Chapter 2

Livening Up Your Page with Events and Animation


check Figuring out events

check Handling mouse clicks, key presses, and more

check Showing, hiding, and fading elements

check Moving elements around the page

check Animating CSS properties

Today’s web animation can be built with the same tools we’ve always used to design and build the web: CSS and JavaScript. That is a huge amount of power and a vast arena in which to be creative.


HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery are among the web development world’s most powerful tools, enabling you to create pages and entire sites that look great and work flawlessly (well, as close to flawlessly as the complexity of the web allows). But there’s a problem with most of the web pages built using these tools: The pages just kind of sit there. Once the page loads, its content and its structure are fixed, immutable. You can’t click anything, you can’t change anything, nothing moves or jiggles, spins or flips, fades in or fades out. Sure, the page doesn’t distract, but neither does it delight, and that’s a no-no in the modern web. Fortunately, you’ve come to the right place because this chapter shows you how to liven up even the most moribund page. Here you delve into two techniques for injecting some dynamism into dead pages: events and animation. These powerful tools not only give your page a dose of adrenaline, but they offer you endless possibilities for exploring and expressing your creativity.

Building Reactive Pages with Events

When you buy a car, no matter how much you paid for it or how technologically advanced it is, the car just sits there unless you do something. (If you’re reading this in a future where all the cars are autonomous, my apologies.) That might be fine if it’s a good-looking car, but it’s much more likely you’ll want the car to do something, anything. Here’s a short list of actions you can take to achieve that goal:

  • Start the car.
  • Put the transmission into gear.
  • Press the accelerator.
  • Turn on the radio.

The common denominator for all these actions is that they set up a situation to which the car must respond in some way: turning on, engaging the gears, moving, playing sounds. Looked at it from this angle, the car is a machine that responds to external stimuli, or, in a word, to events.

Somewhat surprisingly, a web page is also a machine that responds to external stimuli. I’ll describe what I mean.

What’s an event?

In web development, an event is an action that occurs when a user interacts with a web page. Here are some examples:

  • Loading the page
  • Clicking a button
  • Pressing a key
  • Scrolling the page

How can your web page possibly know when any of these actions occur? The secret is that JavaScript was built with events in mind. As the computer science professors would say, JavaScript is an event-driven language.

So why don’t web pages respond to events automatically? Why do they just sit there? Because web pages are static by default, meaning that they ignore the events that are firing all around them. Your job as a web developer is to change that behavior by making your web pages “listen” for particular events to occur. You do that by setting up special chunks of code called event handlers that say, in effect, “Be a dear and watch out for event X to occur, will you? When it does, be so kind as to execute the code that I’ve placed here for you. Thanks so much.” An event handler consists of two parts:

  • Event listener: An instruction to the web browser to watch out for (“listen” for) a particular event occurring on a particular element
  • Callback function: The code that the web browser executes when it detects that the event has occurred

I said earlier that events are baked into JavaScript, but in this book I’m not going to talk about vanilla JavaScript event handling. That’s because jQuery offers straightforward event-handling methods that are easier to use and more flexible that those offered by pure JavaScript, so it makes sense to learn about events the jQuery way.

Understanding the event types

There are dozens of possible events your web page can respond to, but lucky for you only a small subset of these events is needed in most day-to-day web development. I break these down into the following five categories:

  • Document: Events that fire in relation to the loading of the document object. The only event you need to worry about here is ready, which fires when the document object has completed loading.
  • Mouse: Events that fire when the user does something with the mouse (or a similar device, such as a trackpad or touchscreen). The most important events in this category are click (the user clicks the mouse), dblclick (the user double-clicks the mouse), and mouseover (the user moves the mouse pointer over an element).
  • Keyboard: Events that fire when the user interacts with the keyboard. The main event in this category is keypress, which is fired when the user presses a key.
  • Form: Events associated with web page forms. The important ones are focus (an element gains the focus, for example, when the user tabs to a form control), blur (an element loses the focus), change (the user changes the value of a form control), and submit (the user submits the form). See Book 6, Chapters 2 and 3 to learn about forms and form events.
  • Browser window: Events that fire when the user interacts with the browser window. The two main events here are scroll, which fires when the user scrolls the window vertically or horizontally, and resize, which fires when the user changes the window width or height.

