The Value of This Chapter

What Most Managers Do

Most managers know that their success depends upon the team that they create and manage. Nevertheless, countless managers continue to fail because they have an inadequate team or because they don’t know how to coach their team to excellence.

These managers usually know that they should have “good people” on their teams, but they often make erroneous judgments about what that means. For example, all too often, candidates are evaluated almost solely on the basis of their past jobs.

Once a new person is on board, the practices used by managers range from fully hands off (chaos) to fully hands on (micromanagement). These extreme management styles leave the employees either confused about their goals or overwhelmed with constant oversight. And it leaves the managers in a dangerous position as well. They simply cannot be successful if their teams are not successful.

What Winning Managers Do

Winning managers know that there are two major activities needed in order to coach the right people. First, they must hire the right people, and then they must coach them effectively.

Identifying the right people to fill specific positions is a high-skill activity, requiring an interview process that is fundamentally different than that used by most managers. Instead of focusing on resumes and asking candidates to recount their job history, an effective process focuses on the candidates’ natural abilities and their suitability for the specific positions they might fill. Winning managers know that people with the natural abilities to fulfill a position will love what they do, will do it well, and will require little management attention.

Once the manager has matched the new employee to the position (the right person in the right spot), her role as a coach becomes critical to the success of the employee, the company, and herself. When the right person is in the right spot, winning managers know that their role is now to coach that person to excellence.

These winning managers also know that they need to set clear goals and boundaries and then allow the employees to achieve the goals in their own way. This allows the employees to take charge of their own destiny and to do the things they love to do and are good at doing, and it frees the manager to do other activities.

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