5.4. Factorial Designs

When the treatment combinations are made up of various levels of several factors, then both the multivariate and univariate approaches are generalized in a straightforward way. It is so because all these situations can still be dealt within the general framework of multivariate linear model. Also, the assumption of compound symmetry of covariance structure needed in the univariate analysis is on the error. Therefore, what design has been used for data collection does not affect the univariate approach. For the multivariate approach, the MANOVA partitioning of the total sums of squares and crossproduct matrix has been seen to be the straightforward generalization of the univariate ANOVA and therefore the multivariate approach essentially parallels that for the univariate ANOVA. This similarity has already been discussed in Chapters 3 and 4. We illustrate the approach for the factorial designs using a three-factor experiment originally discussed by Box (1950).


A Two-Way Factorial Experiment, Abrasion Data Box (1950) presented data on fabric weight loss due to abrasion. Some of the fabrics were given a surface treatment (SURFTRT) and some were not, leading to two levels, YES and NO, for SURFTRT. Two fillers (FILL) A and B were used at three proportions (PROP), namely, 25\%, 50\%, and 75\%, and the weight losses were recorded at three successive periods, each after 1000 revolutions of the machine which tested the abrasion resistance. Two replicates for each treatment combination in this 2× 2× 3 factorial experiment were obtained. Program 5.11 performs the multivariate as well as the univariate analysis of the data.

The repeated measures are taken with respect to the increasing number of revolutions (REVOLUTN). The corresponding values of the dependent variable weight loss are denoted by Y1, Y2, and Y3. We first fit the multivariate model with all main variables and two- and three-factor interactions. The standard MANOVA (not shown) indicates that SURFTRT, FILL, SURFTRT*FILL, PROP, and FILL*PROP are all highly significant. For illustration we examine only the profiles corresponding to variable PROP. Thus, all the comparisons are about the average weight losses due to various proportions of the fillers. The three sequential hypotheses to be tested are, are the PROP profiles parallel? given that they are parallel, are the PROP profiles coincidental? given that they are coincidental, are the PROP profiles horizontal?

Each of these three hypotheses is specified as LBM = 0 in the linear model setup with the specific choices of matrices of L and M in the three hypotheses. Since the three hypotheses are about the variable PROP only, the L matrix is specified by using the CONTRAST statement with PROP as the variable of interest. The M matrices are appropriately defined with the M= specification on the MANOVA statement. Specifically, the SAS statements specifying L and M for each hypothesis are listed below.

Are the PROP profiles parallel?

contrast '"prop-parallel?"' prop 1 0 -1,
                            prop 0 1 -1;
manova h=prop m=(1 -1 0,
                1 0 -1);

Given that they are parallel, are the PROP profiles coincidental?

contrast '"prop-coincidental?"' prop 1 0 -1
                                prop 0 1 -1;
manova h=prop m=(1 1 1);

Given that they are coincidental, are the PROP profiles horizontal?

contrast '"prop-horizontal?"' intercept 1;
manova h=prop m=(1 -1 0,
                 1 0 -1);

/* Program 5.11 */

options ls=64 ps=45 nodate nonumber;
    title1 ' Output 5.11';
    data box;
    infile 'box.dat';
    input surftrt $ fill $ prop y1 y2 y3 ;
    title2 'Repeated Measures in Factorials: Tire Wear Data';
    proc glm data = box;
    class surftrt fill prop;
    model y1 y2 y3 =surftrt|fill|prop/nouni;
    contrast '"prop-parallel?"' prop 1 0 -1,
                                prop  0 1 -1;
    contrast '"prop-horizontal?"' intercept 1;
    manova h=prop m= (1 -1 0, 1 0 -1)/printe printh;
    contrast '"prop-concidental?"'  prop  1 0 -1,
                                    prop 0 1 -1 ;
    manova h = prop m=(1 1 1) /printe printh;
    proc glm data = box;
    class surftrt fill prop;
    model y1 y2 y3  = surftrt|fill|prop/ nouni ;
    repeated revolutn 3 polynomial/summary printm printe ;
    title2 'Univariate Split Plot Analysis of Tire Wear Data';
    data boxsplit;
    set box;
    array yy{3} y1-y3;
    do time=1 to 3;
    proc mixed data = boxsplit  method = reml ;
    class surftrt fill prop subject;
    model y =  surftrt fill prop surftrt*fill surftrt*prop
    fill*prop  surftrt*time  fill*time  prop*time
    surftrt*fill*time surftrt*prop*time fill*prop*time/chisq;
    repeated /type = ar(1) subject = subject r ;
    title2 'Analysis of Tire Wear Data Using PROC MIXED';