Setting up an event handler

You configure your code to listen for and react to an event by setting up an event handler using jQuery's on() method. Here’s the syntax:

$(selector).on(event, function() {

This code runs when the event fires


  • selector: A jQuery selector that specifies the web page element or set to be monitored for the event. The event is said to be bound to the element or set.
  • event: A string specifying the name of the event you want the browser to listen for. For the main events I mention in the previous section, use one of the following, enclosed in quotation marks: ready, click, dblclick, mouseover, keypress, focus, blur, change, submit, scroll, or resize.
  • function(): The callback function that jQuery executes when the event occurs.

Here's an example:


<div id="my-div"></div>

<button id="my-button">Click to add some text, above</button>


$('#my-button').on('click', function() {

$('#my-div').html('<h1>Hello Click World!</h1>');


The HTML sets up an empty div element and a button element. The jQuery code attaches a click event listener to the button, and the callback function adds the HTML string <h1>Hello Click World!</h1> to the div. Figure 2-1 shows the resulting page after the button has been clicked.


FIGURE 2-1: The click event callback function adds some HTML and text to the div element.

Using jQuery's shortcut event handlers

jQuery also offers some shortcut methods for setting up event handlers. Here’s the syntax:

$(selector).event(function() {

This code runs when the event fires


  • selector: A jQuery selector that specifies the web page element to be monitored for the event.
  • event: The name of event you want to handle. This defines a jQuery method as the event listener.
  • function(): The callback function that jQuery executes when the event occurs.

For example, the ready event fires when the document object has finished loading, so here's some code that handles that event:

$(document).ready(function() {

$('body').prepend('<h1>Hello Event World!</h1>');


As another example, here’s a rewrite of the earlier code I used to demonstrate the on() method:


<div id="my-div"></div>

<button id="my-button">Click to add some text, above</button>


$('#my-button').click(function() {

$('#my-div').html('<h1>Hello Click World!</h1>');


As a third example, the following code uses the dblclick() method to swap a div element's text and background colors when the div is double-clicked:


div {

color: lemonchiffon;

background-color: darkgreen;



<div id="my-div">

Double-click to switch the text and background colors.



$('#my-div').dblclick(function() {

if($('#my-div').css('color') === 'rgb(255, 250, 205)') {

$('#my-div').css('color', 'darkgreen');

$('#my-div').css('background-color', 'lemonchiffon');

} else {

$('#my-div').css('color', 'lemonchiffon');

$('#my-div').css('background-color', 'darkgreen');



In the dblclick callback function, an if() statement checks to see if the current color value of the div element equals rgb(255, 250, 205), which corresponds to the lemonchiffon color keyword. If so, the text and background colors are swapped.

tip When the user clicks a button or other web page element, the browser sets the focus on that element, which almost always means that, post-click, the element ends up with an unsightly “Look ma, I've got the focus” border around it. To remove this border, trigger the blur event by running the blur() method on the clicked element:

$('#my-button').on('click', function() {

$('#my-div').html('<h1>Hello Click World!</h1>');



remember For many events, you can use your code to trigger that event by running the corresponding jQuery shortcut event method without any arguments.

Getting data about the event

When an event fires, jQuery creates an Event object, the properties of which contain info about the event, including the following:

  • target: The web page element to which the event occurred. For example, if you set up a click handler for a div element, that div is the target of the click.
  • which: A numeric code that specifies the key that was pressed during a keypress event.
  • pageX: The distance (in pixels) that the mouse pointer was from the left edge of the browser's content area when the event fired.
  • pageY: The distance (in pixels) that the mouse pointer was from the top edge of the browser’s content area when the event fired.
  • metaKey: A Boolean value that equals true if the user had the Windows key ( image  ) or the Mac Command key (⌘  ) held down when the event fired.
  • shiftKey: A Boolean value that equals true if the user had the Shift key held down when the event fired.

