A.5. Converting a Replicated Database

First and foremost, start testing the process by using copies of the Design Master and replicas. Do not work with the real files until you have successfully completed the complete conversion process on the copies. Incorrectly converting and synchronizing the real files could compromise both the real data and the structure of the replica set. OK, it may not have been necessary to use that much emphasis to get the point across, because if you are working with replicas, you probably already know to use extreme caution. That being said, this section is going to focus on the steps to convert a replicated database with the premise that anyone attempting this will already be somewhat familiar with replications.

Let's get the other cautionary notes out of the way.

  • When the Design Master is converted from Access 2000 to Access 2003 file format and then synchronized with other replicas, Access will convert the other replicas to the 2003 file format. At that point, Access 2000 will not be able to open them.

  • Replica sets that contain partial replicas (databases with subsets of the full record set) should be synchronized before converting the files. Then, after converting the files, recreate the partial replicas. Synchronizing a 2003 Design Master with Access 2000 partial replicas might delete some database objects in the VBA project.

  • When converting to 2003, all users of the replica set must have Access 2002 or 2003.

  • When converting from Access 97 or earlier, it is necessary to convert all of the original replicas after converting the Design Master.

  • Preserve a copy of the current Design Master in its original file format. Heck, this is an excellent time to burn a CD and preserve all the related files while you are at it.

  • If the database is password protected, it may be helpful to remove the password before starting the process to convert the database.

A.5.1. Steps for Converting a Replicated Database

After ensuring that the original files and data are adequately (safely) preserved, and having thoroughly and successfully tested the conversion process on some remote computer, it is finally time to do this for real.

Make a copy of the Design Master and save it where it can be worked on without affecting any of the existing replica set. A separate computer would be ideal.

In the "original" version of Access, make the copy of the Design Master into a Design Master. To do that, open the appropriate version of Access, click on Tools on the menu bar and click on Replication. Then click on Recover Design Master. Access will provide informative error messages if you select the wrong options when attempting to create a Design Master or replicas. Many of the messages are informative and provide options. They may even indicate the consequences of an option, as shown in Figure A-7.

  • Create a few replicas based on the new design master. Again, this is done by clicking Tools on the menu bar, then click on Replication and select Create Replica.

  • Next, convert the new Design Master to Access 2003. To do this, click Tools on the menu bar and click on Database Utilities, then Convert Database. Select Access 2003.

  • Now, it is time to synchronize the converted Design Master with the new replicas.

  • Test, test, test. Be sure that this sample set works as intended. It is better to spend your time testing now than lamenting later.

  • Once you are satisfied and confident that this sample replica set is working the way it should, Delete It and all of the replicas. What? Yes, delete it, because you are now ready to convert the real thing.

  • Convert the original Design Master to Access 2003. Heck, disk space is cheap, so why not create a current backup of the data before converting the files. It's likely that some of the data has changed, and again, this is cheap insurance. Reminder: If the original file was pre-2000, convert the Design Master and then each replica. Do not use the converted Design Master to attempt to automatically convert the replicas.

  • And at last, synchronize the replicas.

Well, one more step—as a conservative soul, I would make a copy of the new replication set. This might be a good time to burn another CD.

Figure A.7. Figure A-7

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