
• (bullet point) indicator, key commands and, 31

/ (Go to Position key command), 436, 512

.(period), followed by number when copying regions, 94

; (semicolon), Pickup Clock command, 519

5.1 surround sound, 460, 461

7.1 surround sound, 460


AC3 (Dolby Digital)

Compressor for encoding, 484–486

encoding surround projects, 482

adaptive mixer, Arrange view as, 288

Add Selected Files to Arrange dialog, 56

Adjust Region Length to Locators command, 97

Adjustment pop-up, for Beat, 269

Advanced Logic Template, 113–117

AIFF audio format, 500

alerts, 29

algorithms, Time and Pitch Machine using, 92


layering MIDI instruments with, 71

overview of, 249–252

All Instruments, score set, 447

All Objects layer, in Environment, 370

All view, Mixer display mode, 292–294

Alternate tool, switching between Tool menus, 33–34

Always button, in Sculpture, 163

amplitude, transients using, 85


setting EQ curve, 299

viewing vocal signal, 296


defined, 525

setting, 150

angle setting, Surround Panner, 467, 469

animation, disabling string animation in Sculpture, 158

Apple Bonjour. seeBonjour (Apple)

Apple Cinema Display, outputting video to, 493

Apple Loops, 80–89

creating, 89

defined, 525

Prelisten audio channel strip, 90

tagging files, 83–85

Time and Pitch Machine vs., 89–91

touch tracks and, 400–403

transients and, 85–89

using Apple Loops Utility, 82–83

working with, 80–82

Apple Pro Certification Program, 4–5

Apple Pro Training Series, 3–4

Apple Pro Training Series: Compressor 3 Quick-Reference Guide (Gary), 486

Apple Pro Training Series: Logic Pro 8 and Logic Express 8 (Nahmani), 2

Apple Pro Training Series: Logic Pro 8: Beyond the Basics, Getting Started Apple Pro Certification Program, 4–5

Apple Pro Training Series, 3–4

lesson files, 4

methodology and book sections, 2

overview of, 1

resources, 5

system requirements, 3

arpeggiator objects

creating rhythmic patterns with, 375–379

signal chaining and, 389–390

Arrange area

accessing Time and Pitch Machine, 95–97

Arrange view and, 288

automation tools, 350

defined, 525

displaying track automation data in, 340–341

importing XML into, 498–499

moving tracks and observing changes in Mixer, 290–291

Sample Editor vs., 232

separating parts (demixing), 253–254

Tool menu, 32–33

Arrange view, Mixer display modes, 288–291

Arrange window

alternate tool in, 33–34

creating screensets, 20–21

defined, 526

quickly accessing Tool menu, 34–35

Score Editor displayed in, 409

working with project templates, 11

arrangements, 175–209

adding markers, 176–179

Cycle mode for isolating materials, 190–195

editing arrangements, 205–207

editing markers, 182–184

global tracks for creating quick, 153–156

magnifying waveform without zooming region, 204–205

marker text added to, 180–182

markers created from regions, 179

navigating arrangements, 185–188

navigating with markers, 188–190

review, 208

saving and recalling zoom settings, 197–200

viewing markers in the Bar ruler, 184–185

zoom positioning, 196–197

zooming on regions or events, 200–203


importing audio files, 54–57

importing EXS instruments and samples, 57–59

importing Space Designer impulse responses, 59–61

Assignment section, Ultrabeat, 119–125

Asymmetry control, drum sounds, 121

attributes, groups sharing, 329


assigning interface outputs, 460–462

audio-video synchronization. see synchronization

beat mapping audio regions, 106–108

Beat Mapping track, 99–101

creating tracks automatically while recording, 62–65

editing. seeediting audio

importing into project, 54–57

importing Space Designer impulse responses, 60–61

indicating Apple Loops in audio regions, 81

MIDI recorded simultaneous with, 69–70

project settings, 462

recording multiple tracks. see tracks, recording multiple

sample rate settings, 498

saving newly recorded audio files, 502

setting up distributed processing, 312

Audio Bin, 55, 90, 526

Audio button, New Tracks dialog, 15

Audio Files folder, 50, 53

audition sounds, selection techniques, 273

Auto mode, Compressor plug-in, 305

automating mix, 339–365

automation curves, 346–350

Automation mode interface, 340–341

Automation Quick Access, 360–362

copying automation data, 345–346

copying automation data between tracks, 350–351

creating automation nodes, 342–345

effect bypass, automating, 352

group automation, 362–364

offline automation, 340

overview of, 339

real-time automation, 356–360

review, 365

scaling automated values, 351–352


defined, 526

groups sharing, 329

interface, 340–341

keyboard shortcuts, 519

Latch mode, 358

linking/unlinking via group settings, 363

nodes. seenodes, automation

options, 356–357

Read mode, 344, 360, 364

Touch mode, 357–358

Write mode, 356–357

Automation Curve tool, 350

Automation Event List, 351

Automation Parameter menu, 341, 361

Automation Quick Access, 360–362, 526

Automation Select tool, 350

aux channels

adding channels to track list for automation, 353–356

applying send effects to submixes, 327–328

channel strip, 138–139, 289

creating new, 325, 333–334

differentiating external from internal, 333–334

Insert slots, 326

reverb effect as send effect, 307–309

soloing, 326

soloing track assigned to, 312

as submixes, 324–327



automatically backing up project files, 53

.Mac account for, 42–43

network sharing using, 43–46

overview of, 39–40

Balance control

changing to Surround Panner, 463

for stereo channels, 313

bandwidth (Q), Gain-Q coupling, 299

Bar ruler

defined, 527

inserting marker on, 178

navigating arrangements using, 185–188

SMPTE time code in, 492

turning off Cycle mode in, 192

viewing markers in, 184–185

bass notes, Voice Separation tool and, 428


Adjustment pop-up, 269

beat mapping in spotting process, 504–508

Beat Mapping track, 99–101, 506, 527

Bin, Audio, 90

Body EQ, in Sculpture, 166

Bonjour (Apple)