To access these properties, you insert a name for the Event object as an argument in your event handler's callback function:

$(selector).on(event, function(e) {

This code runs when the event fires


  • e: A name for the Event object that jQuery generates when the event fires. You can use whatever name you want, but most coders use e (although evt and event are also common).

For example, when handling the keypress event, you need access to the which property to find out the code for the key the user pressed. Here's an example page that can help you determine which code value to look for:



Type a key:


<input id="key-input" type="text">


Here's the code of the key you pressed:


<div id="key-output">



$('#key-input').keypress(function(e) {



The HTML sets up an <input> tag to accept a keystroke, and a <div> tag with id="key-output" to use for the output. The jQuery code adds a keypress event listener to the input element, and when the event fires, the callback function writes e.which to the output div. Figure 2-2 shows the page in action.


FIGURE 2-2: Type a key in the input box, and the keypress event callback function uses e.which to write the numeric code of the pressed key to the div element.

Preventing the default event action

tip Some events come with default actions that they perform when the event fires. For example, a link's click event opens the target URL, whereas a form’s submit event sends the form data to a script on the server. Most of the time these default actions are exactly what you want, but that's not always the case. For example, you might want to intercept a link click to perform some custom action, such as displaying a menu. Similarly, rather than letting the browser submit a form, you might prefer to massage the form data and then send the data via your script.

For these and many similar situations, you can tell the web browser not to perform an event’s default action by running the Event object’s preventDefault() method:


  • event: A reference to the Event object that jQuery creates when an event fires

For example, take a peek at the following code:


<a href="">Wiley</a>

<a href="">Word Spy</a>

<a href="">Web Coding Playground</a>

<div id="output">

Link URL:



$('a').click(function(e) {


strURL =

$('#output').text('Link URL: ' + strURL);


The HTML defines three links (styled as inline blocks, which I haven't shown here) and a div element. The jQuery sets up a click event listener for all the a elements, and the callback function does three things:

  • It uses the e.preventDefault() method to tell the browser not to navigate to the link address.
  • It uses to get the URL of the link.
  • It displays that URL in the div element. Figure 2-3 shows an example.

FIGURE 2-3: You can use e.preventDefault() to stop the browser from navigating to the link URL.

Getting your head around event delegation

technicalstuff One of the brow-furrowing problems you run into when using jQuery is trying to get an event handler to work on an element that you create with code. To see what I mean, take a look at an example:


<button id="add-div-button">

Click to add the div



// Build the div element as a string and then prepend it

$('#add-div-button').click(function() {

var strDiv = '<div id="my-div">';

strDiv += 'Double-click to switch the text and background colors.';

strDiv += '</div>'



// Set up the div with a double-click event handler

$('#my-div').on('dblclick', function() {

if($('#my-div').css('color') === 'rgb(255, 250, 205)') {

$('#my-div').css('color', 'darkgreen');

$('#my-div').css('background-color', 'lemonchiffon');

} else {

$('#my-div').css('color', 'lemonchiffon');

$('#my-div').css('background-color', 'darkgreen');



When you click the button, the first jQuery event handler builds a div element as a string and then uses prepend to add it to the body element. That div element uses the id value my-div. However, the second jQuery event handler is for a dblclick event on that same my-div element. Theoretically, the dblclick handler switches the element's text and background colors, but if you try this example, you can double-click the div until your finger falls off and nothing will happen.

Why doesn’t the event handler handle anything? Because when the browser was loading the page and came upon the code for the dblclick event handler, the target — that is, the div with the id value my-div — didn't yet exist, so the browser ignored that event handler.

