight’s application monitoring dashboard

Chapter 11. Roo add-ons

Figure 11.1. You can use to search for any public artifact. In our search, we found version 2.2 of Apache’s commons-math and will use it to construct our wrapper class.

Figure 11.2. A jQuery UI–styled page

Chapter 12. Advanced add-ons and deployment

Figure 12.1. Artifacts deployed in a release

Figure 12.2. Email to the RooBot, which contains the OBR repository URL

Chapter 13. Cloud computing

Figure 13.1. Cloud Foundry’s open PaaS architecture model

Figure 13.2. Course Manager Roo application running on Cloud Foundry

Chapter 14. Workflow applications using Spring Integration

Figure 14.1. Course registration process flow

Figure 14.2. Course registration workflow with integration components

Figure 14.3. Spring Integration add-on SmartGit screenshot

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