Architecture Prerequisite

Software architecture is the high-level part of software design, the frame that holds the more detailed parts of the design (Buschman et al. 1996; Fowler 2002; Bass Clements, Kazman 2003; Clements et al. 2003). Architecture is also known as "system architecture," "high-level design," and "top-level design." Typically, the architecture is described in a single document referred to as the "architecture specification" or "top-level design." Some people make a distinction between architecture and high-level design—architecture refers to design constraints that apply systemwide, whereas high-level design refers to design constraints that apply at the subsystem or multiple-class level, but not necessarily systemwide.


For more information on design at all levels, see Chapter 5 through Chapter 9.

Because this book is about construction, this section doesn't tell you how to develop a software architecture; it focuses on how to determine the quality of an existing architecture. Because architecture is one step closer to construction than requirements, however, the discussion of architecture is more detailed than the discussion of requirements.


Why have architecture as a prerequisite? Because the quality of the architecture determines the conceptual integrity of the system. That in turn determines the ultimate quality of the system. A well-thought-out architecture provides the structure needed to maintain a system's conceptual integrity from the top levels down to the bottom. It provides guidance to programmers—at a level of detail appropriate to the skills of the programmers and to the job at hand. It partitions the work so that multiple developers or multiple development teams can work independently.

Good architecture makes construction easy. Bad architecture makes construction almost impossible. Figure 3-7 illustrates another problem with bad architecture.

Without good software architecture, you may have the right problem but the wrong solution. It may be impossible to have successful construction

Figure 3-7. Without good software architecture, you may have the right problem but the wrong solution. It may be impossible to have successful construction

Without good software architecture, you may have the right problem but the wrong solution. It may be impossible to have successful construction

Architectural changes are expensive to make during construction or later. The time needed to fix an error in a software architecture is on the same order as that needed to fix a requirements error—that is, more than that needed to fix a coding error (Basili and Perricone 1984, Willis 1998). Architecture changes are like requirements changes in that seemingly small changes can be far-reaching. Whether the architectural changes arise from the need to fix errors or the need to make improvements, the earlier you can identify the changes, the better.

Typical Architectural Components

Many components are common to good system architectures. If you're building the whole system yourself, your work on the architecture will overlap your work on the more detailed design. In such a case, you should at least think about each architectural component. If you're working on a system that was architected by someone else, you should be able to find the important components without a bloodhound, a deer-stalker cap, and a magnifying glass. In either case, here are the architectural components to consider.


For details on lower-level program design, see Chapter 5 through Chapter 9.

Program Organization

A system architecture first needs an overview that describes the system in broad terms. Without such an overview, you'll have a hard time building a coherent picture from a thousand details or even a dozen individual classes. If the system were a little 12-piece jigsaw puzzle, your one-year-old could solve it between spoonfuls of strained asparagus. A puzzle of 12 subsystems is harder to put together, and if you can't put it together, you won't understand how a class you're developing contributes to the system.

If you can't explain something to a six-year-old, you really don't understand it yourself.

Albert Einstein

In the architecture, you should find evidence that alternatives to the final organization were considered and find the reasons for choosing the final organization over its alternatives. It's frustrating to work on a class when it seems as if the class's role in the system has not been clearly conceived. By describing the organizational alternatives, the architecture provides the rationale for the system organization and shows that each class has been carefully considered. One review of design practices found that the design rationale is at least as important for maintenance as the design itself (Rombach 1990).

The architecture should define the major building blocks in a program. Depending on the size of the program, each building block might be a single class or it might be a subsystem consisting of many classes. Each building block is a class, or it's a collection of classes or routines that work together on high-level functions such as interacting with the user, displaying Web pages, interpreting commands, encapsulating business rules, or accessing data. Every feature listed in the requirements should be covered by at least one building block. If a function is claimed by two or more building blocks, their claims should cooperate, not conflict.


For details on different size building blocks in design, see "Levels of Design" in Key Design Concepts.