exchanging data over networks, 41–42

sharing network settings, 43–45

Bounce command

encoding DVD-Audio, 482–484

encoding DVD-Video, 484–486

Broadcast WAVE files, importing, 500–502


Prelisten audio channel strip, 90

viewing project files in, 52–53

bullet point (•) indicator, key commands and, 31


adding to Transport, 19

dragging icon to location between two existing, 18



cable output for connecting objects in Environment layers, 443

cable switcher objects, 391–396

MIDI signals in Environment, 372–373

shortcut for destination selection, 520

Caps Lock Keyboard, 372, 527

center levels, adjusting with Surround Panner, 466–467

chains, MIDI signal chains, 384–386, 389–390

Channel EQ

equalizer plug-in, 295–300

multi-mono insert effects, 475

channel strip settings

accessing over networks, 41–42

backing up using .Mac account, 42–43, 45–46

defined, 527

instruments, 152–153

managing in Environment, 62

presets, 13

Channel Strip Settings menu, 153, 320

channel strips

defined, 527

filters for defining types of channels displayed, 291–292

groups sharing channel strip parameters, 329

saving channel strip filters, 294

selecting by dragging over, 324

selecting tracks from, 289–290

settings, 320

Show Channel Strip pop-up menu, 316–318

channels. see alsoMixer

adding to track list for automation, 353–356

assigning to groups, 328–331

automating channel controls, 356

creating for double-tracking, 65–66

defined, 527

removing object channel settings, 443

working with project templates, 12–13

Choose button, Template dialog, 39

chord memorizer objects

in Environment, 379–381

MIDI signal chains and, 385

Chord Symbol dialog, 432

Chord track, 154–155

Chord Type menu, 155


dragging chord objects to score, 431

global track, 154

parameters, 417

symbols, 430–433

circular arrow, for loop-length editing, 245

clef, staff styles, 422

Collapse All, key command, 28

collections, premade project template, 10–11

color indicators, for parts of frequency spectrum, 297

color palette

assigning object colors, 376

editing markers using, 184

selecting colors, 325–326

Command key, switching between Tool menus, 33

Command-C (copy), 351


accessing alternate tool, 34

toggling between Pointer and Text tools, 375

Command-Control-drag puck in Surround Panner, 521

Command-drag, scaling automation values, 351–352, 519

Command-drag puck in Surround Panner, 521

Command-F1, save setting as Zoom 1, 198–200, 524

Command-F2, save setting as Zoom 2, 198–200, 524

Command-F3, save setting as Zoom 3, 198, 200, 524

Command-G, toggling group clutch on/off, 331–332, 521

Command-Option with Ultrabeat, 520

Command-R, repeat regions/events, 268, 519

Command-Return, name marker, 180, 520


assigning keys to, 28–30

keyboard shortcuts for, 519–524

Tool menu hard-wired, 35–36

Command-V (paste), 351

Command-Z (undo), 92

comping tracks, 223–232

assembling composite track, 224

comparing performances, 226

creating alternative comps, 229–231

defined, 222

flattening, 231–232

isolating unwanted material, 227–228

overview of, 223

viewing tracks for comping, 224–225

Compose folder, Templates dialog, 10


compressing/expanding region dynamics, 259–261

DeEsser compressor, 300–303

by dragging, 97–98

multi-mono insert effects, 474

Compressor plug-in

encoding Dolby Digital (AC3), 482–484

extended parameters of, 306–307

overview of, 303–306

comps. seecomping tracks

concave curves, automation curves, 349

condition splitter mode, Mode menu, 387

Configure Global Tracks, 506

configuring surround sound, 460

Connect to .Mac dialog, 45–46

Control-’(apostrophe), set locators by regions/events (MacBook), 193, 215, 277, 522

Control key, 35

Control Surfaces, 362

Control-= (equal sign), set locators by regions/events (standard), 193, 215, 277, 522

Control–any tool, 523

Control-Command-Delete, delete

automation data, 360, 519

Control-Command-E, copying/pasting automation data, 351

Control–Command–Left Arrow, go to previous marker, 190–191, 205–206, 258, 522

Control–Command–Right Arrow, go to next marker, 190–191, 205–206, 258, 522

Control-Command-X, for editing arrangements, 207

Control–Down Arrow, zoom in vertically, 523

Control-Enter, play from left window edge, 18, 521

Control-K, create marker, 178–179, 520

Control–Left Arrow, zoom out horizontally, 198, 524

controllers, MIDI

cabling MIDI signals in Environment, 372

inserting notes with, 420–421

Out channel setting, 427

real-time automation, 360

Control-Option, accessing Zoom tool, 35, 202, 523

Control-Option-drag, adjusting automation curves, 349–350, 519

Control-Option-Z, zooming to fit

selection vertically and horizontally, 201–203, 364, 524

Control–Right Arrow, zoom in horizontally, 198, 233, 524

controls, returning to default setting, 161

Control-Shift, 35

Control-Shift-drag (with Fade tool), adjusting crossfade curve, 523

Control-Shift-Z, zoom to fit locators, 342

Control–Up Arrow, zoom out vertically, 22, 523

convex curves, automation curves, 349


creating multiple, 248–249

overview of, 247–249

count-in, recording settings, 63

CPU-saving setting, 256

Create button, adding markers in Marker track, 178

Create By Regions command, 179

Create Without Rounding command, markers, 179, 505


automatically created, 229

defined, 528

defining curve and length of, 229

smoothing transitions with, 215–217

curves, automation, 346–350

Customize Toolbar dialog, 17–18

Customize Transport Bar, 19

Cut Section button, editing arrangements with, 207

cycle areas

assigning keys to commands, 32

markers for creating, 191–192

selecting regions within, 346

skipping, 194–195

Cycle mode, 190–195

creating tracks automatically while recording, 63–65

defined, 62, 528

markers for creating cycle areas, 191–192

overview of, 190–191

setting locators by regions or events, 192–194

skip cycle areas, 194–195

turning on, 267


looping Cymbals track, 244–246

working with crash cymbals, 123–124


DeEsser, 300–303

default tool, switching between Tool menus, 33

Define Chord window, 155

delay line objects, MIDI processors, 382–386

Delay parameter, for adjusting feel, 262–263


automation data, 360

transients, 88

unused tracks, 75–76

Delete Unused function, 76


defined, 528

MIDI regions, 253–256

Detect Cuts, for placing music cues near scene cuts, 503–504

Detector tool

locating problem frequencies with, 300–301

Sensitivity control for, 302

Diatonic Insert feature, 413–414

Digital Cinema Desktop, for outputting video, 493

Direction Mixer plug-in, 313–315

Display Middle C As preferences, MIDI keyboards, 118, 408

display modes, Mixer

All view, 292–294

Arrange view, 288–291

overview of, 288

Single view, 294

Display Parameter box

notation settings, 436–439

rhythmic interpretation and display of MIDI data, 436–439

staff styles, 421

text styles, 434

disturbers, Sculpture, 162

diversity settings, Surround Panner, 467, 469

division values, for projects, 418

Dobro Guitar, 166–167

Dolby Digital (AC3)

Compressor for encoding, 484–486

encoding surround projects, 482

double-tracking, channels for, 65–66

down mixing, surround sound, 481–482


existing material to fix problems, 221

notes into score, 415–416

time stretching and compression by, 97–98

drum sounds

consolidating drum track, 439–440

GM (General MIDI) Drum Kit, 442

identifying active, 121

kick drums, 129–130, 137–139

recording with Ultrabeat, 135–136

snare drums, 126–127

swing applied to drum pattern, 128

Ultrabeat and, 119–125

DVD audio, encoding, 482–484

DVD video, encoding, 484–486

Dynamics parameter, regions, 259–261


Edit Decision List (EDL), 509

Edit menu

Select Equal Subpositions, 272

Toggle Selection command, 271


arrangements, 205–207

controlling Tool menu with two-button mouse, 36–37

editors displaying selected regions, 256

keyboard shortcuts for, 519

markers, 182–184

MIDI. seeMIDI editing

step sequences and, 130

editing audio, 211–239

comping tracks. seecomping tracks

creating parts, 212–215

fading to smooth transitions, 215–217

review, 238–239

Sample Editor for, 232–238

working with existing material, 218–222

EDL (Edit Decision List), 509


automating effect bypass, 352

insert. seeinsert effects

effects, surround sound

multi-channel, 471–474

multi-mono insert, 474–477

overview of, 471

effects processors

effect placement and, 318–319

external, 333–336

EFM1 synthesizer

description/applications of, 112

working with, 148–149

Empty Project button, Template dialog, 14

encoding surround projects

DVD audio discs, 482–484

DVD video discs, 484–486

overview of, 482


All view and, 292

arpeggiator objects, 375–379

cable switcher objects, 391–396

channel strip management in, 62

chord memorizer objects, 379–381

creating Environment objects, 373

defined, 529

delay line objects, 382–384

importing Environment layers, 403

keyboard shortcuts, 520

layers of, 370

MIDI processors in, 369

monitor objects, 374–375

navigating, 370–373

resizing objects, 395

review, 404

signal chain creation, 384–386

Tool menu for, 33

touch tracks objects, 397–403

transformer objects, 386–391

EQ (equalizer)

