3.8. General Linear Hypotheses

Sometimes our interest may be in comparing the regression coefficients from the models corresponding to different variables. For example, in a multivariate linear model with two response variables, it may be interesting to test if the intercepts, means, or some other regression coefficients are equal in the respective models corresponding to these two response variables. Such a hypothesis cannot be expressed in the form of Equation 3.11. This hypothesis can, however, be formulated as a general linear hypothesis which can be written as

H0: LBM=0 vs. H1: LBM0,

where r by (k+1) matrix L is, as earlier, of rank r and the p by s matrix M is of rank s. These two matrices have different roles to play and need to be chosen carefully depending on the particular hypothesis to be tested. Specifically, the premultiplied matrix L is used to obtain a linear function of the regression coefficients within the individual models while the postmultiplied matrix M does the same for the coefficients from different models but corresponding to the same set of regressors or independent variables. In other words, the matrix L provides a means of comparison of coefficients within models, whereas the matrix M offers a way for "between models" comparisons of regression coefficients. As a result, the simultaneous pre- and postmultiplication to B by L and M respectively provides a method for defining a general linear hypothesis involving various coefficients of B.

For example, let B = (βij), that is, except for the zeroth row of β, the coefficient βij is the regression coefficient of the ith independent variable in the jth model (that is, the model for jth dependent variable). The zeroth row of β contains intercepts of various models. Suppose we want to test the hypothesis that the difference between the coefficients of first and second independent variables is the same for the two univariate models involving the first two dependent variables. In other words, the null hypothesis to be tested is β11 − β21 = β12 − β22, i.e., H0: (β11 − β21) −(β12 − β22) = 0. This equation in matrix notation is written as LBM=0 with

L= (0 1 − 1 0 ... 0)


These types of general linear hypotheses occur frequently in the studies of growth curves, repeated measures, and crossover designed data. Chapter 5 covers various examples of these data.


Spatial Uniformity in Semiconductor Processes Guo and Sachs (1993) presented a case study that attempted to model and optimize the spatial uniformity of the product output characteristics at different locations in a batch of products. This example empirically models these responses using the multiple response surfaces and interprets the problem of testing the spatial uniformity as a problem of general linear hypothesis testing.

The independent variables under consideration are two flow rates denoted by X1 and X2, and the resulting dependent variables are the deposition rates at three measurement sites. We denote these by y1, y2, and y3 respectively. We are interested in the spatial uniformity, that is, we want to achieve a uniformity between the values of y1, y2, and y3 for the given levels of two flow rates.

This example fits the multivariate regression model for y1, y2, and y3 in terms of X1 and X2. Assume that there is no interaction between X1 and X2 and that the effects of X1 and X2 are both linear. The individual models can be obtained by using the SAS statements

proc reg;
model y1 y2 y3 = x1 x2;

given as part of Program 3.7. Output 3.7, which is produced by Program 3.7, provides the estimates (collected from three separate univariate analyses) of regression coefficients

and hence the three models are

In the ideal case of complete spatial uniformity, we would expect the models for y1, y2, and y3 to be identical. We construct an appropriate null hypothesis from this interpretation of spatial uniformity.

/* Program 3.7 */

options ls=64 ps=45 nodate nonumber;
    data semicond;
    input x1 x2 y1 y2 y3;
    46 22 45.994 46.296 48.589
    56 22 48.843 48.731 49.681
    66 22 51.555 50.544 50.908
    46 32 47.647 47.846 48.519
    56 32 50.208 49.930 50.072
    66 32 52.931 52.387 51.505
    46 42 47.641 49.488 48.947
    56 42 51.365 51.365 50.642
    66 42 54.436 52.985 51.716
    /* Source: Guo and Sachs (1993).  Reprinted by permission of the
       Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
       Copyright 1993 IEEE. */
    proc reg data = semicond ;
    model y1 y2 y3 =  x1 x2 ;
    AllCoef: mtest y1−y2,y2−y3,intercept,x1,x2/print;
    X1andX2: mtest y1−y2,y2−y3,x1,x2/print;
    title1 ' Output 3.7 ';
    title2 'Spatial Uniformity in Semiconductor Processes' ;