Example 5.11. Output 5.11
Repeated Measures in Factorials: Tire Wear Data

                General Linear Models Procedure
               Multivariate Analysis of Variance

         Manova Test Criteria and F Approximations for
      the Hypothesis of no Overall "prop-parallel?" Effect
    on the variables defined by the M Matrix Transformation
         H = Contrast SS&CP Matrix for "prop-parallel?"
                      E = Error SS&CP Matrix

                     S=2    M=-0.5    N=4.5

Statistic               Value        F    Num DF  Den DF  Pr > F

Wilks' Lambda          0.469985   2.5227       4      22  0.0701
Pillai's Trace         0.550475   2.2786       4      24  0.0904
Hotelling-Lawley Trace 1.084195   2.7105       4      20  0.0594
Roy's Greatest Root    1.042434   6.2546       2      12  0.0138

  NOTE: F Statistic for Roy's Greatest Root is an upper bound.
         NOTE: F Statistic for Wilks' Lambda is exact.

        Manova Test Criteria and Exact F Statistics for
    the Hypothesis of no Overall "prop-concidental?" Effect
    on the variables defined by the M Matrix Transformation
       H = Contrast SS&CP Matrix for "prop-concidental?"
                      E = Error SS&CP Matrix

                       S=1    M=0    N=5

Statistic               Value        F    Num DF  Den DF  Pr > F

Wilks' Lambda          0.216071   21.769       2      12  0.0001
Pillai's Trace         0.783929   21.769       2      12  0.0001
Hotelling-Lawley Trace 3.628115   21.769       2      12  0.0001
Roy's Greatest Root    3.628115   21.769       2      12  0.0001

        Univariate Split Plot Analysis of Tire Wear Data

                General Linear Models Procedure
             Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance
   Univariate Tests of Hypotheses for Within Subject Effects

                                                    Adj  Pr > F
     DF Type III SS Mean Square  F Value  Pr > F   G-G   H-F
      2  60958.5278  30479.2639   160.68  0.0001  0.0001  0.0001

                                                    Adj  Pr > F
     DF Type III SS Mean Square  F Value  Pr > F   G-G   H-F
      2   8248.0278   4124.0139    21.74  0.0001  0.0001  0.0001

                                                    Adj  Pr > F
     DF Type III SS Mean Square  F Value  Pr > F   G-G   H-F
      2  18287.6944   9143.8472    48.20  0.0001  0.0001  0.0001

                                                    Adj  Pr > F
     DF Type III SS Mean Square  F Value  Pr > F   G-G   H-F
      2   2328.0833   1164.0417     6.14  0.0070  0.0111  0.0070

                                                    Adj  Pr > F
     DF Type III SS Mean Square  F Value  Pr > F   G-G   H-F
      4   1762.8056    440.7014     2.32  0.0857  0.1002  0.0857

                                                    Adj  Pr > F
     DF Type III SS Mean Square  F Value  Pr > F   G-G   H-F
      4    685.9722    171.4931     0.90  0.4772  0.4658  0.4772

                                                    Adj  Pr > F
     DF Type III SS Mean Square  F Value  Pr > F   G-G   H-F
      4   1415.6389    353.9097     1.87  0.1493  0.1633  0.1493

                                                    Adj  Pr > F
     DF Type III SS Mean Square  F Value  Pr > F   G-G   H-F
      4    465.9167    116.4792     0.61  0.6566  0.6308  0.6566

Source: Error(REVOLUTN)