Channel EQ, 295–300

drum sounds and, 121–122

EVP88 vintage electric piano, 146

LFE channel settings, 476

multi-mono insert effects, 474

Sculpture Body EQ, 166

Eraser tool

erasing beat allocations, 104

Tool menu access and, 34–35

ES E synthesizer, 112

ES M synthesizer, 112

ES P synthesizer, 112

ES1 synthesizer

description/applications of, 112

user interface, 116

working with, 149–151

ES2 synthesizer

description/applications of, 112

user interface, 114–115

working with, 151–153

Esc key, quickly accessing Tool menu, 34–35, 523

Esc-Esc, accessing Pointer tool, 523

EVB3 vintage keyboard, 113

EVD6 vintage clavinet

description/applications of, 113

using EVD6 vintage clavinet, 147–148

Event Float window, 513–514

Event List

displaying MIDI events, 260–261

Event Float compared with, 514

Tool menu for, 32–33

Event Parameter box

displaying for selected chord, 417–418

positioning text with, 430


defined, 529

dragging, 221

Event Float window for positioning, 513–514

locators for, 192–194

Pickup Clock command for positioning, 512–513

spotting the video and event positioning, 510–512

Timeline position of, 509–510

zooming in on, 200–203

EVOC 20 PS synthesizer, 112

EVP88 vintage electric piano

description/applications of, 113

working with, 145–146

exciter types, in Sculpture, 161

Expand All, key command, 27

Explore folder, Templates dialog, 10

exporting key commands, 40

EXS instruments, importing, 57–59

EXS24 mkII Instrument Editor, 140–144

EXS24 mkII sampler

description/applications of, 113

output capacity of, 139

processing, 144

user interface, 117

working with, 139–144

Extended Region parameters, 265–267

Extensible Markup Language (XML), 497–500, 530

external effects processors, 333–336

External Instrument plug-in, treating MIDI hardware as software, 172

External Sample Editor, 238


F1, recalling Zoom 1, 198–200, 524

F2, recalling Zoom 2, 198–200, 524

F3, recalling Zoom 3, 198–200, 524


Fade tool, 35–36

smoothing transitions with, 215–217

volume control with, 360

Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), 295

FCP (Final Cut Pro), importing XML from, 497–500

FET (Field Effect Transistor) compressors, 304

FFT (Fast Fourier Transform), 295

Field Effect Transistor (FET) compressors, 304

file tags, Apple Loops, 83–85

files, project, 50

film. seescoring to picture


Channel EQ, 297

channel strip, 291–292, 294

low pass, 476–477

Final Cut Pro (FCP), importing XML from, 497–500

Finger tool, for navigating markers, 189–190

FireWire, 493

Flatten and Merge command, Take Folder menu, 232

flattening comps, 231–232

floating palette, positioning objects and, 415–416

FM (Intensity) knob, 149

folders, project

contents of, 50

creating, 50–53

defined, 530

Follow Tempo parameter, Apple Loops, 81–82

Font window, text formats, 429–430

fonts, 429

Format button, routing individual sounds for processing, 138–139


audio files, 500

high-compression formats, 492

pitch transposition and, 93

surround sound, 460, 462

text, 429–430

frame rates, for digital video, 494

freezing tracks

not available to external instruments, 171

to save processing power, 154, 156, 457, 530


locating/reducing problem frequencies, 300–301

low frequency effects. seeLFE (low frequency effects)

