The step up to a managerial role
can be an exciting, but daunting,
new challenge. Suddenly, you are
responsible for making sure your
team is working together, achieving
results, and that overall your
department is running smoothly.
There is no single technique to
becoming an excellent manager, but
the Essential Manager’s Handbook
provides indispensable advice on
six of the key areas of management.
Lead your team
Managing People is essential to
building a high-performing team,
and in this section you will learn
how to attain this goal. A successful
manager must learn to set targets,
plan work, delegate tasks, motivate
employees, appraise performance,
and solve problems. Managing
people is a dynamic process that
is always evolving to reflect the
complex workspace, but by learning
the core skills outlined in this
section, you will be well prepared
to accommodate future change.
To run your team successfully, it is
critical to be seen as a good leader.
Leadership is the ability to create
an environment where each
individual feels totally committed
to doing a great job. This section
provides practical advice to help you
to develop your leadership skills,
allowing you to realize both your
own and your team’s full potential.
Achieve your potential
Achieving this potential occurs
through a combination of becoming
more creative and confident, and
improving your communication
skills. In Achieving High
Performance, you will be given the
tools to understand yourself, and
learn how to play to your strengths
and overcome your weaknesses. The
Effective Communication section of
this book focuses on a wide range
of topics, from planning a strategy
to analyzing your audience, and will
allow you to learn to communicate
and listen well, both to your team
and to your intended market.
Improve your business skills
A good manager also needs to
be a successful presenter, as
presentations have become an
essential tool for business
communication around the
world. Whether you are
delivering a formal speech,
giving an informal address to
your staff, or communicating
with the media, the elements
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of great presentations are described
in the Presenting section in clear,
concise, and practical detail.
Negotiating is challenging, complex,
and exciting, and another important
skill that all managers should
master. This section outlines various
techniques that can help to make
you a more successful negotiator
in every situation you face; from
teaching you how to manage your
own emotions, to understanding
your negotiation style.
Throughout this book, there are
many features aimed at helping
you to learn the essentials of being
a manager quickly and efficiently.
Ask Yourself” boxes allow you to
review your situation and assess
how you can improve your skills,
while “Tip” boxes provide expert
advice. Case studies demonstrate
real-life examples for you to
learn from, and “Do’s and Don’ts”
boxes provide at-a-glance advice
on key topics.
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