     DF Type III SS Mean Square
     24   4552.6667    189.6944

              Greenhouse-Geisser Epsilon = 0.8384
                     Huynh-Feldt Epsilon = 1.8522

           Analysis of Variance of Contrast Variables

              REVOLU.N represents the nth degree
                polynomial contrast for REVOLUTN

Contrast Variable: REVOLU.1

Source                  DF       Type III SS  F Value   Pr > F

MEAN                     1    60705.18750000   565.91   0.0001
SURFTRT                  1     7676.02083333    71.56   0.0001
FILL                     1     9436.02083333    87.96   0.0001
SURFTRT*FILL             1     1938.02083333    18.07   0.0011
PROP                     2     1035.12500000     4.82   0.0290
SURFTRT*PROP             2      191.54166667     0.89   0.4350
FILL*PROP                2      260.54166667     1.21   0.3309
SURFTRT*FILL*PROP        2      255.79166667     1.19   0.3371

Error                   12     1287.25000000

Contrast Variable: REVOLU.2

Source                  DF       Type III SS  F Value   Pr > F

MEAN                     1      253.34027778     0.93   0.3536
SURFTRT                  1      572.00694444     2.10   0.1727
FILL                     1     8851.67361111    32.53   0.0001
SURFTRT*FILL             1      390.06250000     1.43   0.2543
PROP                     2      727.68055556     1.34   0.2991
SURFTRT*PROP             2      494.43055556     0.91   0.4292
FILL*PROP                2     1155.09722222     2.12   0.1625
SURFTRT*FILL*PROP        2      210.12500000     0.39   0.6879

Error                   12     3265.41666667

Analysis of Tire Wear Data Using PROC MIXED
                      The MIXED Procedure

                     R Matrix for SUBJECT 1

          Row          COL1          COL2          COL3

            1  368.56581667  -166.1922475   74.93875414
            2  -166.1922475  368.56581667  -166.1922475
            3   74.93875414  -166.1922475  368.56581667

Output 5.11 shows that while the null hypothesis of parallel profiles for PROP is not rejected at 5\% level of significance (with a p value for Wilks' Λ equal to 0.0701), the hypothesis of coincidental profiles is rejected with Λ=0.2161 (leading to an observed value of F (2,12) as 21.769 which corresponds to a very small p value of 0.0001).

To perform the univariate split plot analysis, we use the REPEATED statement. The corresponding time variable is defined here as REVOLUTN as the repeated measures are taken for the three increasing numbers of revolutions, namely, 1,000, 2,000, and 3,000. If we are interested in studying the effects of various orthogonal polynomial contrasts, we must choose the POLYNOMIAL transformation for the type of orthogonal contrasts. The corresponding SAS statement is

repeated revolutn 3 polynomial;

In Program 5.11 we have made certain other choices such as printing the corresponding E and M matrices and only summary output. The M matrix here is a 2 by 3 matrix of first- and second-degree orthogonal polynomial coefficients and the 2 by 2 matrix E is the matrix of the corresponding error SS&CP.

Output 5.11 shows that the interaction REVOLUTN*SURFTRT*FILL is highly sig-nificant (with a p value = 0.0070) and respective interactions of REVOLUTN with SURFTRT and FILL are very highly significant (both p values = 0.0001). The interaction of REVOLUTN with PROP is only marginally significant (p value = 0.0857). This indicates that the abrasion curves for various levels of the variables SURFTRT, FILL, and PROP are not parallel. The univariate F tests adjusted by using (= 0.8384) or (= 1.0, since it cannot exceed 1) for various interactions with REVOLUTN lead to the same conclusions. These adjustments, however, may not be necessary as Mauchly's test for the sphericity of orthogonal contrasts provides sufficient evidence (p value = 0.3079) to assume sphericity. This part has not been included in Output 5.11.