To fix this problem, you use a jQuery technique called event delegation, which means you do two things:

  • You bind the event handler not to the element itself, but to an ancestor element higher up in the web page hierarchy. This needs to be an element that exists when the web browser parses the event handler.
  • Add an extra parameter to the on() method that specifies which element your click handler actually applies to.

Here’s the new syntax for the on() method:

$(ancestor).on(event, descendant, function() {

This code runs when the event fires


  • ancestor: A selector that specifies the ancestor element that is delegated to be monitored for the event
  • event: A string specifying the name of event you want the browser to listen for
  • descendant: A selector that specifies the descendant element of ancestor that's the actual target of the event
  • function(): The callback function that jQuery executes when the event occurs

This version of the on() method delegates the event handler to the ancestor element. When the event fires, the ancestor element looks through its descendants until it finds the element or set given by descendant, and it then runs the handler with that element or set as the event target.

To fix the previous example, you could use the document object as the ancestor argument, and add #my-div as the descendant argument:

$(document).on('dblclick', '#my-div', function() {

warning When choosing which ancestor to use as the delegate, the best practice is to use the closest ancestor that exists when the browser processes the event handler. For example, if in our example we were appending the div to, say, an existing article element, it would be better to use that article element as the delegate than the document object. Why is it better, you ask? Because the further away the ancestor, the more descendants the ancestor has to run through before it finds the event target, which can be a real drag on performance.

Turning off an event handler

Most of the time you'll want to leave an event handler on the job full-time so it’s always available for your page visitors. However, sometimes you only want an event handler available part-time. For example, if clicking a button loads some HTML and text that you want to leave on the page, then it’s best to remove both the button and its event handler to avoid confusing the user.

To remove an event handler, run jQuery’s off() method:


  • selector: A jQuery selector that specifies the web page element or set from which you want the event removed
  • event: A string specifying the name of the event you want to remove

Here's an example that removes the click event from the element with the id value my-button:


Building Lively Pages with Animation

When you attend a speech or talk, nothing will put you to sleep faster — or, if you remain awake, make you want to head for the exit quicker — than listening to someone speak in a flat, affectless, monotone. The best orators use intonation, gestures, and the dramatic pause for effect to keep listeners not only in, but on the edge of, their seats.

Web pages, too, can appear flat and lifeless. Even if you've applied lots of color and top-notch typography, that’s like dressing up a deadly dull speaker in a flattering dress or sharp suit: The deadly dullness remains. Web page liveliness comes not only from an attractive appearance, but also from the judicious use of animation, the digital equivalent of voice modulation and hand gestures.

That might sound like a lot of extra effort to put in for a bit of eye candy, but interface animations aren’t just for show: When used properly they help the reader navigate and use your site, keep the reader engaged, and provide delight. But what about the work involved? Forget about it: jQuery offers a few ready-made tools that enable you to add sophisticated animation effects with just a few lines of code.

Hiding and showing elements

One of the most common web page effects is hiding something and then showing it when the user clicks a heading, a button, or some other page element. These effects are used for drop-down menus, navigation bars, image captions, question-and-answer sections (where clicking the question shows and hides the answer), and many other scenarios.

To hide an element, use jQuery’s hide() method:


  • selector: A jQuery selector that specifies the web page element or set you want to hide

For example, the following statement hides the web page's header element:


To show a hidden element, use jQuery’s show() method:


  • selector: A jQuery selector that specifies the hidden web page element or set you want to show

For example, the following statement shows the web page's header element:


Finally, you can toggle an element between shown and hidden by using jQuery’s toggle() method:


  • selector: A jQuery selector that specifies the hidden web page element or set you want to toggle between shown and hidden

For example, the following statement toggles the web page's header element:


Fading elements out and in

The hide(), show(), and toggle() methods that I cover in the previous section change the display of the element immediately. If the suddenness of these effects seems a bit harsh to you, then you might prefer the jQuery animations that fade an element out or in.

