38. Get Ready: Things Will Not Stay the Same

No matter how much you might like things to remain status quo, they will not stay that way. The truth is there is nothing you can do about change; it is simply part of living. Any change, even a change that you welcome, is going to force you out of your comfort zone. As a result, you will lose confidence. Whether you are implementing the change or life throws you a curve, the quicker you adapt and work through the change process, the quicker you will regain your confidence and move forward.

Performance Prompts

  • Change is a process, not an event.

  • View any change as an opportunity to grow, develop, explore, and improve.

  • No matter how exciting the change, you will feel a sense of loss.

  • No matter how competent you are, you will feel a sense of uncertainty.

  • Expect the loss and uncertainty to undermine your self-confidence.

  • People process change in various ways. Some thrive on change, some adapt easily, some struggle to accept it, and some are not going to like it no matter what. How do you process change?

  • Thriving on change may not be your style, but learning to be adaptable and flexible will help you work through the process more easily.

  • Take personal responsibility to move through the change process by focusing on top priorities.

  • Go easy on yourself when you are moving through the change process. Focus only on those things that are necessary.

  • Look ahead to the end result of the change. Look for the positives.

  • When change is thrown at you, take time to adjust to what is happening. Then, move quickly into a problem solving mode.

  • Bounce back with resiliency. Resilient people deal with change more effectively.

When This Happens ...

During a meeting, your manager announces that your company has been bought out and effective two months from now you will be working for a company headquartered in Miami. You live in New Jersey! Even though he assures you that your jobs are secure, you immediately feel a sense of shock, fear, and uncertainty.

Try This

Allow yourself some time to process the news. It is normal to feel a sense of despair. After all, this is not only a major corporate change, it is a major life change. During this time, be good to yourself. Eat a healthy diet, get plenty of rest, take time to play, take time to reflect. Just remember to bounce back with resiliency. You will be better prepared when you are adaptable and flexible.

Be ready for change by looking for areas to improve.

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