What each building block is responsible for should be well defined. A building block should have one area of responsibility, and it should know as little as possible about other building blocks' areas of responsibility. By minimizing what each building block knows about the other building blocks, you localize information about the design into single building blocks.


Minimizing what each building block knows about other building blocks is a key part of information hiding. For details, see "Hide Secrets (Information Hiding)" in Design Building Blocks: Heuristics.

The communication rules for each building block should be well defined. The architecture should describe which other building blocks the building block can use directly, which it can use indirectly, and which it shouldn't use at all.

Major Classes

The architecture should specify the major classes to be used. It should identify the responsibilities of each major class and how the class will interact with other classes. It should include descriptions of the class hierarchies, of state transitions, and of object persistence. If the system is large enough, it should describe how classes are organized into subsystems.


For details on class design, see Chapter 6.

The architecture should describe other class designs that were considered and give reasons for preferring the organization that was chosen. The architecture doesn't need to specify every class in the system. Aim for the 80/20 rule: specify the 20 percent of the classes that make up 80 percent of the system's behavior (Jacobsen, Booch, and Rumbaugh 1999; Kruchten 2000).

Data Design

The architecture should describe the major files and table designs to be used. It should describe alternatives that were considered and justify the choices that were made. If the application maintains a list of customer IDs and the architects have chosen to represent the list of IDs using a sequential-access list, the document should explain why a sequential-access list is better than a random-access list, stack, or hash table. During construction, such information gives you insight into the minds of the architects. During maintenance, the same insight is an invaluable aid. Without it, you're watching a foreign movie with no subtitles.


For details on working with variables, see Chapter 10 through Chapter 13.

Data should normally be accessed directly by only one subsystem or class, except through access classes or routines that allow access to the data in controlled and abstract ways. This is explained in more detail in "Hide Secrets (Information Hiding)" in Design Building Blocks: Heuristics.

The architecture should specify the high-level organization and contents of any databases used. The architecture should explain why a single database is preferable to multiple databases (or vice versa), explain why a database is preferable to flat files, identify possible interactions with other programs that access the same data, explain what views have been created on the data, and so on.

Business Rules

If the architecture depends on specific business rules, it should identify them and describe the impact the rules have on the system's design. For example, suppose the system is required to follow a business rule that customer information should be no more than 30 seconds out of date. In that case, the impact that rule has on the architecture's approach to keeping customer information up to date and synchronized should be described.

User Interface Design

The user interface is often specified at requirements time. If it isn't, it should be specified in the software architecture. The architecture should specify major elements of Web page formats, GUIs, command line interfaces, and so on. Careful architecture of the user interface makes the difference between a well-liked program and one that's never used.

The architecture should be modularized so that a new user interface can be substituted without affecting the business rules and output parts of the program. For example, the architecture should make it fairly easy to lop off a group of interactive interface classes and plug in a group of command line classes. This ability is often useful, especially since command line interfaces are convenient for software testing at the unit or subsystem level.

The design of user interfaces deserves its own book-length discussion but is outside the scope of this book.

Resource Management

The architecture should describe a plan for managing scarce resources such as database connections, threads, and handles. Memory management is another important area for the architecture to treat in memory-constrained applications areas such as driver development and embedded systems. The architecture should estimate the resources used for nominal and extreme cases. In a simple case, the estimates should show that the resources needed are well within the capabilities of the intended implementation environment. In a more complex case, the application might be required to more actively manage its own resources. If it is, the resource manager should be architected as carefully as any other part of the system.


The architecture should describe the approach to design-level and code-level security. If a threat model has not previously been built, it should be built at architecture time. Coding guidelines should be developed with security implications in mind, including approaches to handling buffers, rules for handling untrusted data (data input from users, cookies, configuration data, and other external interfaces), encryption, level of detail contained in error messages, protecting secret data that's in memory, and other issues.

Further Reading

For an excellent discussion of software security, see Writing Secure Code, 2d Ed. (Howard and LeBlanc 2003) as well as the January 2002 issue of IEEE Software.


