87. Keep the Momentum Going

It can be tough to keep the momentum going, especially when you are already working efficiently and effectively. When you reach the point where your days become routine, it may be difficult to maintain focus. The danger is that routine can become mundane and thereby lead to boredom. Keeping the momentum going, however, can be done with careful planning. Create a development plan for yourself and help your coworkers understand the importance of creating one for themselves. When you do this, you will find ways to keep your job and workplace exciting and interesting. Not to mention yourself!

Performance Prompts

When you are still working efficiently and effectively, it is time to create a new personal plan. Ask yourself:

  • What can I do to improve my communication style?

    • How well am I communicating to others?

    • How effective am I in sending verbal and nonverbal messages?

    • How good am I in tailoring my messages to the person with whom I am communicating?

  • What skills do I need to develop to improve and strengthen myself?

    • What can I do to make myself better?

    • What classes can I take to continue my self-development?

    • What projects/assignments can I volunteer to be involved in?

  • What role do I play on my team, and how can I improve it?

    • How do I add value to my team, my company, and my interactions with customers?

    • What interpersonal skills do I need to develop or strengthen?

    • What can I do to help others succeed?

  • What support do I need from others?

    • Have I developed the alliances that will help me?

    • Have I developed a relationship with a mentor?

When This Happens ...

You just received your appraisal, and you feel great. Your manager gave you the highest rating for every objective. You appreciate the rating; after all, you worked hard to achieve this level of performance.

Try This

Think it is time to rest on your laurels? NO! You reached your company goals and objectives. You feel confident you will continue to perform at this level, yet there is always room to grow. Analyze areas that could be improved and create a personal plan to continue to develop your skills. Take a class, and learn a new skill. Join a community group, and volunteer your time. Read a self-help book, and apply the knowledge you learn. Mentor someone else. Look for ways to continue to become a better version of you.

What was outstanding yesterday may only be mediocre today, not good enough tomorrow. Always look to improve.

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