The tests on the linear and quadratic contrasts respectively denoted by REVOLUTN.1 and REVOLUTN.2 reveal that the quadratic contrast is not significant for any effect or interaction except FILL (p value = 0.0001). However, the linear contrast is significant for all main variables and the SURFTRT*FILL interaction. The data can also be analyzed under various covariance structures, other than compound symmetry using the MIXED procedure which will be discussed in detail in Chapter 6. While most of the output has been suppressed, the appropriate statements under AR(1) covariance structure and REML estimation procedure are included in Program 5.11. One especially interesting observation is that some of the off-diagonal elements of the estimates of the R matrix (referred to as Σsubject in the previous example) are negative. Normally we would not expect the negative correlations between the repeated measures of these weight losses. Lindsey (1993, p. 83) interprets such an occurrence as evidence of a situation where there is a greater variability within the experiment or subject than among the experiments or subjects.


Two-Factor Experiment with Both Repeated Measures Factors In a factorial design, if there are repeated measures on more than two variables then the analysis of the previous section can be applied in a straightforward manner. For example, consider this example: three participants in an experiment were given a large amount of a sleep-inducing drug on the day before the experiment. The next day, they were given placebos. The participants were tested in the morning (AM) and afternoon (PM) of the two different days. Each participant was given a stimulus, and his or her reaction (the response variable) was timed. See Cody and Smith (1991, p. 182). The problem considered here is to determine whether the drug had any effect on the reaction time and the effects are the same for AM and PM.

Since each subject is measured under two levels of TIME (AM, PM) and for two levels of DRUG (DRUG1 (Placebo), DRUG2), it is a 2 by 2 factorial experiment with both TIME and DRUG as repeated measures variables or repeated measures factors. The data are given below and the SAS code for analyzing these data is given in Program 5.12.


Both the univariate and multivariate analysis are performed using the SAS statement

repeated drug 2, time 2;

One important thing to remember is that the order in which the variables are written in the REPEATED statement and the order in which data are presented in the INPUT statement must correspond. For every level of variable DRUG there are two levels of the variable TIME and the REPEATED statement given above reads exactly that way. That is, level 1 of variable DRUG and levels 1 and 2 of variable TIME are selected first, level 2 of variable DRUG and levels 1 and 2 of variable TIME are selected next, and so on. The logic behind writing the variables in the REPEATED statement is the same as the logic behind nested DO loops.

/* Program 5.12 */

option ls=64 ps=45 nodate nonumber;
    title1 'Output 5.12';
    title2 'Analysis with Two Repeated Factors';
    data react;
    input y1 y2 y3 y4;
    77 67 82 72
    84 76 90 80
    102 92 109 97
    proc glm;
    model y1-y4= /nouni;
    repeated drug 2, time 2;

Example 5.12. Output 5.12
Analysis with Two Repeated Factors

                General Linear Models Procedure
             Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance

        Manova Test Criteria and Exact F Statistics for
                the Hypothesis of no DRUG Effect
  H = Type III SS&CP Matrix for DRUG   E = Error SS&CP Matrix

S=1    M=-0.5    N=0

Statistic               Value        F    Num DF  Den DF  Pr > F

Wilks' Lambda          0.007752      256       1       2  0.0039
Pillai's Trace         0.992248      256       1       2  0.0039
Hotelling-Lawley Trace      128      256       1       2  0.0039
Roy's Greatest Root         128      256       1       2  0.0039

        Manova Test Criteria and Exact F Statistics for
                the Hypothesis of no TIME Effect
  H = Type III SS&CP Matrix for TIME   E = Error SS&CP Matrix

                      S=1    M=-0.5    N=0

Statistic               Value        F    Num DF  Den DF  Pr > F

Wilks' Lambda          0.006623      300       1       2  0.0033
Pillai's Trace         0.993377      300       1       2  0.0033
Hotelling-Lawley Trace      150      300       1       2  0.0033
Roy's Greatest Root         150      300       1       2  0.0033

        Manova Test Criteria and Exact F Statistics for
             the Hypothesis of no DRUG*TIME Effect
H = Type III SS&CP Matrix for DRUG*TIME   E = Error SS&CP Matrix

                      S=1    M=-0.5    N=0

Statistic               Value        F    Num DF  Den DF  Pr > F

Wilks' Lambda          0.333333        4       1       2  0.1835
Pillai's Trace         0.666667        4       1       2  0.1835
Hotelling-Lawley Trace        2        4       1       2  0.1835
Roy's Greatest Root           2        4       1       2  0.1835

An examination of Output 5.12 reveals that there is no interaction between the variables TIME and DRUG (p value = 0.1835). However, the variable DRUG with a p value of 0.0039 and the variable TIME with a p value of 0.0033 are both highly significant.