If performance is a concern, performance goals should be specified in the requirements. Performance goals can include resource use, in which case the goals should also specify priorities among resources, including speed vs. memory vs. cost.

Further Reading

For additional information on designing systems for performance, see Connie Smith's Performance Engineering of Software Systems (1990).

The architecture should provide estimates and explain why the architects believe the goals are achievable. If certain areas are at risk of failing to meet their goals, the architecture should say so. If certain areas require the use of specific algorithms or data types to meet their performance goals, the architecture should say that. The architecture can also include space and time budgets for each class or object.


Scalability is the ability of a system to grow to meet future demands. The architecture should describe how the system will address growth in number of users, number of servers, number of network nodes, number of database records, size of database records, transaction volume, and so on. If the system is not expected to grow and scalability is not an issue, the architecture should make that assumption explicit.


If the system is expected to share data or resources with other software or hardware, the architecture should describe how that will be accomplished.


"Internationalization" is the technical activity of preparing a program to support multiple locales. Internationalization is often known as "I18n" because the first and last characters in "internationalization" are "I" and "N" and because there are 18 letters in the middle of the word. "Localization" (known as "L10n" for the same reason) is the activity of translating a program to support a specific local language.

Internationalization issues deserve attention in the architecture for an interactive system. Most interactive systems contain dozens or hundreds of prompts, status displays, help messages, error messages, and so on. Resources used by the strings should be estimated. If the program is to be used commercially, the architecture should show that the typical string and character-set issues have been considered, including character set used (ASCII, DBCS, EBCDIC, MBCS, Unicode, ISO 8859, and so on), kinds of strings used (C strings, Visual Basic strings, and so on), maintaining the strings without changing code, and translating the strings into foreign languages with minimal impact on the code and the user interface. The architecture can decide to use strings in line in the code where they're needed, keep the strings in a class and reference them through the class interface, or store the strings in a resource file. The architecture should explain which option was chosen and why.


Input/output (I/O) is another area that deserves attention in the architecture. The architecture should specify a look-ahead, look-behind, or just-in-time reading scheme. And it should describe the level at which I/O errors are detected: at the field, record, stream, or file level.

Error Processing

Error Processing

Error processing is turning out to be one of the thorniest problems of modern computer science, and you can't afford to deal with it haphazardly. Some people have estimated that as much as 90 percent of a program's code is written for exceptional, error-processing cases or housekeeping, implying that only 10 percent is written for nominal cases (Shaw in Bentley 1982). With so much code dedicated to handling errors, a strategy for handling them consistently should be spelled out in the architecture.

Error handling is often treated as a coding-convention-level issue, if it's treated at all. But because it has systemwide implications, it is best treated at the architectural level. Here are some questions to consider:

  • Is error processing corrective or merely detective? If corrective, the program can attempt to recover from errors. If it's merely detective, the program can continue processing as if nothing had happened, or it can quit. In either case, it should notify the user that it detected an error.

  • Is error detection active or passive? The system can actively anticipate errors—for example, by checking user input for validity—or it can passively respond to them only when it can't avoid them—for example, when a combination of user input produces a numeric overflow. It can clear the way or clean up the mess. Again, in either case, the choice has user-interface implications.

  • How does the program propagate errors? Once it detects an error, it can immediately discard the data that caused the error, it can treat the error as an error and enter an error-processing state, or it can wait until all processing is complete and notify the user that errors were detected (somewhere).

  • What are the conventions for handling error messages? If the architecture doesn't specify a single, consistent strategy, the user interface will appear to be a confusing macaroni-and-dried-bean collage of different interfaces in different parts of the program. To avoid such an appearance, the architecture should establish conventions for error messages.

  • How will exceptions be handled? The architecture should address when the code can throw exceptions, where they will be caught, how they will be logged, how they will be documented, and so on.

  • Inside the program, at what level are errors handled? You can handle them at the point of detection, pass them off to an error-handling class, or pass them up the call chain.


