53. Strong Teams = Success

Why should you be concerned with developing a team if you already have coworkers who do their jobs and meet company goals and objectives? Why would you want to rock the boat when things are going smoothly? Even though you may be sailing smoothly, you need to prepare yourself for stormy seas. When that happens, do you and your coworkers work together effectively? Or do you swim in different directions, each trying to stay afloat? When the going gets tough, do you continue giving high quality customer service? Or do you flounder and falter? Think about how you spend your days. Are your team members self-sufficient or do they come to you to solve their problems? Think about the advantages that will result if you invest the time to train your coworkers to stand together, united as one team, to achieve company goals and provide outstanding customer service.

Performance Prompts

  • Developing a strong, self-supportive, committed team initially requires a large time commitment, but the pay off is huge, particularly in terms of freeing up time later on.

  • Positive leaders understand the importance of developing leadership in others.

  • The characteristics of strong teams are:

    • They have a strongly defined mission.

    • They share common goals.

    • They openly communicate with each other in a positive, constructive manner.

    • They respect each other.

    • They trust each other.

    • They have effective leadership, both within the group and by the person managing the group.

    • All members are encouraged to actively participate.

    • Well-defined conflict resolution procedures are in place.

    • Well-defined decision making procedures are in place.

    • There is a strong focus on objectives, achievements, and improvement.

    • The group establishes ground rules for everyone to follow.

When This Happens ...

Your manager, who covers two offices, asks you to become team leader for your office. “I’ve heard from another manager that the employees aren’t working together, that there’s even been some infighting. I’ve depended on you in the past when I needed something done, and I’m depending on you now to turn things around before they get out of hand.” While you appreciate her vote of confidence, you wonder how you are going to accomplish this. There is some infighting; in fact, there is no team spirit whatsoever. You do not think there is any hope for your group.

Try This

Do not give up before you try. Understanding the characteristics of strong teams will help you define where you are and where you need to go.

Build a strong team. You can’t do it all alone.

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