23. Give and Get Accurate Information

The importance of giving and getting accurate information cannot be understated. If you and the person with whom you are communicating get it right the first time, you will not need a second time. Staying focused, paying attention, speaking clearly, and answering any questions will enhance your communication skills.

Performance Prompts

  • Never assume. You know what happens when you assume.

  • Make sure it is a good time for the conversation.

  • Keep your emotions in check if the conversation is heating up.

  • You cannot be open-minded if you are not objective.

Giving accurate information:

  • Write down the key points you want to say or ask.

  • Check for accuracy before sharing information with others.

  • If necessary, ask a coworker to review your information for accuracy.

  • Explain why you are asking or why you are giving information to help the other person be more receptive.

  • Use open-ended questions to get adequate answers.

Receiving accurate information:

  • Hear the person out so you do not jump to conclusions.

  • If you are not sure what the other person is looking for, say so.

  • Ask follow-up questions to make sure you understood correctly.

  • Recap before responding.

When This Happens ...

You need to explain to your coworkers about a new company policy that is going to affect some work shifts. This is not going to sit well with them. You want to make sure they stay tuned in as this policy will affect their jobs and, maybe, their attitudes.

Try This

First help your coworkers understand why you are asking them to make this change. Do not make light of what you are saying. Rather, keep an objective point of view. They might not agree, but if they understand the reason for the change, you are more likely to gain their acceptance. For example, say something like, “We’ve discovered a scheduling problem for our customers. To accommodate their needs, we’re going to schedule our deliveries to begin at a later time each day. That’s going to mean rescheduling some shifts, and while I realize this may create problems for those of you who will have to work later, we need to do this to keep our customers satisfied. Let me tell you about it, and then we’ll discuss how we can best meet everyone’s needs.” Now state specifically what the change is. Ask questions to ensure understanding, and listen closely to the responses.

Allowing others to share in some decisions will make it easier for them to accept the decisions you are not able to let them share.

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