    A consistent method of handling bad parameters is another aspect of error-processing strategy that should be addressed architecturally. For examples, see Chapter 8.

  • What is the level of responsibility of each class for validating its input data? Is each class responsible for validating its own data, or is there a group of classes responsible for validating the system's data? Can classes at any level assume that the data they're receiving is clean?

  • Do you want to use your environment's built-in exception-handling mechanism or build your own? The fact that an environment has a particular error-handling approach doesn't mean that it's the best approach for your requirements.

Fault Tolerance

The architecture should also indicate the kind of fault tolerance expected. Fault tolerance is a collection of techniques that increase a system's reliability by detecting errors, recovering from them if possible, and containing their bad effects if not.

Further Reading

For a good introduction to fault tolerance, see the July 2001 issue of IEEE Software. In addition to providing a good introduction, the articles cite many key books and key articles on the topic.

For example, a system could make the computation of the square root of a number fault tolerant in any of several ways:

  • The system might back up and try again when it detects a fault. If the first answer is wrong, it would back up to a point at which it knew everything was all right and continue from there.

  • The system might have auxiliary code to use if it detects a fault in the primary code. In the example, if the first answer appears to be wrong, the system switches over to an alternative square-root routine and uses it instead.

  • The system might use a voting algorithm. It might have three square-root classes that each use a different method. Each class computes the square root, and then the system compares the results. Depending on the kind of fault tolerance built into the system, it then uses the mean, the median, or the mode of the three results.

  • The system might replace the erroneous value with a phony value that it knows to have a benign effect on the rest of the system.

Other fault-tolerance approaches include having the system change to a state of partial operation or a state of degraded functionality when it detects an error. It can shut itself down or automatically restart itself. These examples are necessarily simplistic. Fault tolerance is a fascinating and complex subject—unfortunately, it's one that's outside the scope of this book.

Architectural Feasibility

The designers might have concerns about a system's ability to meet its performance targets, work within resource limitations, or be adequately supported by the implementation environments. The architecture should demonstrate that the system is technically feasible. If infeasibility in any area could render the project unworkable, the architecture should indicate how those issues have been investigated—through proof-of-concept prototypes, research, or other means. These risks should be resolved before full-scale construction begins.


Robustness is the ability of a system to continue to run after it detects an error. Often an architecture specifies a more robust system than that specified by the requirements. One reason is that a system composed of many parts that are minimally robust might be less robust than is required overall. In software, the chain isn't as strong as its weakest link; it's as weak as all the weak links multiplied together. The architecture should clearly indicate whether programmers should err on the side of overengineering or on the side of doing the simplest thing that works.

Specifying an approach to overengineering is particularly important because many programmers overengineer their classes automatically, out of a sense of professional pride. By setting expectations explicitly in the architecture, you can avoid the phenomenon in which some classes are exceptionally robust and others are barely adequate.

Buy-vs.-Build Decisions

The most radical solution to building software is not to build it at all—to buy it instead or to download open-source software for free. You can buy GUI controls, database managers, image processors, graphics and charting components, Internet communications components, security and encryption components, spreadsheet tools, text-processing tools—the list is nearly endless. One of the greatest advantages of programming in modern GUI environments is the amount of functionality you get automatically: graphics classes, dialog box managers, keyboard and mouse handlers, code that works automatically with any printer or monitor, and so on.


For a list of kinds of commercially available software components and libraries, see "Code Libraries" in Executable-Code Tools.

If the architecture isn't using off-the-shelf components, it should explain the ways in which it expects custom-built components to surpass ready-made libraries and components.

Reuse Decisions

If the plan calls for using preexisting software, test cases, data formats, or other materials, the architecture should explain how the reused software will be made to conform to the other architectural goals—if it will be made to conform.

Change Strategy

Because building a software product is a learning process for both the programmers and the users, the product is likely to change throughout its development. Changes arise from volatile data types and file formats, changed functionality, new features, and so on. The changes can be new capabilities likely to result from planned enhancements, or they can be capabilities that didn't make it into the first version of the system. Consequently, one of the major challenges facing a software architect is making the architecture flexible enough to accommodate likely changes.


