Building and submitting your app to the Android Marketplace

In this recipe, we will continue the process started in the two previous recipes and build our application for distribution to the Android Marketplace.

How to do it…

Open your project in Titanium Studio. We are using the LoanCalc app from Chapter 1 as an example, however, you may use any project you wish. Make sure your project is selected in the Project explorer page, and then select the Distribution button followed by the Distribute – Android option, as seen in the following screenshot:

How to do it…

You will need to enter in the distribution location (where you want the packaged APK file saved to) and the location of the keystore file you created in the previous recipe, along with the password and alias you provided earlier. After you enter in that information it should look something like the following screenshot:

How to do it…

If all of the information is correct, click Finish. After a few minutes the APK file will be written out to the distribution location you provided. Go back to the Android Marketplace website, and on the home screen, click Add New Application. Select the Upload button and choose your saved APK (LoanCalc.apk in our case) and upload it to the server. If everything was successful, you should see a screen similar to the one shown next:

How to do it…

All that is left to do now is fill in the remaining information, including a description and title for your app, plus some screenshots. You will also be asked to select pricing information and agree to Google's terms and conditions. Once that is done, all that is left to do is press Submit. Within a few minutes, your application should start to appear in the Android Marketplace! Unlike Apple, there is no approval process necessary for apps submitted for Android.

You should now be able to build and submit applications to both the Apple and Android Marketplaces.

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