G.2. A Brief History

Currently, the most commonly used naming conventions used in Access applications, Microsoft product documentation, and reference books are based on the Hungarian notation. This naming standard was originally created by the Hungarian Charles Simonyi while working at Microsoft in the 1980s. In the Access world, Greg Reddick and Stan Leszynski further developed and popularized the naming convention. Greg published the Reddick VBA (RVBA) Naming Conventions at http://www.xoc.net/standards/rvbanc.asp. The Leszynski Naming Conventions (LNC) and development style are detailed in the Leszynski Naming Conventions for Microsoft solution developers. Stan's materials are available through the Kwery Corporation, http://www.kwery.com/

So much for the history lesson. The critical part is to recognize that the Hungarian notation is pretty much universally recognized, if not adopted. And, that it continues to be adapted (couldn't resist)—to keep up with technology. Some tags are becoming obsolete and new ones are continuously added. But, even though the tags may be retired, there are still programs using it, so it is handy to know where to find a translator (table of tag definitions).

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