List of Listings

Chapter 2. Getting started with Roo

Listing 2.1. The Task entity—

Listing 2.2. The JavaBean ITD for the Task entity

Chapter 3. Database persistence with entities

Listing 3.1. The Course entity

Listing 3.2. Adding and fetching a Course

Listing 3.3. Course entity fields—with Bean Validation annotations

Listing 3.4. Testing Course violations

Listing 3.5. The Course_Roo_Finder.aj ITD

Chapter 4. Relationships, JPA, and advanced persistence

Listing 4.1. Testing the TrainingProgram-to-Course relationship

Listing 4.2. The Tag entity

Listing 4.3. Testing the Tag to-Course association

Listing 4.4. Testing tag persistence from Courses

Listing 4.5. The completed Person entity

Listing 4.6. The course query repository

Chapter 5. Rapid web applications with Roo

Listing 5.1.

Listing 5.2. The testdrive/index.jspx view

Listing 5.3. The Roo scaffold controller

Listing 5.4. The list method in CourseController_Roo_Controller.aj

Listing 5.5. Displaying courses with list.jspx

Listing 5.6. Showing a single course with show.jspx

Listing 5.7. Creating a new course with create.jspx

Listing 5.8. Updating a course with update.jspx

Chapter 6. Advanced web applications

Listing 6.1. Top-level tiles defined in WEB-INF/layouts.xml

Listing 6.2. The default layout—default.jspx

Chapter 7. RIA and other web frameworks

Listing 7.1. Responding to duration onKeyUp event

Listing 7.2. The Course list view

Chapter 8. Configuring security

Listing 8.1. The Spring Security context configuration file

Listing 8.2. Spring configuration snippet with special identification for anonymous users

Listing 8.3. Spring Security JSP tag library to control access to web page elements

Listing 8.4. Database-backed authentication

Listing 8.5. LDAP authentication configuration

Listing 8.6. Security configuration for Course Manager application

Chapter 9. Testing your application

Listing 9.1. A mock course test

Listing 9.2. The CourseIntegrationTest Roo aspect

Listing 9.3. test-suite.xhtml

Listing 9.4. test-tag.xhtml

Listing 9.5. The generated JUnit test

Chapter 10. Enterprise services—email and messaging

Listing 10.1. Maven dependencies for JMS-related code

Listing 10.2. The Spring context configuration file with JMS components

Listing 10.3. Controller class with JMS logic

Listing 10.4. Configuration for JMS listener components

Listing 10.5. JUnit test class for testing course catalog distribution event

Listing 10.6. SMTP provider configuration

Listing 10.7. In-container JNDI resource configuration for SMTP provider

Listing 10.8. Command output for system properties

Listing 10.9. Notification service implementation class

Listing 10.10. JUnit test class for course registration confirmation notification

Listing 10.11. JUnit test class for course registration wait-list notification

Chapter 11. Roo add-ons

Listing 11.1. Setting up your operations implementation

Listing 11.2. The installjQueryApi() method

Listing 11.3. Installing the jQuery UI

Listing 11.4. The commands definition: JqueryuiCommands

Listing 11.5. The META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file

Chapter 12. Advanced add-ons and deployment

Listing 12.1. The CoffeeScript plug-in settings in configuration.xml

Listing 12.2. Setting up the CoffeeScript plug-in

Listing 12.3.

Listing 12.4. Removing the CoffeeScript plug-in from Maven

Listing 12.5. Detecting project features

Chapter 14. Workflow applications using Spring Integration

Listing 14.1. Error when deploying without the dependent Java libraries

Listing 14.2. osgi ps command output showing all active OSGi bundles

Listing 14.3. osgi log output showing current status of OSGi bundles

Listing 14.4. Spring Integration Roo commands to verify the add-on installation

Listing 14.5. Variations of produce command for creating channel adapter component

Listing 14.6. Configuration details for JMS components in course registration use case

Listing 14.7. Spring configuration for course registration workflow components

Listing 14.8. Maven build dependencies for Spring Integration

Listing 14.9. Test client for testing course registration with Spring Integration

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