Three-Factor Experiment with Two Repeated Measures Factors In an educational testing program, students from two groups, namely, those with relatively higher socioeconomic status (GP1) and with lower socioeconomic status (GP2), were tested and their scores in the tests recorded. See Cody and Smith (1991, pp. 194–195). The study was conducted for three years (denoted by 1, 2, and 3) during each of the two seasons, FALL and SPRING, for a group of 10 students. Each group consisted of five subjects. In this setup there are three variables, namely, GROUP, YEAR, and SEASON. Repeated measures on each of the ten subjects are available for the variables YEAR and SEASON. In that sense, YEAR and SEASON are two repeated measures variables.

The three problems of interest are to test

  • whether students do better on a reading comprehension test in the Spring than in the Fall,

  • whether the differences in the mean scores become negligible as students get older,

  • whether these differences in the mean scores are more prominent for one socio-economic group than the other.

In order to find answers to these problems, we first determine whether there are significant main effects and interactions. Once that is determined, if needed, we can perform an analysis of the means, applying multiple comparison techniques, to conduct pairwise differences between the variables. However, we restrict ourselves to the determination of the significance of the main effects and their interactions. We assume that the underlying variances of responses for both seasons and for all three years are the same. The data and SAS code are given in Program 5.13 and the corresponding output in Output 5.13. The REPEATED statement is used to perform both the multivariate and univariate analyses.

/* Program 5.13 */

options ls=64 ps=45 nodate nonumber;
    title1 'Output 5.13';
    title2 'Three Factors Case with Two Repeated Factors';
    data read;
    input group y1-y6;
    1 61 50 60 55 59 62
    1 64 55 62 57 63 63
    1 59 49 58 52 60 58
    1 63 59 65 64 67 70
    1 62 51 61 56 60 63
    2 57 42 56 46 54 50
    2 61 47 58 48 59 55
    2 55 40 55 46 57 52
    2 59 44 61 50 63 60
    2 58 44 56 49 55 49
    /* Source: Cody, R. P./Smith, J. K. APPLIED STATISTICS AND SAS
    PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE, 3/E, 1991, p. 194.  Reprinted by permission of
    Prentice-Hall, Inc. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. */
    proc glm data=read;
    class group;
    model y1-y6=group/nouni;
    repeated year 3, season 2;
    proc glm data=read;
    class group;
    model y1-y6=group/nouni;
    repeated year 3(1 2 3) polynomial,
    season 2/summary nom nou;

Example 5.13. Output 5.13
Three Factors Case with Two Repeated Factors

                General Linear Models Procedure
             Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance

        Manova Test Criteria and Exact F Statistics for
                the Hypothesis of no YEAR Effect
  H = Type III SS&CP Matrix for YEAR   E = Error SS&CP Matrix

                      S=1    M=0    N=2.5

Statistic               Value        F    Num DF  Den DF  Pr > F

Wilks' Lambda          0.195582   14.395       2       7  0.0033
Pillai's Trace         0.804418   14.395       2       7  0.0033

Hotelling-Lawley Trace 4.112941   14.395       2       7  0.0033
Roy's Greatest Root    4.112941   14.395       2       7  0.0033

        Manova Test Criteria and Exact F Statistics for
             the Hypothesis of no YEAR*GROUP Effect
            H = Type III SS&CP Matrix for YEAR*GROUP
                      E = Error SS&CP Matrix

                      S=1    M=0    N=2.5

Statistic               Value        F    Num DF  Den DF  Pr > F

Wilks' Lambda           0.96176   0.1392       2       7  0.8724
Pillai's Trace          0.03824   0.1392       2       7  0.8724
Hotelling-Lawley Trace  0.03976   0.1392       2       7  0.8724
Roy's Greatest Root     0.03976   0.1392       2       7  0.8724