Frequency field, Channel EQ, 297

Fretless Electric Bass instrument, 140–144

Full View button, Ultrabeat

automating parameters in Step mode, 131

copying sequence part from one sound to another, 129


applying transform sets, 282–283

creating transform functions, 276–281

Delete Unused, 76

Note Pitch function, 255

transform functions, 274–276

FX Order buttons, 148


Gain Reduction meter, in Compressor, 305

Gain-Q coupling, bandwidth adjustments and, 299

Gate settings, Sculpture, 163

Gate Time parameter, for altering articulation, 261–262

Global Commands list

navigating arrangements with, 186

working with, 28

global tracks. see also names of specific global tracks

adding markers and, 176–179

creating quick arrangements with, 153–156

displaying, 100, 184

GM (General MIDI) Drum Kit, 442

Go to Beginning button, Transport bar, 513

Go to Next/Previous marker commands

existing material used to fix problems, 218

isolating material with Cycle mode, 191

overview of, 258

Go To Position dialog, 178

Go to Position key command (/), 436, 512

graphic input, for entering notes, 409–415

group clutch, for disabling groups, 331–332, 531

Group Settings window, 329

Group view, EXS24 mkII Instrument Editor, 141

groups, 328–332

assigning channels to, 328–331

automating, 362–364

overview of Mixer groups, 328

temporarily disabling, 331–332

guitar, transcription value in guitar notation, 408


H.264, high-compression format, 492

Hand tool, placing plug-ins or regions, 318–319, 521, 531

hardware controllers. see alsoMIDI controllers

Logic support for, 362

real-time automation, 360

hard-wired commands, Tool menu, 35–36

Harmonic Correction, pitch

transposition with, 93–95

harmonic input, arpeggiator objects and, 375–379

Headphone channel, 13

help tags, 177, 182–184, 531

high-cut filter, Channel EQ, 297

home theater systems, 459

Humanize, transform function, 275

Hyper Editor, 32–33, 531



audio files, 54–57

Environment layers, 403

EXS instruments, 57–59

key commands, 40

screensets, 40–41

Space Designer impulse responses, 59–61

importing media

Broadcast WAVE files, 500–502

locking SMPTE position of sound effects after import, 502–503

overview of, 496–497

XML from Final Cut Pro, 497–500

Impulse Responses folder, 50

impulse responses (IRs), 310–311, 532

Include Assets section, Save As Window, 54

Inner Loss, Sculpture, 158

Input menu, audio interface inputs, 335

Input View object, as monitor object, 372

insert effects

Channel EQ, 295–300

Compressor, 303–306

DeEsser, 300–303

I/O plug-in as, 336

multi-mono insert effects, 474–477

overview of, 295

Insert slots, 326, 532

insertion points

for chords, 431

for staves and voices, 425

for text, 429


defined, 532

Event Parameter box, 417–418

maximizing workspace and, 23

Part box, 409

Region Parameter box, 244

Instrument Plug-in menu

EFM1 FM synthesizer, 148–149

ES1 virtual analog synthesizer, 149–151

ES2 synthesizer, 151–153

EVD6 vintage clavinet, 147–148

EVP88 vintage electric piano, 145

opening EXS24 mkII Instrument Editor, 140

treating MIDI hardware as software, 172

user interface, 114

working in Sculpture, 157


drums. seedrum sounds

keyboard shortcuts, 520

keyboards. see keyboard instruments

score sets for controlling display of, 445–447

synthesizers. seesynthesizers

integration, of editing suites, 496–497

Intensity control, in Sculpture, 168

interface. seeuser interface

Interpretation checkbox, in Display Parameter box, 438

I/O plug-in

external effects processor, 333–334

as insert effect, 336

IRs (impulse responses), 310–311


J key, swap left and right locators, 195, 522


key commands, 26–32

accessing over networks, 41–42

assigning keys to commands, 28–30, 249

backing up and transporting, 39–40

backing up using .Mac account, 42–43

key-command-only functions, 31–32

locating markers with, 190

overview of, 26

sharing setting over network, 43–46

viewing key assignments, 26–28

Key Commands window

opening, 186–188

saving and recalling zoom settings, 197–198

setting locators by regions or events, 193

skip cycle areas, 195

zooming in on regions or events, 202–203

key focus, defined, 23, 532Key pop-up menu, 87

key signatures

Diatonic Insert feature and, 413–414

inserting in notation, 410–411

keyboard instruments. see also synthesizers

description/applications of, 113

EVD6 vintage clavinet, 147–148

EVP88 vintage electric piano, 145–146

Middle C preferences, 118, 408

modulation wheel on MIDI keyboards, 361–362

Step Input keyboard, 419–421

keyboard objects, Input View object and, 372

keyboard shortcuts

automation, 519

editing, 519

environment, 520

instruments, 520

markers, 520

mixing, 520–521

playback and location, 521–522

Score Editor, 522

screensets, 522

tools, 523

views, 523

zoom, 523–524

key-command-only functions, 31–32

kick drum sound

copying sequence part from one sound to another, 129–130

routing individual sounds for processing, 137–139


labels, key, 28–29

Latch mode

group automation and, 363

real-time automation and, 356–359

Layers menu, 370–371

layout, score set preferences, 452–453

lead channel, reducing sibilance with DeEsser, 300

Learn by Key Label button, key commands, 28–30

Left Arrow/Right Arrow, marquee selection, 519

legato, Gate Time parameter for altering articulation, 261

Length parameter, Event Parameter box, 418

LFE (low frequency effects)

channel defined, 532

EQ settings, 476

low-pass filters and, 477

multi-mono insert effects and, 474

subwoofers and, 460

Surround Panner for adjusting, 466–467


connecting to Bonjour via, 44

connecting to .Mac account via, 45

defined, 58

importing into projects and, 58–59

Open Library option, 17

Link button

displaying selected plug-ins using, 115–116

Ultrabeat interface and, 118

linking automation controls, 363

Link mode, defined, 533

List button, project files in Browser, 52–53

Lists area, 180, 189–190

Load Sample command, 124


setting by regions or events, 192–194

skip cycle areas with, 194–195

locked screensets

creating, 24

vs.unlocked, 24–25

Logic Pro 8. see Apple Pro Training Series: Logic Pro 8: Beyond the Basics, getting started

Loop Browser, 83, 90, 400

loop-length editing, 245


copies compared with, 247

overview of, 244–246

touch track objects triggering Apple Loops, 400–403

low-cut filter, Channel EQ, 297

low frequency effects. seeLFE (low frequency effects)