Then the columns of B represent the regression coefficients in the models for y1, y2, and y3 respectively. Thus the complete spatial uniformity amounts to testing the hypothesis that the three columns of B are identical, that is, our null hypothesis is




To test this null hypothesis, we use the MTEST statement in PROC REG. An alternative could be to use the CONTRAST and MANOVA statements in PROC GLM, but since that is applicable only for designed experiments and not otherwise, we do not make this choice here. Chapters 4 and 5 elaborate on this approach. The approach using the MTEST statement is general and applicable for all regression modeling problems even when the data are collected from designed or undesigned experiments.

If H0 is true, then the coefficients of the three models are identical. And hence the true means (expected values) of Y1−Y2 and Y2−Y3 would both be zero. Therefore, in order to test H0 we could simultaneously test the three linear hypotheses. Specifically, the null hypotheses are that the intercepts, as well as the coefficients of X1 and X2 in the models for these two variables, are all zero. This can be done using the MTEST statement after the MODEL statement. Models without intercepts can be fitted by using the NOINT option in the MODEL statement.

Consequently, to test H0: LBM=0 with the choice of L and M indicated above, we use the following SAS statements:

proc reg;
model y1 y2 y3 = x1 x2;
mtest y1−y2, y2−y3, intercept, x1, x2/print;

Note that the MTEST statement performs the four multivariate tests on variables Y1−Y2 and Y2−Y3. An alternative yet equivalent approach would have been to define Z1 = Y1− Y2 and Z2 = Y2−Y3 early in the DATA step after INPUT statement as shown below:

data semicond;
input x1 x2 y1 y2 y3;

and then later in REG procedure use the MODEL and MTEST statements

model z1 z2 = x1 x2;
mtest z1, z2, intercept, x1, x2/print;

In fact, we do not really need to include variables Z1 and Z2 in the MTEST statement given above. They are included by default because, if the list in the MTEST statement does not include any dependent variable, SAS automatically includes the variables being analyzed and those listed on the left side of the MODEL statement. In Program 3.7 we have, however, used the MTEST statement to avoid creating two extra variables Z1 and Z2. The PRINT option in the MTEST statement prints the corresponding H and E matrices for variables Y1−Y2 and Y2−Y3.

Example 3.7. Output 3.7
Spatial Uniformity in Semiconductor Processes

Model: MODEL1
Dependent Variable: Y1

                      Analysis of Variance

                         Sum of         Mean
Source          DF      Squares       Square      F Value

Model            2     60.14535     30.07268      201.946
Error            6      0.89348      0.14891
C Total          8     61.03883

    Root MSE       0.38589     R-square       0.9854
    Dep Mean      50.06889     Adj R-sq       0.9805
    C.V.           0.77073

                      Parameter Estimates

                      Parameter      Standard    T for H0:
     Variable  DF      Estimate         Error   Parameter=0

     INTERCEP   1     29.844889    1.02421553        29.139
     X1         1      0.294000    0.01575405        18.662
     X2         1      0.117500    0.01575405         7.458

     Variable  DF    Prob > |T|

     INTERCEP   1        0.0001
     X1         1        0.0001
     X2         1        0.0003

Dependent Variable: Y2

                      Analysis of Variance

                         Sum of         Mean
Source          DF      Squares       Square      F Value

Model            2     36.54818     18.27409      251.850
Error            6      0.43536      0.07256
C Total          8     36.98354

    Root MSE       0.26937     R-square       0.9882
    Dep Mean      49.95244     Adj R-sq       0.9843
    C.V.           0.53925

                      Parameter Estimates

                      Parameter      Standard    T for H0:
     Variable  DF      Estimate         Error   Parameter=0

     INTERCEP   1     34.076444    0.71494183        47.663
     X1         1      0.204767    0.01099694        18.620
     X2         1      0.137783    0.01099694        12.529

