
I’m a runner with a master’s degree in interactive design—and the process of writing this book was a lot like marathon training and graduate school. Successfully meeting my goals (all variations of crossing a finishing line) demanded extraordinary levels of planning and commitment.

But equally important was the support of other people. I was really blessed with a lot of support from friends, colleagues, and family—and I thank them all:

The editing, design, and marketing staff at New Riders, Peachpit, and Box Twelve. A special thanks to Michael Nolan, Jeff Riley, and Glenn Bisignani.

Zach Johnson, my technical editor, whose coding experience and critical eye took the book to a much higher level.

Alexander Voloshyn, the creator of NimbleKit, for providing additional technical assistance, several important code samples, and a lot of friendly advice.

Martin Grider and Bill Heyman, who helped me with my first iPhone app and my early efforts to learn Objective-C.

Eric Meyer and Kristina Halvorson, who shared helpful advice and (even more helpful) encouragement.

Mike McGraw at Apple, who helped get me to the 2010 WWDC in San Francisco.

Mark Brancel, my first app client and collaborator. Thanks for your patience and for believing in my work.

Shawn, my friend and legal counsel, whose advice and assistance calmed many a frayed nerve.

Tim, my friend and sailing liberal arts scientist, who taught me how to sail a boat, and who inspires me to see the world differently every time we talk.

Eric, my friend and running coach. The three marathons I ran gave me the discipline and psychological endurance required to finish this book.

My design and communications colleagues in System Academic Administration at the University of Minnesota: Amy, Angie, Gabe, Kate, Kathy, Mike, and Peggy.

My MinneWebCon conference planning colleagues from 2008 to present: Amanda, Dan, Danny, Eric, Gabe, Jesse, Peter, Sara, Simin, and Zach.

My in-laws, Marilyn and Kent, who provide a ton of childcare for us that made this book possible; Marilyn, a writer, also helped edit the first chapter that I wrote, giving me the confidence to submit it to the publisher.

My mother, Sharon, whose skills as a gardener, flower arranger, and stained glass artist elevated my ability to see patterns and beauty, and inspired my own creativity and desire to make things.

My lovely wife and daughters, who gave me the time and space to work on this, and never complained about how tired and unhelpful I must have been during the numerous mornings that followed many late nights of writing and editing: Katie, Sarah, Grace, Emma, and Anne.

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