low-pass filters, 476–477


.Mac account

backing up settings with, 42–43

sharing settings on network with, 45–46

Macro controls, ES2, 152

magnification, Pencil tool and, 236. see alsozoom

Mapped Instrument window, 441–442

mapped instruments

creating, 440–445

defined, 533

notating drum parts, 439

Marker List

naming markers, 180–181

navigating markers, 189–190

Marker track

adding markers in, 176–179

alternative tracks in, 504

defined, 530

editing markers in, 182–183

key and menu commands for locating markers, 190

scene markers created in, 503–504


adding, 176–179

for beat mapping in spotting process, 504–508

Create Without Rounding, 505

creating from regions, 179

for cycle areas, 191–192

defined, 533

editing, 182–184

keyboard shortcuts for, 520

navigating arrangements with, 188–190

Quick Edit Marker, 506

for scenes, 503–504

for text, 180–182

for transients, 85–89

viewing in Bar ruler, 184–185


Marquee tool, 218–222, 533

selection shortcuts, 519

master channels

adding to Mixer, 293

Bnce button on, 482

channel strips and, 289

material, isolating unwanted, 227–228

Material pad, Sculpture, 158–159


import. seeimporting media

scoring to picture, 489

Media area, open/close by clicking Media button, 510, 514

Audio Bin, 54

Browser, 52–53, 60

Library, 13, 17, 20

Loops, 400

Media Loss control, Sculpture, 159

menu commands, for locating markers, 190

menus. see alsopop-up menus

Automation Parameter, 341, 361

Channel Strip Settings, 320

Chord Type, 155

Edit, 271, 272

Input, 335

instrument plug-ins. see Instrument Plug-in menu

Layers, 370–371

Mode, 387

for navigating plug-in windows, 315

Output, 335

Path, 61

Playback Mode, 134

Root Note, 155

Status, 279

Style, 423

Take Folder, 230–232

Tempo Alternative, 104–108

Tie, 426

tools. see Tool menu

Tuplet, 426

Window, 277


Click while playing option, 508

defined, 533

quantizing parts against, 264–265

Middle C, MIDI keyboard preferences, 118, 408

setting for Ultrabeat, 118


audio recorded simultaneous with, 69–70

beat mapping results in Piano Roll Editor, 105–106

Beat Mapping track, 99–101

cabling MIDI signals in Environment, 372

Click & Ports layer, 371

defined, 533

input devices, 371, 372

layered tracks, recording, 70–72

mix automation and, 340

multiplayer tracks, recording, 72–75

notation and, 407

tracks created automatically while recording, 62–65

treating MIDI hardware as software, 171–172

triggering patterns using, 134

Ultrabeat patterns, editing, 136

MIDI Activity, Transport bar, 420

MIDI controllers

cabling MIDI signals in Environment, 372

inserting notes with, 420–421

Out channel setting, 427

real-time automation, 360

MIDI editing, 243–284

aliases, 249–252

applying transform sets, 282–283

compressing/expanding region dynamics, 259–261

copies, 247–249

creating transform functions, 276–281

Delay parameter for adjusting feel, 262–263

demixing MIDI regions, 253–256

Extended Region parameters, 265–267

Gate Time parameter, 261–262

list of MIDI editors, 256

loops, 244–246

note events, 267–268

overview of, 243

quantizing regions, 263–265

region parameters, 256–257

repeating note events, 268–269

review, 283–284

selecting note events for editing, 270–273

transform functions, 274–276

transposing regions, 257

velocities, changing, 257–259

MIDI Out button, Score Editor, 413

MIDI processors

arpeggiator objects, 375–379

cable switcher objects, 391–396

cabling MIDI signals in Environment, 372–373

chord memorizer objects, 379–381

creating environment objects for processing, 373

delay line object, 382–384

in Environment, 369

monitor objects, 374–375

signal chaining with complex single processors and parallel processors, 384–386

touch tracks objects, 397–400

triggering Apple Loops, 400–403

transformer objects, 386–391

MIDI regions

beat mapping, 101–105

as data containers, 256

defined, 534

demixing, 253–256

displaying selected, 256

parameters, 256–257

preparing for notation, 435–436

quantizing, 263–265

transposing, 257

MIDI Thru tool, 376–377, 443–444

Mixer, 287–321

All view, 292–294

Arrange view, 288–291

Channel EQ, 295–300

channel strip filters, 291–292

channel strip settings, 320

channels assigned to groups, 328–331

Compressor, 303–306

DeEsser, 300–303

defined, 534

display modes, 288

extended parameters of plug-ins, 306–307

insert effects, 295

overview of, 287–288

panning stereo tracks, 312–315

plug-in locations, 318–319

plug-in window, 315–318

project templates, 11–12

review, 320–321

routing individual sounds for processing, 137–139

screenset creation, 21

send effects, 307–312

signal flow control. seesignal flow control

Single view, 294

surround mix, 462–463

workspace maximization, 23

Mixer groups. seegroups

Mixer/Arrange area. seesignal flow control


defined, 534

keyboard shortcuts, 520–521

surround sound, 462–463

Mode menu, condition splitter mode, 387

Model pop-up menu, Sculpture, 166


multi-mono insert effects, 474

using Sculpture, 167–168

modulation wheel, MIDI keyboards, 361–362

monitor objects

creating new, 389

displaying MIDI signals with, 374–375

Input View object as, 372

mono sound, Surround Panner and, 466–467

Morph pad, Sculpture, 167–168


controlling Tool menu with two-button, 36–37

suitability for setting controls, 340

Movie Files folder, 50

movies. see alsoscoring to picture

playback controlled by Transport bar, 493

proxy movies, 492

synchronization using SMPTE time code, 494

MPEG-4, high-compression format, 492

multi-channel effects, surround sound, 471–474

Multichannel Gain plug-in, 477–478

MultiMeter plug-in, 479–481

multi-mono insert effects, surround sound, 474–477

music. see alsoaudio

advances in music production industry, 1

notation. seenotation

placing music cues near scene cuts, 503–504

scoring to picture. seescoring to picture

synchronization with picture, 489


multiple tracks, 331

mute suppression, 326, 330

Mute tool, 252

Mute/Solo preferences, 256

My Templates folder, Templates dialog, 10


N key (Toggle Score Editor), 431, 435–436, 522

naming conventions

comps, 229–230

markers, 177, 180–181

regions, 94

templates, 11

tracks, 63

navigation techniques

for arrangements, 185

for layers in Environment window, 370–371

markers for navigating arrangements, 188–190

menus for navigating plug-in windows, 315

Output slots and, 324–325

playback commands for navigating arrangements, 185–188

Send slots and, 325


accessing settings, 41–42

sharing settings, 43–46

New Tracks dialog

creating new tracks, 14–16

simultaneously recording multiple tracks, 67

No Output destination, 370–371

No Overlap option, Arrange area, 221

nodes, automation

copying automation data, 345–346

creating, 342–345

scaling automated values, 351–352

Normalize parameter, regions, 263


adjusting note length, 416–418

chord symbols, 430–433

creating, 408–409

display settings, 436–439

dragging notes into the score, 415–416

drum tracks, consolidating, 439–440

graphic input for entering notes, 409–415

mapped instruments, creating, 440–445

MIDI regions, preparing for notation, 435–436

Notes Attributes dialog, 438–439

overview of, 407

parts, printing, 449–454

polyphonic staff style, 423–428

review, 454–455

score sets, 446–449

scores and parts, 445–446

staff styles, 421–423

Step Input keyboard for entering notes, 419–421

text entered into score, 429–430

text styles, 433–434

transcribing a performance, 434

note events

compressing/expanding region dynamics, 259–261

isolating when changing, 258

overview of, 267–268

repeating notes, 268–269

selecting for editing, 270–273

transposing, 257

velocities, 257

Note Pitch function, 255

Notes Attributes dialog, 438–439

NTSC display, 493


Object Parameter box

arpeggiator object, 377

defined, 535

Random parameter, 390

Range parameter, 393–394


All Objects layer, in Environment, 370

arpeggiator objects, 375–379

cable switcher objects, 391–396

chord memorizer objects, 379–381

creating, moving, naming, 375

defined, 535

delay line objects, 382–384

floating palettes and object positioning, 415–416

monitor objects, 372, 374–375

Physical Input object, 371

removing port and channel settings, 443

in Sculpture, 160–164

text object, specialized, 430–433

touch tracks objects, 397–403

transformer objects, 386–391

octave transposition, 87

offline automation

adding channels to track list for automation, 353–356

automation curves, 346–350

Automation mode interface, 340–341

copying automation data, 345–346

copying automation data between tracks, 350–351

creating automation nodes, 342–345

effect bypass and, 352

overview of, 340

scaling automated values, 351–352

offsets, creating in Step mode, 132

online resources, accessing settings backed up to .Mac account, 43

onscreen keyboard, 273

Open Library option, for creating new tracks, 16–17

Open Movie button, on Video track, 492–493

opening projects

automatically, 38–39

premade project templates, 10–11

Opens Shortcut menu, 37

Operation on Selected Events, transform functions, 275

Operations on Byte 2, transform functions, 275

Option-click (with Fade tool), deleting crossfades, 36, 523

Option-click (with Pointer tool), time stretch/expand region when resizing, 35–36, 523

Option-click cable output of object, 520

Option-click channel strip filter button, 521

Option-click fader, knob, parameter, 520

Option-click Insert/Instrument/Send slot, 521

Option-click marker in Bar ruler, locate to marker start, 188–189, 522

Option-click marker in Marker track, locate to marker start, 522

Option-click Record Enable/Solo button, turning off record-enabling for all tracks, 520

