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et’s recap: in Part 1 we established that it’s bad to be
boring, a conversational approach can create interest, tone
of voice is about the individual voice you heard when you
read what’s on the page, and a few extra words can make all the
difference when it comes to creating brilliant copy. In short
we’ve talked over some of the background to being a brilliant
copywriter. Now let’s zoom in a bit and look at the practice of
I’ve divided the writing process into three stages: before, during
and after.That’s an over-simplification of course in real life the
boundaries are blurred as the various stages overlap, repeat and
run in parallel. Still, it’s a useful and intuitive way of bringing
clarity to a confused and essentially subconscious process. So
don’t worry too much about how I’ve chosen to structure this
part just take what you need and apply it where and when you
need it.
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