Paul C. Dinsmore, PMP, is an international speaker and seminar leader on project management. He has authored or coauthored twenty books including Winning in Business with Enterprise Project Management and Enterprise Project Governance, and has written more than one hundred professional papers and articles. Mr. Dinsmore is president of DinsmoreCompass, a training and consulting group focused on project management and team building. Prior to establishing his consulting practice in 1985, he worked for twenty years as a project manager and executive in the construction and engineering industry for Daniel International, Morrison Knudsen International, and Engevix Engineering.

Mr. Dinsmore has performed consulting and training services for major companies including IBM, ENI-Italy, Petrobras, General Electric, Mercedes Benz, Shell, Morrison Knudsen, the World Trade Institute, Westinghouse, Ford, Caterpillar, and Alcoa. His speaking and consulting practice has taken him to Europe, South America, South Africa, Japan, China, and Australia. The range of projects where Mr. Dinsmore has provided consulting services includes company reorganization, project start-up, development and implementation of project management systems, and training programs, as well as special advisory functions for the presidents of several organizations. Mr. Dinsmore participates actively in the Project Management Institute, which awarded him its Distinguished Contributions Award as well as the prestigious title of Fellow of the Institute. He also has served on the board of directors of the PMI Educational Institute.

Mr. Dinsmore graduated from Texas Tech University and completed the Advanced Management Program at Harvard Business School. He can be reached at [email protected].


Jeannette Cabanis-Brewin, principal of The WordSource, LLC, has written about the human and organizational aspects of project management for more than eighteen years, and has contributed, as editor or author, to more than twenty project-management books. She is editor in chief of the research arm (formerly the Center for Business Practices) of the project management consulting firm PM Solutions, Inc. A former staff writer and editor for the Project Management Institute’s publishing division, she has researched and written hundreds of articles for print and online publications and has edited three award-winning project management books, including The Strategic Project Office by J. Kent Crawford, winner of PMI’s 2002 David I. Cleland Literature Award. She is also the coauthor, with J. Kent Crawford, of Optimizing Human Capital with a Strategic Project Office, Seven Steps to Strategy Execution, and An Inside Look at High-Performing PMOs. Her new book, Create a Healthy Workplace, Build a Healthy Bottom Line, is forthcoming in 2014 from Maven House Press.

Jeannette Cabanis-Brewin has a BA in English, professional writing concentration (summa cum laude) from Western Carolina University and has done graduate work in organizational development (Western Carolina University) and nonprofit management (Duke University). In 2007, the Project Management Institute honored her with a Distinguished Contributions Award.

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