To fade an element out, use jQuery's fadeOut() method:


  • selector: A jQuery selector that specifies the web page element or set you want to fade out

For example, the following statement fades out the web page's aside element:


To fade an element in, use jQuery’s fadeIn() method:


  • selector: A jQuery selector that specifies the web page element or set you want to fade in

For example, the following statement fades in the web page's aside element:


And, yes, you can toggle the fading by running jQuery’s fadeToggle() method:


  • selector: A jQuery selector that specifies the web page element or set you want to toggle between fading in and fading out

For example, the following statement toggles fading for the web page's aside element:


Sliding elements

As an alternative to the fade animations that I cover in the previous section, you can also make an element show or hide itself gradually by sliding into or out of its position on the page.

To hide an element by sliding it up from its bottom edge until it disappears, use jQuery’s slideUp() method:


  • selector: A jQuery selector that specifies the web page element or set you want to slide up

For example, the following statement slides up the web page's nav element:


To show an element by sliding it down from its top edge, use jQuery’s slideDown() method:


  • selector: A jQuery selector that specifies the web page element or set you want to slide down

For example, the following statement slides down the web page's nav element:


I know, you’re way ahead of me: You can toggle the slide effect by running jQuery’s slideToggle() method:


  • selector: A jQuery selector that specifies the web page element or set you want to toggle between sliding up and sliding down

For example, the following statement toggles sliding for the web page's nav element:


Controlling the animation duration and pace

When you use any of jQuery’s animation methods — hide(), show(), toggle(), fadeOut(), fadeIn(), fadeToggle(), slideUp(), slideDown(), or slideToggle() — without parameters, jQuery runs the animation using its default settings:

  • Duration: The animation take 400 milliseconds to complete.
  • Pace: The animation starts slow, speeds up in the middle, and then slows down at the end. The pace is also called the animation's easing function and the default easing function is named swing.

You have quite a bit of control over the duration, and a bit of control over the pace, by using jQuery’s animations with the addition of two parameters that set the duration and the easing function:

$(selector).animation(duration, easing);

  • selector: A jQuery selector that specifies the web page element or set you want to work with.
  • animation: The name of the animation method you want to run.
  • duration: The length of the animation, in milliseconds. You can also use the keywords slow (equivalent to 600ms) or fast (equivalent to 200ms).
  • easing: A string that specifies the easing function you want to use for the animation. The default is swing, but you can also specify linear to have the animation run at a constant pace.

For example, the following statement toggles the nav element between hidden and shown, where the animation takes one second and uses the linear easing function.

$('nav').toggle(1000, 'linear');

warning Resist the temptation to extend the duration of an animation beyond a second or two. Your web visitors are busy people, and no one wants to sit through a ten-second fade or slide animation. As a general rule, your animations should be quick: around half a second in most cases.

Example: Creating a web page accordion

A common web design pattern is the accordion, a menu or list of items, each of which contains extra content that is hidden by default. When you click an item in the accordion, that item's hidden content is displayed. Click the item again, and the content returns to being hidden. An accordion is useful when you have a long series or list of items, and to display everything at once would be overwhelming for the reader. Instead, you can display just the headings, menu commands, or similar top-level items, and you can hide the rest of the content associated with each item, thus making the list or menu easier to read and navigate.

Take a look at an example. First, here’s some CSS and HTML code to mull over:


.sentence {

display: none;




<h1>Some Food Words to Chew On</h1>




Click a word or its definition to see that term's sample sentence.


<section id="alamode" class="word">

<b>à la mode</b> (al·uh·MODE, adjective). Describes a dish that's served with ice cream.

<p class="sentence">

Give her a big spoon and a piece of apple pie <b>à la mode</b> the size of her head, and Moira had her own little slice of heaven.



<section id="appetizer" class="word">

<b>appetizer</b> (AP·uh·tye·zur, noun). Food or drink that's served before the main meal and is meant to stimulate the appetite.

<p class="sentence">

A slow eater, Karen was only halfway through her salad <b>appetizer</b> when the waiter showed up with the main course.



