Commonly Used Notation

InThe n by n identity matrix
1nThe n by 1 vector of unit elements
OA matrix of appropriate order with all zero entries
ΛiThe ith largest eigenvalue of the matrix under consideration
|A|The determinant of the square matrix A
tr(A)The trace of the square matrix A
A−1The inverse of the matrix A
A1/2The symmetric square root of the matrix A
AA generalized inverse of the matrix A
E(y)Expected value of a random variable or vector y
v(y), var(y)Variance of a random variable y
cov(x, y)Covariance of random variable (vector) x with random variable (or vector) y
D(y)The variance covariance or the dispersion matrix of y
Np (μ, Σ)A p-dimensional normal distribution with mean μ and the variance covariance matrix Σ
Wp (ƒ, Σ)A p-(matrix) variate Wishart distribution with ƒ degrees of freedom and parameter Σ (that is, with expected value ƒ Σ)
εError vector
ϵError matrix
Yn by p matrix of data on dependent variables
XRegression/Design matrix in the linear model
βRegression/Design parameter vector
BRegression/Design parameter matrix
Σ(usually) The Dispersion matrix of errors
dfDegrees of freedom
SS&CP MatrixMatrix of the sums of squares and crossproducts
EError SS&CP matrix
HHypothesis SS&CP matrix
The sample mean vector
SSample dispersion matrix (with d f as denominator)
SnSample dispersion matrix (with sample size as denominator)
PThe Projection or Hat matrix
T2Hotelling's T2
ΛWilks' Lambda
β1,pCoefficient of multivariate skewness
β1,pCoefficient of multivariate kurtosis
Kronecker product
AICAkaike's information criterion
BICSwartz's Bayesian information criterion

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