57. Strengthen Your Team by Being a Team Player

No good director has ever developed an award-winning cast and then left them alone during the run of the play. If cohesiveness is the glue that binds, you must strive to make sure the glue stays strong. Whether you are the manager, a team leader, or a team member, every person must work together for the team to succeed. Take responsibility for yourself and for your team. Monitor, support, encourage, and steer your team to success.

Performance Prompts

  • Never be above doing any job. Be the first to volunteer.

  • Always show your appreciation for a job well done.

  • Give credit where credit is due.

  • Gain respect by first respecting others.

  • Commit yourself to your team. Be loyal to your coworkers.

  • Never allow yourself or your team members to become complacent.

  • Set the bar high when setting team goals. What you expect is what you are going to get, both from yourself and others.

  • Be a team booster by keeping a smile on your face, being sincere, staying actively involved in your team, maintaining an environment of mutual support, and keeping your energy level consistently high.

  • Before judging your team members, put yourself in their shoes.

  • Let your team know they can depend on you.

  • Do something every day to let your team members know you value them.

  • Remember to value your high-performance team members. Never take anyone for granted.

  • Do something every day to break the routine and have some fun.

  • Do something every day to make your team members feel good about coming to work.

When This Happens ...

You feel great about your team’s progress. You spent a lot of time encouraging open communication, developing a spirit of cooperation, showing coworkers how to become more creative, and observing your team become cohesive and united. You are proud of them, and you are pleased with yourself for investing the time and effort. It definitely was worth every minute you spent.

Try This

It is time to celebrate. You worked hard to develop your group into a self-sufficient team. They also worked hard during this change process. Reward your accomplishments. Break your new routine and have some fun. Think about what you can do for your coworkers to show your appreciation. Treat them to lunch or breakfast. Host a sporting event or take your team to a hometown game. Tell each of them specifically what you admire about them and how important they are to you.

A word of encouragement is a powerful tool.

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