Chapter 10. Publishing InfoPath Forms

With many other programs such as Access or development languages such as Visual Basic, when you create applications with forms you need to distribute the applications onto either a shared network or using a setup program. When Web applications are created and are ready for production, the HTML files are published to a Web server for user access. InfoPath enables you to use some of the ways just mentioned to distribute forms, but also introduces new ways as well.

Thus far in the book you have primarily seen how to design and preview forms. This is great, but if you don't know how to publish them for other people's use, or for your own use beyond your computer, they don't do much good. This chapter discusses how to publish your form. In this chapter you will:

  • See the various ways to publish InfoPath forms.

  • Publish an InfoPath form to a shared location on the local network.

  • E-mail a form to a user for them to fill out.

  • Publish an InfoPath form to a Web Server.

  • Merge data from multiple forms.

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