For details on handling changes systematically, see Configuration Management.

The architecture should clearly describe a strategy for handling changes. The architecture should show that possible enhancements have been considered and that the enhancements most likely are also the easiest to implement. If changes are likely in input or output formats, style of user interaction, or processing requirements, the architecture should show that the changes have all been anticipated and that the effects of any single change will be limited to a small number of classes. The architecture's plan for changes can be as simple as one to put version numbers in data files, reserve fields for future use, or design files so that you can add new tables. If a code generator is being used, the architecture should show that the anticipated changes are within the capabilities of the code generator.

Design bugs are often subtle and occur by evolution with early assumptions being forgotten as new features or uses are added to a system.

Fernando J. Corbató

The architecture should indicate the strategies that are used to delay commitment. For example, the architecture might specify that a table-driven technique be used rather than hard-coded if tests. It might specify that data for the table is to be kept in an external file rather than coded inside the program, thus allowing changes in the program without recompiling.


For a full explanation of delaying commitment, see "Choose Binding Time Consciously" in Design Building Blocks: Heuristics.

General Architectural Quality

A good architecture specification is characterized by discussions of the classes in the system, of the information that's hidden in each class, and of the rationales for including and excluding all possible design alternatives.


For more information about how quality attributes interact, see Characteristics of Software Quality.

The architecture should be a polished conceptual whole with few ad hoc additions. The central thesis of the most popular software-engineering book ever, The Mythical Man-Month, is that the essential problem with large systems is maintaining their conceptual integrity (Brooks 1995). A good architecture should fit the problem. When you look at the architecture, you should be pleased by how natural and easy the solution seems. It shouldn't look as if the problem and the architecture have been forced together with duct tape.

You might know of ways in which the architecture was changed during its development. Each change should fit in cleanly with the overall concept. The architecture shouldn't look like a U.S. Congress appropriations bill complete with pork-barrel, boondoggle riders for each representative's home district.

The architecture's objectives should be clearly stated. A design for a system with a primary goal of modifiability will be different from one with a goal of uncompromised performance, even if both systems have the same function.

The architecture should describe the motivations for all major decisions. Be wary of "we've always done it that way" justifications. One story goes that Beth wanted to cook a pot roast according to an award-winning pot roast recipe handed down in her husband's family. Her husband, Abdul, said that his mother had taught him to sprinkle it with salt and pepper, cut both ends off, put it in the pan, cover it, and cook it. Beth asked, "Why do you cut both ends off?" Abdul said, "I don't know. I've always done it that way. Let me ask my mother." He called her, and she said, "I don't know. I've always done it that way. Let me ask your grandmother." She called his grandmother, who said, "I don't know why you do it that way. I did it that way because it was too big to fit in my pan."

Good software architecture is largely machine- and language-independent. Admittedly, you can't ignore the construction environment. By being as independent of the environment as possible, however, you avoid the temptation to overarchitect the system or to do a job that you can do better during construction. If the purpose of a program is to exercise a specific machine or language, this guideline doesn't apply.

The architecture should tread the line between underspecifying and overspecifying the system. No part of the architecture should receive more attention than it deserves, or be overdesigned. Designers shouldn't pay attention to one part at the expense of another. The architecture should address all requirements without gold-plating (without containing elements that are not required).

The architecture should explicitly identify risky areas. It should explain why they're risky and what steps have been taken to minimize the risk.

The architecture should contain multiple views. Plans for a house will include elevations, floor plan, framing plan, electrical diagrams, and other views of the house. Software architecture descriptions also benefit from providing different views of the system that flush out errors and inconsistencies and help programmers fully understand the system's design (Kruchten 1995).

Finally, you shouldn't be uneasy about any parts of the architecture. It shouldn't contain anything just to please the boss. It shouldn't contain anything that's hard for you to understand. You're the one who'll implement it; if it doesn't make sense to you, how can you implement it?

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