<section id="comestible" class="word">

<b>comestible</b> (kuh·MES·tuh·bul, noun). An item that can be eaten as food.

<p class="sentence">

After picking up bread, meat, cheese, and a few other <b>comestibles</b>, Deirdre was ready for the weekend-long Three Stooges festival.



<section id="cuisine" class="word">

<b>cuisine</b> (kwi·ZEEN, noun). A style of cooking as well as the food cooked in that style.

<p class="sentence">

His local restaurant was supposed to specialize in French <b>cuisine</b>, so Sean wondered why they didn't serve french fries.



<section id="epicure" class="word">

<b>epicure</b> (EP·uh·kyoor, noun). A person with sophisticated tastes, especially when it comes to food and wine.

<p class="sentence">

Being able to tell beef stroganoff from beef Wellington and a Bordeaux from a Beaujolais convinced Dominic that he was quite the <b>epicure</b>.



<section id="ingest" class="word">

<b>ingest</b> (in·JEST, verb). To take food into the body.

<p class="sentence">

Not at all hungry, but also unwilling to displease his wife, Mr. Tortellini <b>ingested</b> her spaghetti with grim determination.



<section id="nosh" class="word">

<b>nosh</b> (nawsh, verb). To eat a light meal or a snack.

<p class="sentence">

Wanda would guiltily <b>nosh</b> on a pepperoni stick before going in to her vegetarian cooking class.




The HTML consists mostly of a series of <section> tags, each of which contains a word, its pronunciation, its definition, and a <p> tag that contains a sample sentence that uses the word. Each of these <p> tags is given the class named sentence, and in the CSS code, you can see that the sentence class is hidden by default by styling it with the declaration display: none. Figure 2-4 shows the initial state of the page.


FIGURE 2-4: When you first load the page, you see only each word and its pronunciation and definition. The sample sentences are hidden by default with the display: none declaration.

The goal here is to display a word's sample sentence when the reader clicks the word (or its pronunciation or definition). One way to do this would be to set up a click event handler on each word and then have that handler’s callback function use a method such as slideToggle() or fadeToggle() to show and hide the sample sentence. That would do the job, but it requires a lot of work. Sure, it's not bad with the seven items in my list, but what if there were 70 items, or 700?

Instead, I’m going to take advantage of three timesaving features of my HTML code:

  • Each <section> tag uses the class named word, so I can set up a single click event handler that is bound to that class name.
  • Each <section> tag also uses a unique id value that is based on its word. I can use that id value to know which term was clicked.
  • Each <p> tag is a direct child of its parent <section> tag, which lets me target the <p> tag using the child selector.

Given all this, the jQuery code required to show and hide the sample sentences is remarkably compact:

$('.word').click(function(e) {

var wordID =;

$('#' + wordID + ' > p').slideToggle('slow');


Three things are going on here:

  • The click event method is bound to the class named word, so it fires any time the reader clicks a <section> tag's content.
  • To figure out which <section> tag was clicked, the code gets the value of, which returns the id value of the clicked section element. That id value is stored in the wordID variable.
  • To build the jQuery selector for the sample sentence, the code appends # to wordID, and then adds the child selector for the p element: > p. With the section element's sample sentence selected, the code runs the slideToggle() animation to slide the sample sentence in and out of view.

Figure 2-5 shows the page with one of the sample sentences displayed.


FIGURE 2-5: Click any word (or its pronunciation or definition) and our four-line jQuery code slides the sample sentence in or out.

Animating CSS properties

One of the most interesting and exciting jQuery methods is animate(), which enables you to apply an animation to any CSS property that accepts a numeric value: font-size, padding, border-width, opacity, and many more. Here's the syntax to use:

$(selector).animate(properties, duration, easing);

  • selector: A jQuery selector that specifies the web page element or set you want to work with.
  • properties: An object literal that specifies the CSS property-value pairs that you want to animate.
  • duration: An optional length of the animation, in milliseconds. You can also use the keywords slow (equivalent to 600ms) or fast (equivalent to 200ms). The default is 400ms.
  • easing: An optional string that specifies the easing function you want to use for the animation. The default is swing, but you can also specify linear to have the animation run at a constant pace.

