

Apple have always been individual in the way they do things. The way their machines operate, the way they look, even their screens are unique. No matter how hard the competition tries, Apple has remained a formidable force in the creative industries of the world.

The reason why Apple continues to be a success is the result of an extremely loyal customer base who refuse to abandon their platform of choice. People do not remain loyal to Apple out of some kind of blind devotion — they remain loyal because Apple machines and software serve them better than their competitors.

People like using Apple computers.

People love using Apple computers.

When it comes to Final Cut Pro, the same applies.

In a few short years Apple have created an editing system which shines bright across the murky waters of the post-production scene.

Final Cut Pro is reliable and stable. It works very well. And it works with every known format on the planet: video and film.

It is the success it is for very clear reasons:

It’s easy to use.

It’s powerful.

It’s affordable.

A friend said to me years ago: ‘You know, I don’t know why Apple computer’s still exist.’

They exist because the people want them to exist.

That’s it.

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