Option-click staff, place playhead at clicked position, 522


assigning groups to channels, 330

locating playhead in Score Editor, 419

returning controls to default settings, 161

Option-Command, toggling Ultrabeat into Voice mode, 133

Option–double-click marker in Bar ruler, play from marker start, 522

Option-drag (with Hand tool), copying plug-ins at dragged location, 319, 521

Option-drag (with Pointer tool), creating copy at dragged location, 345, 523

Option-K, opening Key Commands window, 31, 186, 193, 195, 523

Options Tool menu, 37


software instruments interface, 114–116

Ultrabeat interface, 118

working with drum sounds, 121


No Output destination, 370–371

routing individual sounds for processing, 137–139

Video Output, 493

output channels

All view as dedicated output mixer, 292–294

audio interface outputs, assigning, 460–462

channel strip, 289

Output Distortion parameter, Compressor plug-in, 306–307

Output menu, 335

Output slots, 324–325

overdubs, 65–66

Overlapping recordings pop-up menu, 64


page view, Score Editor, 446

Pan control, changing to Surround Panner, 463

Pan settings, in Automation Parameter menu, 361

panning stereo tracks, in Mixer, 312–315

parallel processing, MIDI signal chains, 384

parallel routing, 328


object. seeby individual object types

region. seeregion parameters

Part box

dragging notes into score, 415–416

notational symbols in, 409

options for working with text, 429

rhythmic lengths of notes, 411–412

text group in, 431


extended, 212–215

printing, 449–454

score sets changed to, 451

scores and, 445–446

Path menu, 61

Pattern Mode Off button, Ultrabeat, 134

pattern triggers

MIDI for, 134

Ultrabeat and, 135–136

PCM audio file formats, 500

PDF, save score as, 454

Pencil tool

alternate tool and, 34

Diatonic Insert feature and, 414

drawing out clicks with, 236–238

graphic input for entering notes, 413

Score Editor, 412

working with hard-wired commands, 35


comping tracks, 226

transcribing, 434

Phase Osc setting, oscillator, 121, 123

Physical Input object

cabled to Sequencer Input, 373

MIDI input devices and, 371

Piano Roll Editor

beat mapping results in, 105–106

defined, 535

displaying selected regions, 256

locators set by regions or events, 193–194

opening, 251–252

Pointer tool for selecting events, 268

recording drum tracks, 135–136

Score Editor vs., 423–424

selecting/viewing region contents, 267

skip cycle areas and, 194–195

Tool menu for, 33

Velocity tool, 270

Pickup Clock command, 512–513

pickups, in Sculpture, 164–165

pitch, Diatonic Insert feature, 413–414

pitch, matching tempo and

Apple Loops. seeApple Loops

overview of, 78–79

review, 108

rubato passages. seerubato passages

Time and Pitch Machine. seeTime and Pitch Machine

pitch transposition, Harmonic Correction and, 93–95

pivot point, Channel EQ, 298

placeholders, in track list, 370

Play from Selection (Shift-Enter), 187


disabling string animation and, 158

keyboard shortcuts, 521–522

locating playhead in Score Editor, 419

Marker List for navigating, 189–190

navigating arrangements using commands for, 185–188

of step-sequencer, 125

Touch Tracks window for quantizing, 402

Playback Mode menu, Ultrabeat, 134


adding markers on the fly in, 178–179

defined, 535

locating, 251, 419

navigating arrangements using, 185–188

new marker created at, 505


accessing settings over networks, 41–42

backing up settings, 42–43

changing locations, 318–319

Channel EQ, 295–300

Compressor, 303–306

DeEsser, 300–303

defined, 535

Direction Mixer, 313–315

Down Mixer, 481

extended parameters of, 306–307

Multichannel Gain, 477–478

MultiMeter, 479–481

saving chains of multiple, 320

surround effects, 471

switching contents of plug-in window, 315–318

pointer, becoming circular arrow for loop-length editing, 245. see also mouse

Pointer tool

adjusting chord position, 432

automating editing, 350

copying and pasting note data, 414

creating, moving, naming objects, 375

defined, 535

inputting automation data offline, 342–345

key commands assigned to, 35

navigating markers with, 189–190

positioning text with, 430

selecting events with, 268

selection techniques and, 272

working with hard-wired commands, 35–36

pop-up menus

Adjustment, 269

Key, 87

Model, 166

Overlapping recordings, 64

Show Channel Strip, 316–318

ports, removing object port settings, 443

positioning events

by spotting the video, 510–512

on Timeline, 509–510

using Event Float window, 513–514

using Pickup Clock command, 512–513

positioning markers, in Marker track, 177

positioning music, spotting, 503

pre-fader sends, 13


accessing over networks, 41–42

audio, 460–461

automation, 360

backing up, 42–43

Display Middle C As, 118, 408

editors, 135, 251

Mute/Solo, 256

project, opening and creating automatically, 38–39

Sample Editor for undoing, 92

score set layout, 452–453

sharing over networks, 43–46

Tool menu, 36–37

Prelisten audio channel strip, 90

presets, in Sculpture, 168–169

printing score, 449–454

Process and Paste button, 92, 95


effect processors. seeeffects processors

MIDI processors. seeMIDI processors

serial processing, 326, 384

surround processors, 471

Produce folder, Templates dialog, 10

Project button, 53

Project File Backups folder, 53

project folders

contents of, 50

creating, 50–53

project settings

audio, 462

metronome volume, 264

score set layout, 452–453

surround sound, 462

projects, 49–77

closing, 13

creating channels for double-tracking, 65–66

deleting unused tracks, 75–76

folders, 50–53

quickly accessing additional tracks, 62–65

recording multiple tracks simultaneously. seetracks, recording multiple

saving, 508

templates. seetemplates

working with assets, 54–61

properties tag, 83–85

proxy movies, 492, 536


Q (bandwidth), Gain-Q coupling, 299

Q-strength parameter, quantization and, 266–267


down mixing, 481

surround formats, 460


defined, 536

Q-strength parameter and, 266–267

of regions, 263–265

visual quantization of notes, 437

Quick Edit Marker, 180, 506

QuickTime movie, 494, 536


Random parameter, Object Parameter box, 390

Range parameter, Object Parameter box, 393–394

Read mode, automation modes, 344, 360, 364

real-time automation

Automation Quick Access, 360–362

group automation, 362–364

overview of, 356–360


audio and MIDI at same time, 69–70

MIDI layered tracks, 71

multiple tracks simultaneously, 68–69


creating tracks automatically while, 62–65

multiple tracks simultaneously. see

tracks, recording multiple with Ultrabeat, 135–136

Region Parameter box, in Inspector, 81, 244, 536

region parameters, 256–257

applying to incoming MIDI signals, 265

applying to multiple regions, 264

compressing/expanding region dynamics, 259–261

Delay, 262–263

Dynamics, 259–261

Extended Region, 265–267

Gate Time, 261–262

Normalize, 263

quantizing regions, 263–265

Region Parameter box, 81, 244

Transpose, 257

velocities, changing, 257–259


creating markers from, 179

dragging, 221

magnifying waveforms without zooming, 204–205

MIDI. seeMIDI regions

setting locators by, 192–194

zooming in on, 200–203

rehearsal markings, 434

Rename Comp, 229–230

Repeat Regions command, 248–249


maximizing workspace and, 22

screen resolution, 510

Resolution control, Sculpture, 159

resources, Logic Pro 8, 5

Rest parameter

inserting rests manually, 426

staff styles and, 426

Restore Backup button, 42

Restore button, 43

reverb effects

applying send effects to submixes, 327–328

automating effect bypass, 352

external effects processor and, 333

as send effect, 307–309

Space Designer, 310–311

wet-dry ratio for external hardware reverb, 335


creating rhythmic patterns with arpeggiator objects, 375–379

rhythmic interpretation and display of MIDI data, 436–439

rhythmic lengths of notes, 411–412

Right Arrow key, moving right marquee border, 220

Root Note menu, 155


individual sounds for processing, 137–139

parallel routing, 328

rubato passages, 99–108

beat mapping audio regions, 106–108

beat mapping MIDI regions, 101–105

Beat Mapping track, 99–101

checking results in Piano Roll Editor, 105–106


S button. seeSolo (S) button

S curves, automation, 349

Sample Editor, 232–238

algorithms in, 92

Arrange area vs., 232

closing, 511

defined, 232, 536

drawing out clicks with Pencil tool, 236–238

EXS24 mkII sampler in, 142–144

Harmonic Correction with pitch transposition in, 94–95

locating problem areas in, 234–236

opening external sample editor instead of, 238

opening/resizing, 510

Prelisten audio channel strip, 90

Tool menu, 33

undoing preferences in, 92

waveform, 232–233

sample rate settings, 498

Sampler Instruments folder, 50


EXS24 mkII sampler, 139–144

types of/applications of, 113

user interface, 117

samples, importing into project, 57–59

Samples folder, 50

Saturation control, drum sounds, 121

Save As window, 63


new project folder, 52

presets in Sculpture, 168–169

project templates, 37

projects, 508

zoom settings, 197

Scale parameter, stave, 449

scaling automated values, 351–352

scene markers

creating, 503

locking to SMPTE positions, 504

Scissors tool, 35


dragging notes into the, 415–416

parts and, 445–446

printing, 449–454

text entered into, 429–430

Score Editor

chord symbols, 430–433

defined, 537

editing note length, 416–417

entering notes, 407–409

entering text, 429–430

graphic input for entering notes, 409–415

keyboard shortcuts, 522

locating playhead in, 419

MIDI Out button, 413

options for displaying, 409

page view, 446

Pencil tool, 412

Piano Roll Editor vs., 423–424

staff styles, 422–423, 444

text styles, 433–434

toggling, 431, 435–436, 522

Tool menu, 32–33

score sets, 446–449

controlling display instruments with, 445–446

creating, 446–449

printing, 449–454

scaling size of staves, 449

scoring to picture, 489–516

detecting cuts for spotting, 503–504

importing Broadcast WAVE files, 500–502

importing media, 496–497

importing XML from Final Cut Pro, 497–500

locking SMPTE position of sound effects, 502–503

markers for beat mapping in spotting, 504–508

Open Movie button on Video track, 492–493

overview of, 489

positioning events by spotting the video, 510–512

positioning events on Timeline, 509–510

positioning events using Event Float window, 513–514

positioning events using Pickup Clock command, 512–513

review, 515–516

SMPTE time code, 494–496

spotting (positioning music), 503

synchronization setup, 490–492

wrapping the project, 515

screen resolution, 510


adding Command-click tool to, 34

creating, 20–21

defined, 537

importing, 40–41

keyboard shortcuts, 522

locking/unlocking, 24–26, 341


screen resolution, setting hiding scroll arrow, 289

with Up/Down arrows, 289

Sculpture, 156–169

adjusting pickups in, 165–167

description/applications of, 112

modulation in, 167–168

objects in, 160–164

processing sound, 165–167

saving and trying presets, 168–169

sound design with, 156–157

string element, 157–160

search field, Key Commands window, 31–32

Search Tags pane, 84

searching project files, in Browser, 52–53

Select Events by Conditions, transform functions, 275

selection techniques, 270–273

channel strips, 324

onscreen keyboard, 273

Pointer tool, 272

Shift with selection rectangle, 345

Shift-clicking, 272

Toggle Selection command, 271

send effects

applying to submixes, 327–328

external effects processors treated as, 333

IRs (impulse responses), 310–311

Mixer, 307–312

Send slots, navigation techniques, 325

Sensitivity settings

beat mapping audio regions using, 106–108

for Detector tool, 302

working with transients, 88

Sequencer Input, 373

sequencing sounds, Ultrabeat

copying sequence part from one sound to another, 128–130

working with, 126–127

serial processing, 326, 384

Shift-click (with Pencil tool), importing audio file at clicked location, 35, 523

Shift-click (with Pointer tool), selecting nodes in automation track, 35, 272, 519

