63. Exemplify the Right Behavior

Exemplifying the right behavior should, by now, be your modus operandi. You have learned a lot about shining in your customer service role. When you observe the process, pay close attention to what your coworkers are doing, document both good and poor performance, and positively motivate your team, it is most important that you consistently excel in your own performance to remain a star.

Performance Prompts

  • Always act the way you expect others to act.

  • Walk the walk.

  • Talk the talk.

  • Do not expect anyone to do anything you are not willing to do.

  • Make customer service crucially important to you. If it is important to you, it will be important to your coworkers.

  • Your coworkers need to see that you truly believe your customers are your most important asset.

  • No talking negatively about or laughing at your customers. Such behavior gives others the green light to do the same.

  • Never become complacent. Always look for ways to improve your performance.

  • Remember that your coworkers are your internal customers. Treat them the way you expect them to treat external customers.

  • Talk to your coworkers respectfully, and pay close attention to their needs.

  • Staying tuned in to your customers and coworkers keeps you thinking innovatively. When you do this you will find ways to do things better.

When This Happens ...

You want to exemplify the right behavior, but you do not want your coworkers to feel you are no longer one of them. They like to joke around a lot, and customers are often the subject of their jokes. You want to stay friendly with them, yet you understand fully the concept of exemplifying the right behavior. How do you do both?

Try This

You can exemplify the right behavior and stay close to your coworkers. It is fine to laugh with someone, but it is never okay to laugh at someone. If you laugh at your customers, other people may think you laugh at them as well. People will respect you more when they see that you never make jokes at someone else’s expense. Stay friendly with your coworkers by staying interested in them. Also, pay attention to your own conduct, and analyze how you behave with your coworkers. Make sure you are not acting as though you are better than they are. You might also ask a trusted friend or coworker how you are being perceived.

Never be above doing any job. Pitch in and help. This is the best way to exemplify the right behavior.

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