Appendix C
Pleasant Activities
The goal of this appendix is to help you increase the number of pleasant or meaningful activities in your life. This can help bring on more balance, something especially important to do during difficult times. The best activities to choose are those you have enjoyed in the past. However, when people are feeling significantly overwhelmed or depressed, it’s often hard to think of even one potentially pleasant activity. Listed here are some suggestions to get you started.
Step one is to come up with your own list of several activities that you choose to pursue. It is also a good idea to sit down with a close friend or family member and brainstorm. Come up with a list of activities you’ve done in the past and others that you have never considered. In addition to enjoyable activities, also list some things you can do that would be interesting or meaningful.
Step two is to get out your calendar and schedule two or three of these activities per week. It may also be helpful to make a commitment to your spouse or a close friend that you will indeed do these activities (or invite them to join you). The reason for this is that people often have good intentions in planning to do these activities, but when the time comes to actually take the time to take care of themselves, it may just seem more important to attend to problematic life issues.
You must carve out time and make sure you actually follow through with pleasant activities. Also keep in mind, this is not just about having fun (although, there’s nothing wrong with that), but it is also about making sure your life maintains some balance. This, in itself, is a potent stress management strategy.
1. Reading novels or magazines
2. Watching TV
3. Renting and watching a video
4. Learn a new craft or hobby (many craft stores offer classes)
5. Camping
6. Working in politics or for a political or social cause
7. Having lunch with friends
8. Taking a shower
9. Being with animals
10. Singing in a group
11. Going to church socials
12. Playing a musical instrument
13. Going to the beach
14. Rearranging your furniture
15. Reading the Bible or other spiritual works
16. Going to a sports event
17. Playing sports
18. Going to the movies
19. Cooking meals
20. Having a good cry
21. Going to a restaurant
22. Looking at beautiful flowers or plants
23. Saying prayers
24. Canning, making preserves, etc.
25. Taking a bath
26. Making food or crafts to sell or give away
27. Painting or drawing
28. Visiting people who are sick or shut in
29. Bowling
30. Gardening or doing yard work
31. Shopping
32. Sitting in the sun
33. Going to a zoo or amusement park
34. Playing board games
35. Doing outdoor work
36. Reading the newspaper
37. Swimming
38. Running, jogging, or walking
39. While taking a walk, trying to see new things you have never noticed before
40. Playing Frisbee
41. Listening to music
42. Knitting, crocheting, or needlework
43. Starting a new project
44. Having sex
45. Bird watching
46. Repairing things
47. Bicycling
48. Giving gifts
49. Going on outings (to the park or a picnic)
50. Playing basketball
51. Helping someone
52. Seeing beautiful scenery
53. Hiking
54. Going to a museum
55. Fishing
56. Going to a health club
57. Writing letters, cards, or notes
58. Going to luncheons, potlucks, etc.
59. Being with your husband or wife
60. Going on field trips, nature walks, etc.
61. Expressing your love to someone
62. Caring for houseplants
63. Collecting things
64. Sewing
65. Going to auctions, garage sales, etc.
66. Doing volunteer work
67. Seeing old friends
68. Writing to or emailing old friends
69. Calling old friends
70. Going to the library
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