Shift-Control-Command-Delete, delete all automation data, 360

Shift-Control-K, create marker without rounding to nearest bar, 179, 520

Shift-Control-Z, zooming to fit locators, 203, 212, 238–239, 524

Shift-Enter, play from selection, 187, 521

Shift-L, lock/unlock screenset, 522

Shift–Left Arrow/Right Arrow, marquee selection, 220, 519

Shift-Option-drag (with Pointer tool), create alias at dragged location, 523

Shift-Spacebar, setting Rounded Locators and Cycle Play, 32, 522

shortcut menus, controlling Tool menu, 37

Show Channel Strip pop-up menu, 316–318

Shuttle Forward command, 30

Shuttle Rewind command, 28–29

sibilance, reducing with DeEsser, 300

signal flow control, 323–337

applying send effects to submixes, 327–328

assigning channels to groups, 328–331

aux channels as submixes, 324–327

cable switcher objects, 391–396

external effects processors, 333–336

mixer groups, 328

overview of, 323

parallel routing, 328

review, 336–337

temporarily disabling a group, 331–332

tracing signal flow in the Mixer, 353

Signature track, 99, 101, 154, 492, 530

Single view, Mixer display modes, 294

skip cycle areas, 194–195

Slope control, drum sounds and, 121

Smart snap, 246

SMPTE time code

audio-video synchronization and, 490

Create Without Rounding command and, 179

displaying in project Bar ruler or Transport bar, 492

locking scene markers to SMPTE positions, 504

locking SMPTE position of sound effects, 502–503

Pickup Clock command for aligning event to SMPTE position, 512

positioning events by spotting the video, 510

positioning events on Timeline and, 509

positioning events using Event Float window, 513–514

synchronization using, 494–496

syntax of, 504

Snap Automation, 346

Snap to Absolute Value option, 221

snapping, Smart snap, 246

snare drum sound, 126–127

software instruments, 110–172

choosing, 375

defined, 537

EFM 1 FM synthesizer, 148–149

ES1 virtual analog synthesizer, 149–151

ES2 synthesizer, 151–153

EVD6 vintage clavinet, 147–148

EVP88 vintage electric piano, 145–146

EXS24 mkII software sampler, 139–144

global tracks for creating quick arrangements, 153–156

review, 171–172

sampler, 113

sound design. seeSculpture

synthesizers, 112

treating MIDI hardware as software, 169–171

Ultrabeat. seeUltrabeat

user interface, 113–117

vintage keyboards, 113

Software Instruments button, New Tracks dialog, 16

Solo (S) button

creating parts with, 212–213

processing sampler instrument, 144

routing individual sounds for processing, 138

sequencing sounds in Ultrabeat, 127


aux channels, 326

multiple tracks, 331

Surround Panner controlling, 469–470

turning off, 259

Songwriter template, 10–13

sound effects

importing, 500

locking SMPTE position of, 502–503

Space Designer

importing impulse responses, 59–61

multi-channel effects, 471–474

reverb effect, 310–311


audio interface outputs and, 461

muting, 466

Surround Panner and, 464

Split/Demix, regions, 258

spotting (positioning music) the video

detecting cuts for, 503–504

markers for beat mapping, 504–508

overview of, 503

positioning events, 510–512

Spread parameter, Surround Panner, 468

staccato, Gate Time parameter and, 261


adjusting display of, 445

insertion points for adding staves, 425

locating playhead by Option-clicking in, 419

polyphonic style, 423–428

scaling size of staves, 449

styles, 421–423, 444–445

Status menu, choosing MIDI event type from, 279

Stem parameter, staff styles and, 426

step grid

automating parameters in Step mode, 131–132

copying sequence part from one sound to another, 129

sequencing sounds in Ultrabeat, 126–127

Step Input keyboard, 419–421

Step mode, 131–133

step sequencer, Ultrabeat

sequencing sounds, 126–127

working with, 125–126


balancing to surround signals, 468–470

changing to multi output from, 137–139

changing to surround, 462–463

down mixing, 481

panning stereo tracks, 312–315

Surround Panner positioning stereo signals, 468–470

Stiffness, Sculpture, 158

Strength knob, Sculpture, 161

stretching, time compression and, 247–248

string element, in Sculpture, 157–160

Style menu, 423

Style parameter, Display Parameter box, 421


staff styles, 421–423

text styles, 433–434

submix channels

applying send effects to, 327–328

aux channels as, 324–327

output settings, 462

subwoofers, LFE settings and, 460, 467

SuitcaseMkI model, 146

SUM output, MIDI input devices and, 372

Suppressor tool, reducing problem frequencies, 300–301

Surround Panner

adjusting center and LFE levels, 466–467

balancing stereo to surround signals, 468–470

muting speaker output, 466

overview of, 464–466

Pan and Balance controls changing to, 463

Spread parameter, 468

surround sound, 459–487

audio interface outputs, assigning, 460–462

checking mix, 477–481

configuring Logic for, 460

defined, 538

down mixing, 481–482

DVD audio discs, encoding, 482–484

DVD video discs, encoding, 484–486

effects, 471

encoding, 482

multi-channel effects, 471–474

multi-mono insert effects, 474–477

overview of, 459

project format for, 462

review, 487

surround mix, 462–463

Surround Panner. seeSurround Panner

Swing knob, applying swing to drum pattern, 128


Open Movie button on Video track, 492–493

overview of, 490–492

SMPTE time code, 494–496

synthesizers. see alsokeyboard instruments

EFM1 synthesizer, 148–149

ES1 synthesizer, 149–151

ES2 synthesizer, 151–153

types of/applications of, 112

user interface, 114–116

system requirements, Logic Pro 8, 3


Tab key, maximizing workspace, 23

Take Folder menu, 230–232

takes, 49–77

channels for double-tracking, 65–66

creating tracks automatically while recording, 62–65

deleting unused tracks, 75–76

folders, 50–53, 223

quickly accessing additional tracks, 62–65

recording multiple tracks simultaneously. seetracks, recording multiple

working with assets, 54–61

Tape Delay plug-in, ES1 virtual analog synthesizer and, 150–151


backing up and transporting, 39–40

creating, 13–17

creating new projects automatically using, 38–39

saving, 37

software instruments user interface, 113–117

stock project for audio-video synchronization, 490

working with, 10–13

tempo, beat mapping and, 504–508

