E.21. The Screen Object

The Screen object refers to whatever form, report, or control currently has the focus within the application. You can use the Screen object and its properties to manipulate the active window no matter which form, report, or control is currently displayed.

E.21.1. Properties of the Screen Object

The properties of the Screen object are listed in the following table.

PropertyData TypeDescription
ActiveControlControl objectSpecifies the control that has the focus
ActiveDataAccessPageDataAccessPage objectSpecifies the data access page that has the focus
ActiveDatasheetDatasheet objectSpecifies the datasheet that has the focus
ActiveFormForm objectSpecifies the form that has the focus
ActiveReportReport objectSpecifies the report that has the focus
ApplicationApplication objecrReferences the current Access application
MousePointerIntegerSpecifies the type of mouse pointer currently displayed
ParentObjectParent of the object that currently has the focus
PreviousControlControl objectSpecifies the control that previously had the focus

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