
As the author of the widely successful first edition of this book, Scott Bennett entrusted me to carry on the mission. Thanks Scott, for allowing me to take over this project.

When I began to think of whom I would like to have as Technical Editors for this work, Rick Graziani and Kenneth Stewart immediately came to mind. Both are outstanding instructors and authors in the Cisco Network Academy community. Thankfully, when Mary Beth Ray contacted them, they were willing and able to do the arduous review work necessary to make sure you get a book that is both technically accurate and unambiguous.

Rick is a long-time technology instructor with a world-renowned reputation among both students and teachers of the CCNA and CCNP curricula. When I began to teach CCNA courses in 2000, it wasn’t long before I discovered Rick’s outstanding resources online. These are available to anyone who sends him an email requesting the password; just Google his name to find his website. Rick and I coauthored the Routing Protocols and Concepts: CCNA Exploration Companion Guide, so I know how he works. I knew he would do an outstanding job editing this material before you see it.

Kenneth Stewart often pulls double duty teaching CCNA courses part time at Del Mar College while maintaining a full load teaching various technology classes at Flour Bluff High School here in my hometown of Corpus Christi. In his spare time, he also likes to write books. His students compete on a national level, including networking, web authoring, and robotics. Ken’s excitement in the classroom is contagious, and his commitment to the integrity of the teaching materials he uses is unsurpassed. As the excellent coauthor of Designing and Supporting Computer Networks: CCNA Discovery Learning Guide, I knew Ken would serve you, the reader, admirably.

Thank you, Rick and Ken, for not only serving as technical editors to this effort, but for being my friends.

This book is a concise summary of the work of Cisco Press CCNA authors. Wendell Odom’s CCNA Official Exam Certification Library, Third Edition and Steve McQuerry’s Authorized Self-Study Guide CCNA Preparation Library, Seventh Edition were two of my main sources. The different approaches these two authors—both CCIEs—take toward the CCNA material gives the reader the breadth and the depth needed to master the CCNA exam topics.

The Cisco Network Academy authors for the Exploration series of Companion Guides take the reader deeper, past the CCNA exam topics, with the ultimate goal of not only preparing the student for CCNA certification, but for more advanced college-level technology courses and degrees, as well. Thank you to Mark Dye, Rick Graziani, Wayne Lewis, Rick McDonald, Antoon W. Rufi, and Bob Vachon for their excellent treatment of the material; it is reflected throughout this book.

Mary Beth Ray, executive editor, amazes me with her ability to juggle multiple projects at once, steering each from beginning to end. I can always count on her to make the tough decisions. Thank you, Mary Beth, for bringing this project to me.

This is my fourth project with Christopher Cleveland as development editor. His dedication to perfection pays dividends in countless, unseen ways. Thank you again, Chris, for providing me with much needed guidance and support. This book could not be a reality without your persistence.

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