J.4. Group or User.SetPermissions Method Options

The SetPermssions method of both the Group and User objects allows you to specify the permissions a group or user has to a database object.

J.4.1. ObjectType Values

The ObjectType option specifies the type of object to which the permission will be applied.

AdPermObjColumn2The object is a column.
AdPermObjDatabase3The object is a database.
adPermObjProcedure4The object is a procedure.
adPermObjProviderSpecific−1The object type is defined by the provider. If you specify this value, you must also supply an ObjectTypeID
AdPermObjTable1The object is a table.
AdPermObjView5The object is a view.

J.4.2. Action Values

The Action option specifies what you intend to do with the permission to the specified object.

adAccessDeny3Deny the specified permissions.
adAccessGrant1Grant the specified permissions. The permissions specified are added to those that have already been granted.
adAccessRevoke4Revoke all permissions.
adAccessSet2Set the specified permissions. Only the specified permissions will be in force.

J.4.3. Rights Values

The Rights option specifies the actual rights, or permissions, that you are denying, granting, revoking, or setting.

AdRightCreate16384The user/group has permission to create a new object of the specified type.
AdRightDelete65536The user/group has permission to delete data from the specified object. For objects such as tables, the user also has permission to delete data.
AdRightDrop256The user/group has permission to remove objects from the catalog.
AdRightExclusive512The user/group has permission to access the object exclusively.
AdRightExecute536870912The user/group has permission to execute the object.
AdRightFull268435456The user/group has all permissions on the object.
AdRightInsert32768The user/group has permission to insert the object. For objects such as tables, the user also has permission to insert data.
adRightMaximumAllowed33554432The user/group has the maximum number of permissions allowed by the provider.
AdRightNone0The user/group has no permissions for the object.
AdRightRead−2147483648The user/group has permission to read the object. For objects such as tables, the user also has permission to read its data.
AdRightReadDesign1024The user/group has permission to read the object's design.
adRightReadPermissions131072The user/group can view, but not change, the specific permissions for an object in the catalog.
AdRightReference8192The user/group has permission to reference the object.
AdRightUpdate1073741824The user/group has permission to update the object. For objects such as tables, the user also has permission to update its data.
AdRightWithGrant4096The user/group has permission to grant permissions on the object to other users.
AdRightWriteDesign2048The user/group has permission to modify the object's design.
AdRightWriteOwner524288The user/group has permission to modify the object's owner.
adRightWritePermissions262144The user/group has permissions to modify the specific permissions for an object in the catalog.

J.4.4. Inherit Values

The Inherit option specifies how the specified object inherits permissions.

AdInheritBoth3The objects and containers contained by the primary object inherit the permissions.
AdInheritContainers2Other objects contained by the primary object also inherit the permissions.
AdInheritNone0Default. Do not inherit permissions.
AdInheritNoPropagate4The adInheritObjects and adInheritContainers flags are not inherited.
AdInheritObjects1Objects outside the container inherit the permissions.

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