        Manova Test Criteria and Exact F Statistics for
               the Hypothesis of no SEASON Effect
 H = Type III SS&CP Matrix for SEASON   E = Error SS&CP Matrix

                      S=1    M=-0.5    N=3

Statistic               Value        F    Num DF  Den DF  Pr > F

Wilks' Lambda          0.034362   224.82       1       8  0.0001
Pillai's Trace         0.965638   224.82       1       8  0.0001
Hotelling-Lawley Trace 28.10193   224.82       1       8  0.0001
Roy's Greatest Root    28.10193   224.82       1       8  0.0001

        Manova Test Criteria and Exact F Statistics for
            the Hypothesis of no SEASON*GROUP Effect
           H = Type III SS&CP Matrix for SEASON*GROUP
                      E = Error SS&CP Matrix

                      S=1    M=-0.5    N=3

Statistic               Value        F    Num DF  Den DF  Pr > F

Wilks' Lambda          0.177593   37.047       1       8  0.0003
Pillai's Trace         0.822407   37.047       1       8  0.0003
Hotelling-Lawley Trace 4.630854   37.047       1       8  0.0003
Roy's Greatest Root    4.630854   37.047       1       8  0.0003

        Manova Test Criteria and Exact F Statistics for
            the Hypothesis of no YEAR*SEASON Effect
           H = Type III SS&CP Matrix for YEAR*SEASON
                      E = Error SS&CP Matrix

                      S=1    M=0    N=2.5

Statistic               Value        F    Num DF  Den DF  Pr > F

Wilks' Lambda          0.037144   90.727       2       7  0.0001
Pillai's Trace         0.962856   90.727       2       7  0.0001
Hotelling-Lawley Trace 25.92199   90.727       2       7  0.0001
Roy's Greatest Root    25.92199   90.727       2       7  0.0001

Manova Test Criteria and Exact F Statistics for
         the Hypothesis of no YEAR*SEASON*GROUP Effect
        H = Type III SS&CP Matrix for YEAR*SEASON*GROUP
                      E = Error SS&CP Matrix

                      S=1    M=0    N=2.5

Statistic               Value        F    Num DF  Den DF  Pr > F

Wilks' Lambda          0.916038   0.3208       2       7  0.7357
Pillai's Trace         0.083962   0.3208       2       7  0.7357
Hotelling-Lawley Trace 0.091658   0.3208       2       7  0.7357
Roy's Greatest Root    0.091658   0.3208       2       7  0.7357

             Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance
        Tests of Hypotheses for Between Subjects Effects

Source                  DF       Type III SS  F Value   Pr > F

GROUP                    1       680.0666667    13.54   0.0062

Error                    8       401.6666667

   Univariate Tests of Hypotheses for Within Subject Effects

Source: YEAR
                                                    Adj  Pr > F
     DF Type III SS Mean Square  F Value  Pr > F   G-G   H-F
      2  252.033333  126.016667    26.91  0.0001  0.0002  0.0001

                                                    Adj  Pr > F
     DF Type III SS Mean Square  F Value  Pr > F   G-G   H-F
      2    1.033333    0.516667     0.11  0.8962  0.8186  0.8700

Source: Error(YEAR)

     DF Type III SS Mean Square
     16   74.933333    4.683333

              Greenhouse-Geisser Epsilon = 0.6757
                     Huynh-Feldt Epsilon = 0.8658

Source: SEASON
                                                    Adj  Pr > F
     DF Type III SS Mean Square  F Value  Pr > F   G-G   H-F
      1  680.066667  680.066667   224.82  0.0001   .       .

                                                    Adj  Pr > F
     DF Type III SS Mean Square  F Value  Pr > F   G-G   H-F
      1  112.066667  112.066667    37.05  0.0003   .       .