The properties parameter requires a bit more elaboration. It requires an object literal, which is a collection of property-value pairs, separated by commas and surrounded by braces. Here's the general form:


property1: value1,

property2: value2,


propertyN: valueN


Each property is a CSS property name, which needs to be enclosed in quotation marks if it contains a hyphen (-). Each value is a number, followed by a measurement unit, if needed. (Some CSS properties, such as opacity and line-spacing, take unitless numeric values.) If the value has a measurement unit, surround the number and unit with quotation marks. For example, here's the object literal to use if you want your animation to change the left position to 425px, the font size to 1rem, and the opacity to 1:


left: '425px',

'font-size': '1rem',

opacity: 1


You then insert the object literal into the animate() method as the properties parameter:



left: '425px',

'font-size': '1rem',

opacity: 1





This example animates the page's aside element with a duration of 1.5 seconds and linear easing. Notice that I arranged the animate() arguments vertically for easier reading.

remember For an animation to actually animate something, the property values you specify in the animate() method's object literal must be different than the values the element already has. For the example just described, the initial CSS rule for the aside element might look like this:

aside {

position: absolute;

left: -20rem;

font-size: .1rem;

opacity: 0;


Given this initial rule, you can see that the animation does three things:

  • Moves the element from its initial position offscreen to 425px from the left edge of the content area
  • Increases the font size from .1rem to 1rem
  • Increases the opacity from 0 (transparent) to 1 (fully visible)

Running code when an animation ends

Most of the time you'll want your jQuery animations to run their course without further ado. However, there might be times when some further ado is exactly what you want. For example, at the completion of an animation, you might want to adjust the text on a button (for example, from “Hide the nav bar” to “Show the nav bar”) or you might want to run another animation (a technique known as animation chaining).

You can perform these and similar post-animation tasks by adding a callback function to the animation method. First, here’s the syntax to use for one of jQuery’s built-in animation effects:

$(selector).animation(function() {

Code to run when the animation is done


  • selector: A jQuery selector that specifies the web page element or set you want to work with.
  • animation: The name of the animation method you want to run.
  • function(): The callback function. jQuery executes the code inside this function after the animation ends.

Here's an example:



<a href="#">Home</a>

<a href="#">What's New</a>

<a href="#">What's Old</a>

<a href="#">What's What</a>



<button id="slide-nav">Hide the nav bar</button>



$('#slide-nav').click(function() {

$('nav').slideToggle(function() {

// Get the current button text

var btnText = $('#slide-nav').text();

// Check the first four letters of the button text

// and then change the button text accordingly

if (btnText.substr(0, 4) === 'Hide') {

$('#slide-nav').text('Show the nav bar');

} else {

$('#slide-nav').text('Hide the nav bar');




The HTML defines a button element that, when clicked, hides and shows the nav element. The jQuery code sets up a click event handler for the button, and that handler's callback function runs the slideToggle() animation on the nav element. The slideToggle() animation also includes a callback function that gets the button text, checks to see if the first four characters are Hide, and then changes the button text according to the result.

remember You can specify a duration and easing value along with the callback function. Here's the complete syntax:

$(selector).animation(duration, easing, function() {

Code to run when the animation is done


For the animate() method, you can also include a callback function by using the following syntax:

$(selector).animate(properties, duration, easing, function() {

Code to run when the animation is done


Here’s an example that runs a second animate() method after the first one is complete:

$('#animate-aside').click(function() {



left: '425px'




function() {

$('aside > p').animate(


opacity: 1



); // End of the second animate() method

} // End of the first animate() method's callback function

); // End of the first animate() method

}); // End of the click() method

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