     Variable  DF    Prob > |T|

     INTERCEP   1        0.0001
     X1         1        0.0001
     X2         1        0.0001

Dependent Variable: Y3

Analysis of Variance

                         Sum of         Mean
Source          DF      Squares       Square      F Value

Model            2     11.61893      5.80947      183.301
Error            6      0.19016      0.03169
C Total          8     11.80910

    Root MSE       0.17803     R-square       0.9839
    Dep Mean      50.06433     Adj R-sq       0.9785
    C.V.           0.35560

                      Parameter Estimates

                      Parameter      Standard    T for H0:
     Variable  DF      Estimate         Error   Parameter=0

     INTERCEP   1     41.394200    0.47250828        87.605
     X1         1      0.134567    0.00726792        18.515
     X2         1      0.035450    0.00726792         4.878

     Variable  DF    Prob > |T|

     INTERCEP   1        0.0001
     X1         1        0.0001
     X2         1        0.0028

Multivariate Test: ALLCOEF

                      E, the Error Matrix

                    1.9090653889      −0.761418778
                    −0.761418778      0.6168702222

                    H, the Hypothesis Matrix

                    5.1464346111      2.3958517778
                    2.3958517778      9.3527627778

          Multivariate Statistics and F Approximations

                      S=2    M=0    N=1.5

Statistic               Value        F    Num DF  Den DF  Pr > F

Wilks' Lambda          0.008835   16.064       6      10  0.0001
Pillai's Trace         1.617641   8.4614       6      12  0.0010

Hotelling-Lawley Trace 41.27571   27.517       6       8  0.0001
Roy's Greatest Root    39.47972   78.959       3       6  0.0001

  NOTE: F Statistic for Roy's Greatest Root is an upper bound.
         NOTE: F Statistic for Wilks' Lambda is exact.

Multivariate Test: X1ANDX2

                      E, the Error Matrix

                    1.9090653889      −0.761418778
                    −0.761418778      0.6168702222

                    H, the Hypothesis Matrix

                    5.0244008333      2.5131113333
                    2.5131113333      9.2400906667

          Multivariate Statistics and F Approximations

                     S=2    M=−0.5    N=1.5

Statistic               Value        F    Num DF  Den DF  Pr > F

Wilks' Lambda           0.00916   23.622       4      10  0.0001
Pillai's Trace         1.605325   12.202       4      12  0.0003
Hotelling-Lawley Trace  41.0887   41.089       4       8  0.0001
Roy's Greatest Root    39.38536   118.16       2       6  0.0001

  NOTE: F Statistic for Roy's Greatest Root is an upper bound.
         NOTE: F Statistic for Wilks' Lambda is exact.

The first part of Output 3.7 presents the results of multivariate tests. The error SS&CP matrix E and the hypothesis SS&CP matrix H are given first and are then followed by four multivariate tests. All of the four multivariate tests reject the null hypothesis. For example, the value of Wilks' Λ is 0.0088, which leads to an (exact) F(6,10) statistic value of 16.064 and a p value of 0.0001. In view of this extremely small p value, there is sufficient evidence to reject H0 and conclude the lack of spatial uniformity.

Having rejected the null hypothesis of equality of all regression coefficients including the intercepts in the three models, we may want to test if the three models differ only in their intercepts and if the respective coefficients of X1 and X2 are the same in the models for y1, y2 and y3. Therefore, we exclude the keyword INTERCEPT in the MTEST statement. The appropriate MODEL and MTEST statements are

model y1 y2 y3 =x1 x2;
mtest y1−y2, y2−y3, x1, x2/print;

Of course, as earlier, Y1−Y2 and Y2−Y3 can be removed from the list in the MTEST statement if Z1=Y1−Y2 and Z2 = Y2−Y3 have already been defined in the DATA step and if the variables Z1 and Z2 are analyzed in the MODEL statement. The resulting multivariate outputs would be identical. These are presented under the label, "Multivariate Test: X1ANDX2" in the latter part of Output 3.7. As in the previous case, the null hypothesis in the present case is also rejected by all four multivariate tests leading us to believe that the deposition rates Y1, Y2, and Y3 at the three different measurement sites depend differently on the two flow rates X1 and X2.

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