Source: Error(SEASON)

     DF Type III SS Mean Square
      8   24.200000    3.025000

                                                    Adj  Pr > F
     DF Type III SS Mean Square  F Value  Pr > F   G-G   H-F
      2  265.433333  132.716667   112.95  0.0001  0.0001  0.0001

                                                    Adj  Pr > F
     DF Type III SS Mean Square  F Value  Pr > F   G-G   H-F
      2    0.433333    0.216667     0.18  0.8333  0.7592  0.8168

Source: Error(YEAR*SEASON)

     DF Type III SS Mean Square
     16   18.800000    1.175000

              Greenhouse-Geisser Epsilon = 0.7073
                     Huynh-Feldt Epsilon = 0.9221

           Analysis of Variance of Contrast Variables

 YEAR.N represents the nth degree polynomial contrast for YEAR

Contrast Variable: YEAR.1

Source                  DF       Type III SS  F Value   Pr > F

MEAN                     1      490.05000000    31.06   0.0005
GROUP                    1        1.25000000     0.08   0.7855

Error                    8      126.20000000

Contrast Variable: YEAR.2

Source                  DF       Type III SS  F Value   Pr > F

MEAN                     1       14.01666667     4.74   0.0612
GROUP                    1        0.81666667     0.28   0.6135

Error                    8       23.66666667

         SEASON.N represents the contrast between the
                nth level of SEASON and the last

Contrast Variable: SEASON.1

Source                  DF       Type III SS  F Value   Pr > F

MEAN                     1     4080.40000000   224.82   0.0001
GROUP                    1      672.40000000    37.05   0.0003

Error                    8      145.20000000

 YEAR.N represents the nth degree polynomial contrast for YEAR
         SEASON.N represents the contrast between the
                nth level of SEASON and the last

Contrast Variable: YEAR.1*SEASON.1

Source                  DF       Type III SS  F Value   Pr > F

MEAN                     1      530.45000000   157.17   0.0001
GROUP                    1        0.05000000     0.01   0.9061

Error                    8       27.00000000

Contrast Variable: YEAR.2*SEASON.1

Source                  DF       Type III SS  F Value   Pr > F

MEAN                     1        0.41666667     0.31   0.5903
GROUP                    1        0.81666667     0.62   0.4550

Error                    8       10.60000000

The multivariate tests indicate that the YEAR*SEASON*GROUP and YEAR*GROUP interactions are not significant (p values are 0.7357 and 0.8724 respectively) whereas, YEAR and SEASON have significant effects with respective p values 0.0033 and 0.0001. Also significant are the interactions YEAR*SEASON (p value = 0.0001) and SEASON* GROUP (p value = 0.0003). The univariate tests also support these findings. Note from the output that there is a significant difference between the two socio-economic groups (p value = 0.0062). Note also that the values of and are quite large, indicating that Type H structure for the covariance may be satisfied.

In order to understand the nature of the significant effect of the repeated measures variable YEAR, since the levels of it are quantitative (1, 2, 3), it may be useful to analyze the variables obtained by using the POLYNOMIAL transformation. The statement

repeated year 3 polynomial, season/summary nom nou;

can be used for this purpose. Both NOM and NOU options suppress redundant output. If the time points were not equidistant then the transformation "POLYNOMIAL(t1, t2, t3)" can be used in the REPEATED statement to indicate the time points. The PRINTM option is used to print the contrast transformation. The output for this part of the analysis is shown in Output 5.13. The variable YEAR.N represents the nth degree orthogonal polynomial contrast for the variable YEAR as indicated in the output. Thus, in the output, YEAR.1 represents the first degree (linear) polynomial contrast and YEAR.2 represents the quadratic contrast. The line MEAN, listed under column SOURCE in the output, tests the hypothesis that the linear component of the variable YEAR is zero. Since the mean effect for YEAR.1 is significant (p value = 0.0005), the linear component of YEAR is significantly different from zero. The variable GROUP listed under SOURCE is used to test the hypothesis that the first-order polynomial for the variable YEAR is the same for different levels of the variable GROUP. This hypothesis is not rejected (p value = 0.7855). Similar interpretations are applicable for the contrast YEAR.2. Since the p value for the MEAN effect in this case is 0.0612 there is slight evidence that the quadratic component is different from zero. See Section 5.3.4 for a more detailed description and interpretation of the analysis of the orthogonal polynomial contrasts.

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