9. Exude Confidence

Many confident people are made, not born. Yes, that is correct. Not all confident people were born that way. Confidence is a trait that can be developed. If you develop confidence, you can change your entire demeanor and find ways to shine in every role you play.

Performance Prompts

  • The first step in developing confidence is to create in your mind a positive vision of the person you wish to become.

  • If you have trouble seeing that vision of yourself clearly, take time to focus on the qualities you want to personify and begin to envision the “you” you want to be.

  • Keep this vision in your consciousness.

  • Change your self-talk to reflect the new you. Envision yourself as a confident person. Tell yourself that you are confident and self-assured. Picture yourself exuding confidence.

  • Act confidently. In the beginning, you will have to force yourself out of your comfort zone by acting confidently even when you do not feel confident.

  • Acting confidently does not mean being someone you are not. It does mean presenting yourself in a more self-assured manner. With practice, you will find that you no longer have to act confident because you will have become a more confident person.

  • Dress for success. When you look good, you will feel good.

  • Remember that it is up to you to sell yourself. No one can do that better than you.

  • Selling yourself does not mean bragging. Rather, it means putting your best face forward and showcasing your good qualities.

  • Always focus on your best qualities.

When This Happens ...

Today you are starting a new job in the customer service department. You were promoted because of your ability to work well with others and your knowledge of the company’s products and services. You wake up with a huge knot in your stomach. You feel as though all your confidence has been sucked out of you.

Try This

Focus on the positives. Think: I deserve this promotion because of my job knowledge, because I consistently give exceptional customer service, and because of my ability to work well with my coworkers. I am good at what I do. Next, picture yourself interacting with your customers and coworkers and presenting yourself as confident and capable. Tell yourself: I get along well with others, and my coworkers respect me. When your confidence wanes and you begin negative self-talk, immediately tell yourself to stop, change your self-talk to positive thoughts, and envision yourself handling your new duties with confidence.

Believe in yourself.

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