32. Think Like a Leader

You identified the traits you want to develop. You set goals to change your behavior. Now it is time to practice, practice, practice. The only way for you to become a leader is to think like a leader. Envision yourself already possessing the leadership qualities you are developing. Visualize yourself already being a leader.

Performance Prompts

Think like a leader by:

  • Preparing for the role of participative and positive leader through visualization.

  • Envisioning yourself projecting leadership behaviors.

  • Rehearsing continually and practicing your leadership role every day.

  • Focusing on your positive qualities.

  • Turning negative self-talk into positive affirmations.

  • Affirming daily that you are a leader.

  • Listening carefully to positive self-talk and affirmations.

  • Seeking challenging opportunities.

  • Continually looking for ways to improve.

  • Always asking yourself, What would a leader do in this situation?

When This Happens ...

One of your self-development goals is to take more risks. You want to volunteer to take on a major project, but you are leery about taking risks. Perhaps you will not know how to manage a project while you are still developing your leadership skills. Maybe you should wait until you feel more comfortable.

Try This

Why wait? Think like a leader. Change your self-talk to I am ready for this. As a leader, I will take responsibility to do a great job. Talk to your manager, and explain that part of your personal development plan is taking on a major project, something you have not done before. Assure your manager that you are willing to take full responsibility to do a great job, and do your best. Ask your manager to assign you a project. Enlist the help of a trusted peer, such as Caroline, to be available if you have any problems. Seek out a mentor who will work with you and provide you with feedback as you develop your leadership qualities.

Always take personal responsibility. This is what will set you apart.

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