95. CHANGE for the Better

Life is all about change. Nothing stays the same for very long. When you learn to look change in the face and work through the process, you will find it easier to embrace change. Learn to help yourself so you can help others.

  • C-ommunicate.

    • Clearly communicate the vision, goals, and rationale for the changes. Be available. Listen carefully. Ask more questions. Get others’ opinions and reactions to the changes. Strive to be specific, candid, and objective.

  • H-elp.

    • Look for opportunities to help others work through the change process. Tell others you want to help. If you cannot help immediately, schedule a specific time when you can. Do more than you are asked to do.

  • A-nticipate.

    • Watch, look, and listen for things that seem to be wrong. Set up early warning measures to help you know when problems are arising. Fix the issue before it turns into a major problem. Review your work plan for each goal, and ask yourself what can go wrong as we work through the change? Incorporate contingency plans to avoid a crisis situation. Discuss issues with your coworkers. Have an answer for every what if you can think of.

  • N-urture.

    • Nurture yourself and those around you while you work through the transition period. Be more patient. Do not expect more than you can realistically expect. Share your needs with others, and encourage them to share their needs with you. Stay tuned in to your coworkers during the time of turmoil.

  • G-o.

    • The change is here, and there is no turning back now. It is more important than ever to display a positive attitude about the change. Remain sincere and objective, not phony and overly optimistic. Tell others exactly what is expected of them. Talk about the change in more concrete terms. Do not dwell on what used to be.

  • E-nthuse.

    • Encourage and reward others for embracing the change. Recognize achievement. Ask for and act on suggestions for improving your workplace and organization. Be a quick change artist by enthusing and energizing those around you.

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