Choosing existing photos from the photo library

The process of choosing an image from the photo library on the device is very similar to that of the camera. We are still using the Titanium.Media namespace, however, this time we are going to execute the method called openPhotoLibrary() , which does exactly as the name suggests. As with the previous recipe, once we have retrieved an image from the Photo Gallery, we will display it on screen to the user using a simple ImageView control.


Complete source code for this recipe can be found in the /Chapter 4/Recipe 3 folder.

How to do it...

We are going to further extend our OptionDialog to now choose an image from the photo library, if the index property of 1 (the second button) is selected. Add the following code into your dialog's event listener:

//add event listener
{'You selected ' + e.index);
  if(e.index == 1)
    //obtain an image from the gallery

        var image =; 

        // set image view
        Ti.API.debug('Our type was: '+event.mediaType);
        if(event.mediaType == Ti.Media.MEDIA_TYPE_PHOTO)
          var imgView = Titanium.UI.createImageView({
            top: 20,
            left: 20,
            width: 280,
            height: 320

          imgView.image = image;
        //user cancelled the action from within
        //the photo gallery
    //cancel was tapped
    //user opted not to choose a photo

Run your app in the emulator or device and choose the second option from our dialog. The photo library should appear and allow you to select an image. This selection screen will look something like the following screenshot:

How to do it...

How it works…

This recipe follows more or less the same pattern as when we used the camera to obtain our image. First, we extended the OptionDialog event listener to perform an action when the button index selected equals 1, which in this case is our Photo Gallery button. Our openPhotoGallery() method also fires three events: success, error, and cancel.

Just like the previous recipe, the majority of our processing takes place in the success event. We check that the chosen media was actually a photograph by comparing its mediaType property, and finally we create an ImageView and set its image property to the captured image file, before adding the entire thing to our window.

There's more...

Now, let's explore media types.

Understanding Media Types

There are two main media types available to you via the mediaType enumeration when capturing photographs or videos via the in-built camera. These are:


In addition, there are also numerous other sets of more specific mediaType's in the enumeration, which include the following:


These types are generally only applicable when utilizing the mediaType property from within the VideoPlayer or AudioPlayer components.

Saving to photos

You can run this code in the emulator, but you'll probably notice that there are no images in the library and no obvious way to get them there! Thankfully, this is actually fairly easy to overcome. Simply open the web browser and find an image you want to test with using Google Images or a similar service. Click and hold on an image in the browser and you should see an option save to photos . You can then use these images to test out your code in the emulator.

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