At least half of all the problems experienced by our clients throughout the years have been related to “communications.” And we have yet to meet a single client that admits to communicating too well!

Everyone knows The Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.” It’s great advice, and many people strive daily to put it into practice. In fact, it’s highly intuitive that the effective application of The Golden Rule would improve all of our lives immeasurably.

It’s only logical, then, that you should strive to apply this rule to your communications with others. After all, if you “communicate with others as you would have others communicate with you” things should go fine, right?

Well, unfortunately, no—it’s not right. And that’s because no one is like you. Quite simply, other people hear, process, and respond to information in ways that are different from the way that you do.

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