tempo, matching pitch and

Apple Loops. seeApple Loops

overview of, 78–79

review, 108

rubato passages. seerubato passages

Time and Pitch Machine. seeTime and Pitch Machine

Tempo Alternative menu, 104–108

Tempo Change parameter, Time and Pitch Machine, 91, 94–95

Tempo slider, working with transients, 86–87

Tempo track, 99, 102–108, 492, 504, 531

Tension Mod control, Sculpture, 160


adding to markers, 180–182

cable switcher objects and, 394–395

chord symbols as specialized text object, 430–433

entered into score, 429–430

options for working with, 429

styles, 433–434

Text tool

adding marker text, 180

creating, moving, naming objects, 375

entering text into Score Editor, 429–430

options for working with text, 429

Tie menu, staff styles and, 426

Timbre control, 163–164

Time and Pitch Machine

accessing in Arrange area, 95–97

Apple Loops vs., 89–91

Harmonic Correction with pitch transposition, 93–95

time stretching and compression by dragging, 97–98

working with, 90–93

time compression, 247–248

time stretching, 97–98

timeline, positioning events on, 509–510

timing, Ultrabeat, 119

Toggle Score Editor (N), 431, 435–436, 522

Toggle Selection command, 271

Tool menu, 32–37

accessing quickly, 34–35

controlling with two-button mouse, 36–37

defined, 539

hard-wired commands of, 35–36

overview of, 32–33

using alternate tool, 33–34


customizing, 17–18

defined, 539

maximizing workspace, 22


alternate, 33–34

default tool, 33

keyboard shortcuts, 523

Touch mode, real-time automation, 356–358

touch tracks objects

Apple loops and, 400–403

overview of, 397–400

Track Automation. see also automating mix

in Arrange area, 340–341

creating nodes at region border, 344

defined, 539

importing XML into Arrange area and, 499

turning off, 500

Track Freeze button, 154, 156. see also freezing

Track Mute/Solo, 330

tracks. see also names of specific tracks

adding channels to track list for automation, 353–356

channels for double-tracking, 65–66

comping. seecomping tracks

Configure Global Tracks, 506

copying automation data between, 350–351

creating, 15–17

Cymbals, 244–246

defined, 539

deleting unused, 75–76

drum tracks, consolidating, 439–440

freezing, 154, 156

placeholders in track list, 370

quickly accessing additional, 62–65

tracks, recording multiple, 66–75

layered MIDI tracks, 70–72

MIDI and audio at same time, 69–70

multiplayer MIDI tracks, 72–75

overview of, 66–68


display settings, 436–439

guitar notation and, 408

overview of, 434

preparing MIDI regions for notation, 435–436

transform functions

applying new transform sets, 282–283

creating, 276–281

overview of, 274–276

presets, 278

transformer objects, MIDI, 386–391

Transient Division setting, 87–89


beat mapping audio regions using, 106–108

defined, 539

working with, 85–89

transitions, fades for smooth, 215–217

Transport bar

customizing, 18–19

defined, 540

displaying SMPTE time code in, 492

Go to Beginning button, 513

MIDI Activity, 420

movie playback controlled by, 493

moving and inserting notes and, 415

Transpose parameter, regions, 257

transposition, staff styles, 422

Transposition track, 154–155

Treble staff style, 424–425


step width and, 127

velocity and gate time and, 129–130

Tuplet menu, staff styles and, 426



applying swing to pattern, 128

copying sequence parts, 128–130

description/applications of, 112

drum sounds, 119–125

overview of, 117–119

recording with, 135–136

routing individual sounds for processing, 137–139

sequencing sounds, 126–127

Step mode, 131–133

step sequencer, 125–126

triggering patterns using MIDI, 134

Ultrabeat Samples folder, 50

Undo parameter, Sample Editor, 92

unlocked screensets, 24–25

Up/Down arrows, scrolling with, 289

USB, transporting setup using, 39–40

user interface, 17–26

creating screensets, 20–21

locked vs.unlocked screensets, 24–26

overview of, 113–117

Toolbar, 17–18

Transport bar, 18–19

Ultrabeat, 118–121


Variation control, Sculpture, 162

Velocity parameter, 257–259

Velocity tool, 270


scoring music to. seescoring to picture

synchronization with audio. see synchronization

Video Output, 493

Video track, 492–493, 503, 531

views, keyboard shortcuts, 523

vintage keyboards, 113

Voice Auto Select On/Off button, 121

Voice Separation tool, 428


assigning individual notes to polyphonic voices, 426–427

insertion points for adding, 425

polyphonic style and, 425–426

Voice Separation tool, 428


adjusting metronome volume, 264

automating increase in, 348–349

automation menus, 341, 361


Waveform Zoom button, 213, 218


drawing out clicks with Pencil tool, 236–238

locating problem areas with, 234–236

magnifying without zooming region, 204–205

Sample Editor for working with, 232–233

transients for working with, 85–89

Waveshaper, in Sculpture, 165–166

wet signal, ES1 virtual analog synthesizer, 151

Window menu, 277


accessing settings over network, 41–42

accessing Tool menu, 32–37

backing up and transporting setup, 39–40

backing up user settings, 42–43

creating templates, 13–17

customizing interface. seeinterface

importing screensets, 40–41

key commands and. seekey commands

opening and creating projects automatically, 38–39

project templates and, 10–13, 37

review, 46

sharing settings on network, 43–46

workspace, maximizing, 21–23

wrapping the project, 515

Write mode, real-time automation, 356–357


XML (Extensible Markup Language), 497–500


Zones view, EXS24 mkII Instrument Editor, 141

zoom, 195–205

changing zoom level, 238

Control-Option-Z (Zoom to fit), 364

Control-Shift-Z (Zoom to fit Locators), 342

defined, 195

keyboard shortcuts, 523–524

locating problem areas in Sample Editor, 235–236

magnifying waveform without, 204–205

navigating arrangements using, 187

positioning and, 196–197

regions or events, 200–203

replacing problem segments and, 218, 220

saving and recalling settings, 197–200

Zoom Horizontal In/Out command, 214, 233, 235

Zoom to fit Locators command, 203, 212, 238–239, 524

Zoom to fit Selection vertically & horizontally command, 201–203, 364, 524

Zoom tool, 238, 346–347

Zoom Vertical Out command, 22, 523

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